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a downward slope, as of a hill

a sloping or bending downward; a falling off, especially from prosperity or vigor; a decline; a deviation, as from a specific direction or standard

decline, declined, declining, declines.verbs
intransitive verb use.to express polite refusal; to slope downward (a steep incline only a 4 wheel drive could decline safely);; declivity; descent to bend downward; droop; to deteriorate gradually; flagging; fail; to sink, as the setting sun; to draw to a gradual close; wane
transitive verb use.to refuse politely.(I declined the offer); to cause to slopeor bend downward
the process or result of declining; a downward movement; the period when something approaches an end; a downward slope; a declivity
Grammar:.to inflect.(a noun, a pronoun or an adjective) for number and case

a descending.slope; a descent; a decline or decrease; deterioration (the American Indians had their period of declension due to corrupt governmental policies as shown in the Kevin Costner series 500 nations); a deviation, as from a standard or practice
Linguistics:.in certain languages, the inflection of nouns, pronouns and adjectives in categories such as case, number and gender; a class of words of one language with the same or a similar system of inflections

decentralize, decentralized, decentralizing, decentralizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to distribute administrative functions among several others; to bring about the redistribution of an urban population and industry to suburban areas; to cause to withdraw or disperse from a center of concentration (decentralize a university complex; decentralize a museum)
intransitive verb use.to undergo redistribution or dispersal away from a central location
decentralization, decentralizationist.noun

deconcentrate, deconcentrated, deconcentrating, deconcentrates.transitive verbs
to decentralize

the divine ordering of worldly affairs; the method or scheme according to which God carries out his purposes towards men is called a dispensation with a usually reckoned three dispensations, the Patriarchal, the Mosaic or Jewish and the Christian
a belief in a system of historical progression, as revealed in the Bible, consisting of a series of stages in God's self-revelation and plan of salvation

desecrate, desecrated, desecrating, desecrates.transitive verbs
to violate the sacredness of; profane; if someone desecrates something which is considered to be holy or very special, they deliberately damage or insult it:.1Timothy 5:22.
desecrater or desecrator.noun,.plural.desecraters or desecrators

derange, deranged, deranging, deranges.transitive verbs
unsound; unable to behave and think normally, mostly due to having been made with by those satanists who were tinkering with genetic modification; to disturb the order or arrangement of; to upset the normal condition or functioning of; to disturb mentally; make insane or to carry on unsane thinking

dilate, dilated, dilating, dilates.verbs
transitive verb use.to make wider or larger; cause to expand
intransitive verb use.to become wider or larger; expand; to speak or write at great length on a subject; expatiate; to enlarge
having been widened; expanded; distended
dilatable, dilative.adjectives
the act of expanding or the state of being expanded
the act or process of expanding; dilation; the condition of being expanded or stretched; a dilated formation or part; lengthy explanation or elaboration of a subject in writing or speech

fundamentally.distinct or different in kind; entirely.dissimilar

verbal expression in speech or writing; verbal exchange; conversation
discourse, discoursed, discoursing, discourses.verbs
intransitive verb use.to speak or write formally and at length; to engage in conversation or discussion; converse

the act or process of dictating material to another for transcription; the material so dictated

an absolute ruler; an autocrat; a despot such as these 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; a dictator is one who dictates (these initials on this paper are those of the dictator of the letter)
a state or government of dictatorial rule, obviating concerns of people within, except, of course, concerns of those in power over others; the office or tenure of a dictator; absolute control or power allowed by people who don't stand up to such atrocities, either because they are fearful or just don't care

a directive; a command; a guiding principle (followed the dictates of my conscience); an authoritarian.edict (totalitarian.groups exist within free countries whose edicts are all to often inimical to highest principles), therefor they are of the satanic.dark side:.Psalms 74:20 "Have respect unto the covenant, for the dark places of the Earth are full of the habitations of cruelty."
dictate, dictated, dictating, dictates.verbs
transitive verb senses.impose (dictated the rules of the game; dictating what they want you to take into your body comes from a totalitarian.attitude); to control or command; to prescribe with authority; to say or read aloud to be recorded or written by another (dictate a letter) 
intransitive verb senses.to say or read aloud material to be recorded or written by another (dictated for an hour before leaving for the day); to issue orders or commands

