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a story one knows that may not be true but which may be used to teach a principle; a parable; a falsehood; a story often employing as characters, animals that speak and act like human beings; a story about legendary individuals and exploits
made known or famous by fables; legendary; existing only in fables; fictitious; falsehood; a lie
fable, fabled, fabling, fables.verbs
transitive verb use.to recount as if true
intransitive verb use.to compose fables

fairy tale.noun,.plural.fairy tales
a fictitious, highly fanciful story or explanation; a fanciful tale of legendary.deeds and.creatures, usually intended for children (the religion of evolution is designed to encapsulate minds not yet having developed analytical.thinking.skills)

fabricate, fabricated, fabricating, fabricates.transitive verbs
to make; build; construct; manufacture; to concoct in order to deceive (fabricated a document to lead others astray; propagandized the school system in order to maintain government and financial control over the up and coming generation) 
something fabricated
fabrication, fabricator, fabricant, fabricator.nouns

containing or based on a fallacy.(a fallacious assumption); tending to mislead; deceptive-(fallacious testimony) 

created in the fancy; unreal (a fanciful story); tending to indulge in fancy (a fanciful mind); showing invention or whimsy in design; imaginative; a fantasy; fantastic

the mental faculty through which whims, visions and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature; an image or a fantastic invention created by the mind; a capricious.notion; a whim; amorous or romantic.attachment; love
fancy, fancier, fanciest.adjectives
highly decorated; stunning so as to be predominant (a fancy hat that took our attention); capricious; executed with skill (the artist did some pretty fancy work); complex or intricate (the fancy footwork of a figure skater); of superior-grade; fine (fancy preserves); excessive or exorbitant (paid a fancy price for the car) 
fancy, fancied, fancying, fancies.transitive verbs
to visualize; imagine ("She tried to fancy what the flame of a candle looks like after the candle is blown out"....Lewis Carroll); to take a fancy to; like
fancily, fancifully.adverbs
created in the fancy; unreal (a fanciful story); tending to indulge in fancy (a fanciful mind); showing invention or whimsy in design; imaginative

a false or mistaken idea, opinion; a false notion; a statement or an argument based on a false or an invalid-inference; incorrectness of reasoning or belief; erroneousness; the quality of being deceptive

the quality or condition of being false; something false; a lie

false, falser, falsest.adjectives
contrary to fact or truth (false promises); deliberately untrue: delivered false testimony under oath; arising from mistaken ideas (false hopes of having a successful life living from the ego level); intentionally.deceptive (a suitcase with a false bottom; false hopes and promises are doled out by persons concerned with deception); not keeping faith; treacherous.(a false friend); faithless; not genuine or real (false teeth; false promises); unwise; imprudent.(making a false move)
in a treacherous or faithless manner

false front.noun,.plural.false fronts
if one has a false front, they are a hypocrite as the ancient Pharisees were; a cover; a cloak; a disguise; a facade; a masquerade; a phony.show; a mask; a veil

an untrue statement; a lie; the practice of lying; lack of conformity to truth or fact; inaccuracy

falsify, falsified, falsifying, falsifies.verbs
transitive verb use.to state untruthfully; misrepresent; to make false by altering or adding to; counterfeit; forge (falsify a passport); to declare or prove to be false
intransitive verb use.to make untrue statements; lie
falsification, falsifier.nouns

an artificial addition to a bodily part worn to enhance appearance

lightly joking; if you say that someone is being facetious, you are criticizing them because they are making humorous remarks or saying things that they do not mean in a situation where they ought to be serious (the woman eyed him coldly and said don't be facetious)
not seriously (what was said was meant facetiously); playful humor 

of the nature of fact; real; of or containing facts

facts cannot be other than true, that is, the phrase 'true facts' is incorrect because facts are the truth (some people ignorant of facts believe evolution to be a fact); when you refer to something 'as a fact' or 'as fact', you mean that you are sure it is true or correct; according to the National Academy of Science, a fact is an observation that has been confirmed so many times it has been accepted as true (it's a fact the Sun is visible somewhere from Earth where and when clouds don't cover the sky); compare 'theory'
in fact.adverb
in truth

one that actively contributes to an accomplishment, a result or a process; a benefactor; one who acts for someone else; an agent; a person or firm that accepts accounts receivable as security for short-term loans; any of the circumstances, conditions, etc. that bring about a result
factor, factored, factoring, factors.transitive verbs
to determine or indicate.explicitly the factors of
factor in.phrasal verb.to figure in (we factored sick days and vacations in when we prepared the work schedule)
Mathematics:.one of two or more quantities that divides a given quantity without a remainder (2 and 3 are factors of 6; a and b are factors of ab); a quantity by which a stated quantity is multiplied or divided, so as to indicate an increase or decrease in a measurement (the rate increased by a factor of ten)

