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a sudden movement of the Earth's crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity; also called seism and temblor

enhance, enhances, enhanced, enhancing.transitive verbs
to make greater, as in value, beauty or reputation and perhaps poison ability; augment ("she had a sweetness to her face, a warmth that was enhanced by luminous dark eyes"....Gioia Diliberto); an enhancer is a substance or a device which makes a particular thing look, taste or feel better even though is may have devastating effects on health over time, especially when combined with more chemicals (organic cinnamon is an excellent natural flavour enhancer; man made flavor enhancers from harmful chemicals can cause and/or contribute to adverse health effects); a substance or device that is designed to improve (flavor enhancers designed to improve food product sales; chemical substances listed on labels as 'natural flavor' are anything but)
enhancement, enhancer.nouns,.plurals.enhancements, enhancers

a decree or proclamation.(to announce officially) issued by someone in authority (edicts can be for the helping of people or for the subjugation and harm of them); a pronouncement of good or harm

expatiate, expatiated, expatiating, expatiates.intransitive verbs
to speak or write at length (expatiated on the subject until everyone was bored); to wander freely

elucidate, elucidated, elucidating, elucidates.verbs
transitive verb use.to make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify
intransitive verb use.to give an explanation that serves to clarify; to explain

encompass, encompassed, encompassing, encompasses.transitive verbs
see 'compass' because both 'encompass' and 'compass' are words having the same meaning; welcome to manipulated English; the prefix 'en' means 'no' and comes from the word 'in' which also means 'no', so why use 'encompass' when it, on the surface, is the same as 'compass', as it causes confusion? The word 'encompass' means 'no compass':.1Corinthians 14:33; James 3:16; Isaiah 45:16

spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time (an epidemic outbreak of influenza); widely prevalent (epidemic discontent)
an outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely

the branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution and control of disease in populations
epidemiologic or epidemiological.adjective

expound, expounded, expounding, expounds.verbs
transitive verb use.to give a detailed statement of; set forth (expounded the intricacies of the new tax law); to explain in detail; elucidate.(the speaker expounded the approach of visualization); explain
intransitive verb use.to make a detailed statement (the professor was expounding on a favorite topic)

engraft, engrafted, engrafting, engrafts.transitive verbs
to graft onto or into another plant; to establish; to plant firmly; engraftment.noun

emancipate, emancipated, emancipating, emancipates.transitive verbs
to free from bondage, oppression or restraint; liberate; manumitted
the act or an instance of emancipating; the condition of being emancipated

the art of public speaking in which gesture, enunciation, vocal production including quality of voice timbre, strength, word emphasis, elucidation, intonation and delivery style.reflect each speakers unique.presentation; a style or manner of speaking

one who speaks well because he knows what words to use in properly describing what he's trying to get across to another's mind so it will be accurately comprehended; an eloquent individual is respected by those appreciating what he or she was saying; being able to express ideas and opinions well, especially in a way that influences people (she was such a good speaker I was attentive to her every word); characterized by persuasive, powerful discourse.(an eloquent speaker; an eloquent sermon); vividly or movingly expressive (a look eloquent with compassion
eloquentness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
skill or power of using discourse; the quality of persuasive, clear expression

of or relating to sizable groups of people sharing a common and distinctive.racial, national, religious, linguistic or cultural.heritage; ethnic means connected with or relating to different racial or cultural groups of people; ethnic clothing, music or food is characteristic of the traditions of a particular ethnic group and different from what is usually found in modern Western culture (ethnic food; ethnic fabrics; students are from a variety of ethnic backgrounds); being a member of a particular ethnic group; of, relating to or distinctive of members of such a group (ethnic restaurants; ethnic art); from countries that are far away, which seems very different and unusual; someone who comes from a group of people who are a different race, religion.etc. or who have a different background from most other people in that country; the adjective is derived from the noun ethnos 'people, nation, foreign people', that in the plural phrase 'ta ethn' meant 'foreign nations', so ethic people are those not of your nation
a member of a particular ethnic group, especially one who maintains the language or customs of the group

