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sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor; irritating; deeply or violently bitter; acrimonious (an acrid denunciation); caustic
acridity, acridness.nouns

a contractile protein occurring in the form of filaments and found in the form of filaments of the cytoskeletons of all cells

the system of actin and myosin that, with other substances, constitutes muscle fiber and is responsible for muscular contraction

the process of doing or performing something (the act of thinking; the act of forming an agreement; how does God act?); a deed (a charitable act); also, one of the major divisions of a play or an opera
get one's act together.phrasal_verb
to begin to function in a skillful or efficient.manner; to put one's life, thoughts or emotions in order; cease to be confused or misdirected
act, acted, acting, acts.verbs
transitive verb use.to play the part of; to perform a role on the stage
intransitive verb use.to behave or comport oneself (he acts like a born leader); to perform in a dramaticrole or roles
an actor is someone whose job is acting in plays or films; the word actor in the singular.usually.refers to a man, but some women who act prefer to be called actors rather than.actresses; one who takes part; a participant

an instrument in writing to verify.facts, as an act of a parliament; a decision in writing made by a legislative body stating that a thing has been said, done or agreed; signifies the result of a public deliberation of a legislative body

the state or process of acting or doing; a deed; a movement or a series of movements; manner of movement (a horse with good action; a gearshift with smooth action); habitual or vigorous activity; energy (a woman of action); behavior or conduct; the operating parts of a mechanism; the manner in which such parts operate; in law, a judicial.proceeding whose purpose is to obtain relief at the hands of a court
avoiding taking action (they remained actionless regarding what they knew criminals were up to)
capable of being acted on (actionable information); in law, giving cause for legal action (an actionable statement); if something that you do or say to someone is actionable, it gives them a valid reason for bringing a legal case against you
a film dominated by a high degree of exciting action

acute, acuter, acutest.adjectives
sharp pointed; marked by keen.discernment or intellectual perception especially of subtle.distinctions; penetrating.(an acute thinker); felt, perceived or experienced intensely (acute insight); responsive to slight impressions or stimuli-(acute hearing); characterized by sharpness or severity (acute pain); having a sudden onset, sharp rise and short course or duration (acute pain); seriously demanding urgent attention
acuteness, acuity.noun
acute.stresses.intensification of conditions leading to a culmination or breaking point (an acute housing shortage); acute suggests severe intensification of an event, condition, etc.
synonyms-critical, crucial
crucial mean of uncertain outcome; suggests a dividing of the ways and often a test or trial involving the determination of a future course or direction (a crucial vote)

ad hoc.adverb
for the special purpose or end presently under consideration

ad hominem.adjective
attacking one's opponent rather than dealing with the subject under discussion; appealing to one's prejudices, selfish interests, etc., rather than to reason

ad infinitum.adverb
ad infinitum.adjective
to infinity; having no end

ad nauseam.adverb
to a sickening excessive degree; towards mental boredom

an old saying that has been popularly accepted as a truth

unbreakable hardness; unyielding; firm
inflexibly; unshakably (adamantly opposed to corruptness)

sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need

accuse, accused, accusing, accuses.verbs
transitive verb use.to charge with a shortcoming or an error; to charge with a wrongdoing
intransitive verb use.to make a charge of wrongdoing against another
containing or expressing accusation
the accusative case in grammar
containing or expressing accusation (an accusitive look)
Grammar:.of, relating to or being the case of a noun, pronoun, adjective or participle that is the direct object of a verb or the object of certain prepositions
accusatorial, accusatory.adjectives
containing or implying accusation (the teacher had an accusatorial glare; she finally got over her accusatorial attitude)

an act of accusing or the state of being accused; a charge of wrongdoing that is made against someone

a purine-derivative; occurs in nucleotides and nucleic acids, RNA and DNA, like guanine

a nucleoside, C10H13N5O4 (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen), that is a structural component of nucleic acids and the major molecular component of ADP, AMP and ATP; a blend of adenine and ribose

adjudicate, adjudicated, adjudicating, adjudicates.transitive verbs
to hear and settle (a case) by judicial procedure; to study and settle a dispute or controversy (had to ask the school principal to adjudicate the quarrel)