tending to dictate; domineering; of, relating to or characteristic of a dictator or dictatorship; autocratic

explicitly.precise (a definite statement of the terms of the will); certain (a definite living truth); clearly defined; having distinct.limits (definite character.qualities explained early in life pay lifetime benefits for children); indisputable

devour, devoured, devouring, devours.transitive verbs
to eat up greedily; to destroy, consume or waste (flames devoured the structure in minutes); to take in eagerly.(devour a novel); to prey upon voraciously.(was devoured by his ego)

dealt.verb.past tense.and.past participle.of deal
deal, dealt, dealing, deals.verbs
transitive verb use.to give out as a share or portion (in ancient times certain cakes were to be 6 1/4 pounds); apportion; to distribute among several recipients; dealt out
dealt out.adjective
given out in portions; apportioned; doled out; meted out; parceled out

deal with, dealing with, dealt with, deals with.verbs
when you deal with something or someone that needs attention, you give your attention to them and often solve a problem or make a decision concerning them (the different ways in which we deal with complaints and criticisms; finally getting down to brass tacks; coming to grips with what needs done is dealing with it); if you deal with an unpleasant emotion or an emotionally difficult situation, you recognize it and remain calm and in control of yourself in spite of it; if a book, speech or film deals with a particular thing, it has that thing as its subject or is concerned with it (the parts of his book which deal with contemporary Paris); if you deal with a particular human being or organization, you have involvement in order to solve some issue or to improve.something (when I worked in Florida I dealt with Scottish people in aeronautics)

transactions or relations with others; method or manner of conduct in relation to others; treatment (honest dealing)
the act or a round of apportioning or distributing

dole, doled, doling, doles.transitive verbs
to dispense; to give out in small portions; distribute sparingly
doled out.adjective
given out in portions (apportioned.deceits in amounts determined to provide a sop to the public; dealt out; meted out; parceled out

filled with or expressing grief; mournful; sad; causing grief (a doleful loss)

desire, desired, desiring, desires.transitive verbs
to wish or long for; want; to express a wish for; desire is possibility seeking expression or function seeking performance
a wish or longing; a request or petition; the object of longing (my greatest desire is to become rich and for that obstructions must be starved from limiting oneself)

worth having or seeking, as by being useful, advantageous or pleasing (a desirable job in the film industry; a home computer with many desirable features); worth doing or achieving; advisable (a desirable reform; a desirable outcome); arousing desire, especially sexual desire
a desirable person or thing

having or expressing desire; desiring (both sides were desirous of finding a quick solution to the problem)

exhibiting no courtesy; rude
lack of courtesy; rudeness; a rude act or statement

disenchant, disenchanted, disenchanting, disenchants.transitive verbs
If you are disenchanted with something, you are disappointed with it and no longer believe that it is good or worthwhile (disenchanted with political.rhetoric); to free from illusion or false belief; undeceive
disenchanter, disenchantment.nouns

disillusion, disillusioned, disillusioning, disillusions.transitive verbs
to free or deprive of illusion
the act of disenchanting; the condition or fact of being disenchanted

dismay, dismayed, dismaying, dismays.transitive verbs
to destroy the courage or resolution of by exciting dread or apprehension; to cause to lose enthusiasm; disillusion.(was dismayed to learn government was enabling tax benefits for themselves and not allowed to others); to upset or alarm; appalled; daunted
a loss of courage in the face of trouble or danger due to not trusting in the only true God

having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken down and shabby
dilapidate, dilapidated, dilapidating, dilapidates.transitive.and intransitive verbs
to bring or fall into a state of partial ruin, decay or disrepair

despoil, despoiled, despoiling, despoils.transitive verbs
to sack; plunder; to deprive of something valuable by force; rob (a region despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development)

two individuals or units regarded as a pair (the mother-daughter dyad)
Mathematics:.an operator 
represented as a pair of vectors.juxtaposed without multiplication
made up of two units