ethnic character, background or affiliation

excoriate, excoriated, excoriating, excoriates.transitive verbs
to tear or wear off the skin of; abrade; chafe; to censure strongly; denounce (an editorial that excoriated the administration for its inaction); to excoriate someone or some organization means to criticize them severely, usually in public

evert, everted, everting, everts.transitive verbs
to turn inside out or outward; turn upside down

eager, eagerer, eagerest.adjective
having or showing keen interest, intense desire or impatient expectancy; anxious

if you are talking about how great, how important a situation is, you can refer to the extent of it (the full extent of the vastness of the multiverse is mind boggling); you use expressions such as 'to what extent', 'to that extent' or 'to the extent' or 'to some extent' and 'in a manner' and when you are discussing how true a statement is or in what ways it is true; the range, magnitude or distance over which a thing extends (landowners, such as a farmer, aware of the extent of their property); the degree to which a thing extends (the various.extents of spirituality); an extensive space or area (an extent of desert)
large in extent, range or amount; of.or.relating.to the cultivation of vast.areas of land

spoken, done or composed with little or no preparation or forethought
carried out or performed with little or no preparation; impromptu: an extemporaneous piano recital; prepared in advance but delivered without notes or text (an extemporaneous speech); provided, made or adapted as an expedient; makeshift (an extemporaneous policy decision that was pushed into becaming permanent, such as income tax, parking meters, etc.)
pronounced 'extemp or ain', as in pain, 'ity')
pronounced 'extemp or ain', as in pain, 'e s lee')

embody, embodied, embodying, embodies.transitive verbs
to make part of a system or whole; incorporate (laws that embody a people's wishes and values); to represent in bodily or material.form; to give a bodily form to; incarnate

the act of embodying or the state of being embodied ("The flag is the embodiment, not of sentiment, but of history."....Woodrow Wilson)

excel, excelled, excelling, excels.verbs
transitive verb use.to do or be better than previously; surpass
intransitive verb use.to show superiority over earlier.attempts (he tried three times to pass the driving test and and this time succeeded)

of the highest or finest.quality; exceptionally good of its kind; superior
the state, quality or condition of excelling; superiority; something in which one excels; Excellency

used with His, Her or Your as a title and form of address for certain high officials, such as viceroys, ambassadors and governors

exceed, exceeded, exceeding, exceeds.transitive verbs
to be greater than; surpass; so go beyond the limits of (exceeded the height of other climbers); excel

to an advanced or unusual degree; extremely

exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable or proper.limit

the state of exceeding what is normal or sufficient (rains that filled the reservoirs to excess); an amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; a surplus; the amount or degree by which one quantity exceeds another (profit is the excess of sales over costs); intemperance; overindulgence (drank to excess); a behavior or an action that exceeds proper or lawful bounds
being more than is usual, required or permitted (skimming off the excess fat too much will make the soup have less flavor); superfluous
excess, excessed, excessing, excesses.transitive verbs
to eliminate the job or position of
in excess of.idiom
greater than; more than

elect, elected, electing, elects.verbs
transitive verb use.to pick out; choose; select (elect an art course; he elected for the gray suit); to decide, especially by preference (elected to take the summer off); to select by vote for an office or for membership; the word elect strongly suggests deliberation.in making a selection, usually between alternatives (she elected not to go) 
intransitive verb use.to make a choice or selection
of.or.relating.to a selection by vote; permitting or involving a choice; optional (elective poisonings are, amongst other contaminations, those genetically modified 'foods' people know are not good for their body but eat them anyway)
an optional academic course or subject
chosen.deliberately; singled out; elected but not yet installed; often used in combination (the governor-elect); chosen for marriage; often used in combination (the bride-elect); God's elect
a body of qualified voters; those who vote for political candidates.toward.establishing.governing.principles.desired by the majority of voters

the act or power of electing; the fact of being elected; the ability to make a choice

a qualified voter in an election; a member of the Electoral College of the United States; in the days of Frederick III (Frederick the Wise) of the Holy Roman Empire an elector was a prince who had a right to participate in the election of the emperor, who at the time was a German king

of, relating.to.or.composed of electors; of or relating to election
electoral college
the Electoral College was a great achievement in that it protects the individual states, originally called republics. It does this by making sure that no small state such as say Rhode Island with one million people is overridden by giant California with just over 39 million. And this is what would happen without the Electoral College our forefathers had the thought to include in constitutional writings.