adjudge, adjudged, adjudging, adjudges.transitive verbs
Law:.in law, to determine or decide by judicial.procedure; adjudicate; to order judicially; rule; to award damages for example, by law to one having suffered the results of a criminal.act; to regard, consider or deem (was adjudged incompetent)

highly skilled; an expert; proficient

abhor, abhorred, abhorring, abhors.transitive verbs
if you abhor something, you feel a loathing or sickening in the stomach area, because it is upsetting to have that thought in either in the forefront or the background of one's mind and you want nothing to do with it; abhorring another is feeling that they are detestable and wanting nothing to do with them; a feeling of discontent; to regard with horror or loathing; to shun; repulsed by; something repugnant; disgusting; abominable; actions and/or situations that are upsetting; something you want to reject.vehemently; to shrink from (what is this now they are asking us to do at the end of this hot day at the end of the week and for no pay? I've had enough already, they can find others to do it; it's abhorring!)
one that is disgusting, loathsome or repellent; a feeling of repugnance or loathing
disgusting, loathsome or repellent; feeling repugnance or loathing; being strongly opposed

unequivocally.detestable; loathsome (abominable treatment of people); contrary to decency (wild parties are only fun at the time, but for those who hear them, they are unappealing) thoroughly.unpleasant or disagreeable (an abominable climb up the mountain in the rain)
if you say that something is an abomination, you think that it is completely unacceptable, that it is disgusting to you; intense.aversion or loathing; detestation; a vile or shameful action, condition or habit; abhorrence; disgust; a cause of abhorrence or disgust
abominate, abominated, abominating, abominates.transitive verbs
to detest.thoroughly; abhor; to deprecate as a bad omen

adhere, adhered, adhering, adheres.intransitive verbs
to stick fast by or as if by suction or glue; to be a devoted follower or supporter; to carry out a plan, a scheme or an operation without deviation (we will adhere to our vacation plans)
a supporter, as of a cause or an individual
sticking or holding fast
the act, action or quality of adhering; steady or faithful attachment; fidelity

tending to adhere; sticky; glue; gummed so as to adhere; tending to persist; difficult if not impossible to shake off
a substance, such as paste or cement, that provides or promotes adhesion
stuck together; in physics: the force that holds together the unlike molecules of substances whose surfaces are in contact (distinguished from cohesion)

lying near; contiguous; right next to; adjoining; neighbouring; bordering

one who aids or abets a lawbreaker in a criminal act, either as a principal or an accessory; (alteration of complice)

amplify, amplified, amplifying, amplifies.verbs
transitive verb use.to make larger or more powerful; increase; to add to, as by illustrations; make complete; to exaggerate; to produce amplification of (amplify an electrical signal)
intransitive verb use.to write or discourse at length; expatiate.(let me amplify so that you will understand the overall problem)
the act or result of amplifying, enlarging or extending; an addition to or expansion of a statement or idea; a statement with such an addition; in physics, the process of increasing the magnitude of a variable.quantity, especially the magnitude of voltage, power or current, without altering any other quality; the result of such a process; in electronics, called 'gain'
one that amplifies, enlarges or extends; in electronics, a device, especially one using transistors or electron tubes, that produces amplification of an electrical signal

attune, attuned, attuning, attunes.transitive verbs
to bring into a harmonious or responsive relationship (an industry that is not attuned to the demands of the market)
Music:.to put an instrument into correct tune

a rubbing away or wearing down by friction; a gradual diminution in number or strength because of constant stress; a gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation or from passing on

affix, affixed, affixing, affixes.transitive verbs
to secure to something; attach (affix a label to a package); to impute; attribute-(affix blame to him); to place at the end; append (affix a postscript to a letter)
Grammar:.to add as an affix
something that is attached, joined or added; an addition
Linguistics:.a word element, such as a prefix or suffix, that can only occur attached to a base, stem or root

a bet; the stake that each poker player must put into the pool before receiving a hand or before receiving new cards; price to be paid, especially as one's share; cost
ante, anted or anteed, anteing, antes.verbs
transitive verb use.to put (one's stake) into the pool in poker; to pay (let's ante up the bill)
intransitive verb use.to pay up