one of numerous aspects; one of the flat polished surfaces cut on a gemstone or occurring naturally on a crystal
faceted or facetted.adjective

your faculties are your physical and mental.abilities, of which thinking is just one of many and speaking is another; power, as a innate or acquired ability to act or do; an inherent.capability, power or function (the faculty of hearing); power, authority or prerogative given or conferred; the members of a profession (the school faculty) 
(the gifts of hearing and seeing)
facultative means optional; of or relating to a mental faculty; word came into use in 1820 A.D.; exhibiting an indicated lifestyle under some environmental.conditions but not under others (certain organisms such as bacteria that can live with or without oxygen); a faculty or the power of doing or not doing something a facultative enactment such as mask wearing during the covid con; free choice in life to do or not to do)

fait accompli.noun,.plural.faits accomplis 
a thing accomplished and presumably irreversible; a presumably irreversible deed or fact; if something is a fait accompli, it has already been decided or done and passed on from, thus, cannot be changed, should not be changed if possible to and probably is not wise to change if it could be changed

devoted to a cause with fervency (who better to have looking after safety concerns than a fanatic) of, relating to or espousing.extreme devotion, holding extreme views, advocating extreme measures; a person marked or motivated by extreme enthusiasm, as for a cause; zealot; enthusiast, extremist
seemingly.excessive and irrational zeal

fantasy.noun, plural.fantasies
a fantasy is a situation or event that you think about and that you want to happen (fantasies of romance and true love); you can refer to a story or situation that someone creates from their imagination as fantasy; the creative imagination; an imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need
fantasy, fantasied, fantasying, fantasies.transitive verbs
to imagine; visualize

Faraday, Michael
1791-1867. British physicist and chemist who discovered electromagnetic induction-in 1831 and proposed the field theory later developed by Maxwell and Einstein.
   "Faraday was born on September 22, 1791, in Newington, Surrey, England. He was the son of a blacksmith and received little formal education. While apprenticed to a bookbinder in London, he read books on scientific subjects and experimented with electricity. In 1812 he attended a series of lectures given by the British chemist Sir Humphry Davy and forwarded the notes he took at these lectures to Davy, together with a request for employment. Davy employed Faraday as an assistant in his chemical laboratory at the Royal Institution and in 1813 took Faraday with him on an extended tour of Europe. Faraday was elected to the Royal Society in 1824 and the following year was appointed director of the laboratory of the Royal Institution. In 1833 he succeeded Davy as professor of chemistry at the institution. Two years later he was given a pension of 300 pounds per year for life. Faraday was the recipient of many scientific honors, including the Royal and Rumford medals of the Royal Society; he was also offered the presidency of the society but declined the honor. He died on August 25, 1867, near Hampton Court, Surrey."...© Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99.

fathom.noun,.plural.fathom or fathoms
if you cannot fathom something, you are unable to comprehend it, although you think carefully about it (nuclear.physics seems unfathomable when first beginning learning, but like all things, once it's learned it's relatively easy); comprehension; a unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of water 
fathom, fathomed, fathoming, fathoms.transitive verbs
to penetrate and come to clarity in thinking about (couldn't fathom the problem); to penetrate to the meaning or nature of; to comprehend
intransitive verb senses.probe; to take soundings

flutter, fluttered, fluttering, flutters.verbs
intransitive verb use.to wave or flap rapidly in an irregular manner (curtains that fluttered in the breeze); to fly by a quick, light flapping of the wings; to flap the wings without flying; to vibrate or beat rapidly or erratically (my heart fluttered wildly at the excitement of it all); to move quickly in an excited fashion; flit
transitive verb use.to cause to flutter (she fluttered her eyelashes at an a man she was attracted to)
the act of fluttering; a condition of nervous excitement or agitation (everyone was in a flutter over the news that the director was resigning); a commotion

a stroke of good luck; a chance.occurrence; an accident; capriciousness; any of various flatfishes, especially a flounder of the genus Paralichthysl see trematode; either of the two horizontally flattened divisions of the tail of a whale; a barb or barbed head, as on an arrow or a harpoon; in nautical terms, the triangular blade at the end of an arm of an anchor, designed to catch in the ground

famish, famished, famishing, famishes.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to endure severe hunger; to cause to starve to death
intransitive verb use.to endure severe deprivation of food

a drastic, wide-reaching food shortage; severe hunger; starvation; a drastic shortage; a dearth

a minor weakness or failing of character; a fault