But there are so many reasons why the unique system of voting for president is so vitally important to our republic. And we are, thankfully, a republic -- not a majority/mob-rule "democracy"

The US states are a confederacy of states. The power of the federal government is derived from the states and the people in them. The Electoral College assigns power to every state, thus safeguarding the primacy of the states. America is unique in the world in our system of checks and balances, decentralized government power and protection of the rights of all people including the minority. Without the Electoral College, eight to 10 large states would determine the election. California has a larger population than nine small states combined. But California, for all its virtues, is far from representative of our diverse country.

The electoral college is a system by which the president and vice president of the United States are chosen. It was devised by the framers of the United States Constitution to provide a method of election that was feasible, desirable and consistent with a republican form of government, that is fair and equitable. In this system of selection, a rejection of a direct popular vote was deemed unwise and unworkable, such as with the smaller states in population having no where near as larger states in population, where the country would lean towards those wishing to have control over all. This was one of the major reasons for instituting the electoral college.....comprised with Encyclopedia Britannica.

The electoral college is the system that where the electors in the electoral college.act as.representatives for each state and they elect the president and vice-president. The electoral college is comprised of a group of people chosen by the votes of men and women in each US state, who come together to elect the President or a similar.such group in other countries. Under the terms of the United States Constitution, the election for president is done by a group of electors, who were collectively called the Electoral College, where each elector was to vote for the two individuals he considered most qualified in that state, the result of which, the winners, as calculated from each state would be the president and the runner-up would be the vice president. 

Each state appoints as many electors as it has senators and representatives in Congress (U.S. senators, representatives and government officers are ineligible). Three presidents have been elected by means of an electoral college victory while losing the national popular vote (Rutherford B. Hayes in 1877, Benjamin Harrison in 1888 and George W. Bush in 2000). Though pledged to vote for their state's winners, electors are not constitutionally obliged to do so. A candidate must win 270 of the 538 votes to win the election. These presidential electors meet after the citizens vote for president and cast ballots for the president and vice president. Each state is granted by the rules set down by our forefathers, the same number of electors as it has senators and representatives combined. These electors, rather than any large state or states, actually elect the president and the vice president. The founding fathers set this up as a means of power to circumvent the popular vote, say by giant California and Texas, which could smother any voting in smaller states. Just as in tennis, where the player who wins the most points doesn't always win the match, it's the same in the US where he or she having the most votes may not be the one becoming president.

"In a presidential election in the United States, the candidate who wins a majority of the popular votes in a state also earns all the votes of the state's electoral college members. Each state has the same number of electoral college members as the total of its senators and representatives. However, in this method of electing the president, candidates can still win the most electoral college votes even without winning the most popular votes. In past elections, candidates John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888 and Donald Trump in 2016 won the presidency by winning the electoral vote, even though their opponents had received more of the popular vote. Current campaign strategy always targets populous states with the most electors, including California, Texas, Florida, New York and Illinois."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

"Lawrence D. Longley and Neal R. Peirce, The Electoral College Primer 2000 (1999), is an excellent overview of the history, operation and biases of the electoral college system. A brief but clear description of the system is Walter Berns (ed.), After the People Vote: A Guide to the Electoral College, rev. and enlarged ed. (1992). Critical discussion appears in Judith A. Best, The Choice of the People?: Debating the Electoral College (1996)..."....Encyclopedia Britannica.

encrust, encrusted, encrusting, encrusts.transitive verbs
to cover or surmount with or as if with a crust (a scepter that is encrusted with diamonds; legalities that were encrusted with tradition; an old car part encrusted with rust; encrusting one's soul by evil:.1Timothy 4:2)

the injection of liquid into the rectum through the anus for cleansing, for stimulating evacuation of the bowels in order to greatly improve health
