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small, usually ornamental objects valued for their antiquity, rarity, originality or sentimental associations

the state of one who is bound.as a slave or serf (bondmen, bondwomen and bondmaids; they were under bondage in Egypt for over 400 years) for a time or even permanently; servitude; being in a situation that restricts one's freeness by factors imposed by those subjugating them; a state of subjection to a evil force; a power or an influence that limits one's freedom and puts them into slave category as were the ancient nations of Israel and Judah and us today by the cabal (people putting up with slave conditions want favors; people in freeness demand justice for those oppressed)

bend, bent, bending, bends.verbs
transitive verb use.to bring something into a state of tension (bend a bow); to cause to assume a curved or angular shape (bend a piece of iron into a horseshoe); to force to assume a different direction or shape ("Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events."....Robert F. Kennedy); to cause to swerve from a straight line; deflect; to render.submissive; subdue
intransitive verb use.to deviate from a straight line or position (the lane bends to the right at the bridge; the saplings bent in the wind); to incline the body; stoop; to make a concession; yield
the act or fact of bending; the state of being bent; something bent (a bend in the road)
around the bend.idiom,.slang
insane; crazy (this job is driving me around the bend)
bend someone's ear.idiom,.slang
to talk to at length, usually excessively

bends.used with a.singular.or.plural.verb
a manifestation of decompression sickness that is caused by the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood and tissues after a rapid reduction in the surrounding pressure and is characterized by pain in the joints and abdomen

past tense.and.past participle.of bend
altered from an originally straight or even condition (pieces of bent wire); determined to take a course of action (bent on going on holiday this year)
a tendency, disposition or inclination.("The natural bent of my mind was to science."....Thomas Paine); a transverse structural member or framework used for strengthening a bridge or trestle

bent grass; the stiff stalk of various grasses; an area of grassland unbounded by hedges or fences

bluster, blustered, blustering, blusters.verbs
intransitive verb use.to speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying.manner; to brag or make loud, empty threats; to blow in loud, violent gusts, as the wind during a storm (sure has been a blustery day out there with all those wind gusts)
transitive verb use.to force or bully with swaggering threats bluster.noun
a violent, gusty wind; turbulence or noisy confusion; loud, arrogant speech, often full of empty threats

a beloved individual, thing or place is one that you feel great affection for; dearly loved

beset, besetting, besets.transitive verbs
if someone or something is beset by problems or fears, they have many problems or fears which affect them severely; to surround; to hem in; enclose; harass; beset suggests beleaguerment from all sides by adversity (the fox was beset by hunters and hounds; the city council is beset by problems); to stud, as with jewels (the new crown was beset with the most beautiful jewels)

beleaguer, beleaguered, beleaguering, beleaguers.transitive verbs
to harass; beset (problems are there to be solved and until then they will continue beleaguering us); to surround; besiege

balk, balked, balking, balks.verbs pronounced bok
intransitive verb use.to stop short and refuse to go on (the horse balked at the jump); to refuse.obstinately or abruptly (she balked at the very idea of compromise); to make an illegal motion as in baseball before pitching, allowing one or more base runners to advance one base
transitive verb use.to put obstacles in the way of; check or thwart; frustrate
something or someone who balks

you use but to introduce something which contrasts with what you have just said or to introduce something which adds to what you have just said; on the contrary (the government's plan caused not prosperity but ruin); contrary to expectation; yet (she organized her work but accomplished very little; he is tired but happy); used to indicatean exception (no one but she saw the lightning); with the exception that; except that; used to introduce a dependent clause (would have resisted but that they were hungry)

butt, butted, butting, butts.verbs
transitive verb use.to hit or push against with the head or horns; ram
intransitive verb use.to hit or push something with the head or horns
a push or blow with the head or horns
butt in.phrasal verb
to interfere or meddle in other people's affairs

butt, butted, butting, butts.intransitive and transitive verbs
to join or be joined end to end; abut
a butt joint; a butt hinge

a structure, usually brick or stone, built against a wall for support or reinforcement; something resembling a buttress such as the flared base of certain tree trunks, example; something that serves to support, prop or reinforce
buttress, buttressed, buttressing, buttresses.transitive verbs
to support or reinforce with a buttress; to sustain, prop or bolster; from Middle English 'buteras', from Old French 'bouterez', from 'bouter' meaning 'to strike against', of Germanic origin

one that serves as an object of ridicule or contempt (for awhile I was the butt of their jokes); an obstacle behind a target for stopping the shot

the larger or thicker end of an object (the butt of a rifle); an unburned end, as of a cigarette; a stub; the buttocks; the rear end or bum

the angle or inclination of a line or surface that meets another at any angle but 90°; two rules joined together as adjustable arms used to measure or draw angles of any size or to fix a surface at an angle, in this sense, also called bevel square
bevel, beveled, beveling, bevels.verbs
transitive verb use.to cut at an inclination that forms an angle other than a right angle (beveled the edges of the table)
intransitive verb use.to be inclined; slant

size, mass or volume, especially when very large; a distinct.mass or portion of matter, especially a large one (the dark bulk of buildings against the sky); the major portion or greater part (well, with all your effort, we got the greater part of the bulk done); thickness of paper or cardboard in relation to weight
bulky, bulkier, bulkiest.adjectives
having considerable bulk; massive; of large size for its weight (a bulky knit sweater); clumsy to manage; unwieldy
bulk, bulked, bulking, bulks.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be or appear to be massive in terms of size, volume or importance; to grow or increase in size or importance
transitive verb use.to cause to swell or expand
being.large in mass, quantity.or.volume (a bulk buy; a bulk mailing)
in bulk.idiom
unpackaged; loose; in large numbers, amounts or volume (we save money by buying vegetables in bulk for juicing)

a group of people; a group of animals; a group of players who perform as an ensemble (a musical band); a troop
band, banded, banding, bands.verbs
transitive verb use.to assemble or unite in a group
intransitive verb use.to form a group; unite (banded together forming a musical group)
get on the bandwagon.idiom
to climb or jump on the bandwagon is to join something that others may want you to because it's believed to be good for you as it is for them; you can refer to an activity or movement that has suddenly become fashionable or popular as a bandwagon (the keep fit and healthy bandwagon includes foods without pesticides and avoiding poisoning from vaccines); a cause or party that attracts increasing numbers of adherents; a current.trend; zeitgeist; in music, an elaborately.decorated wagon used to transport musicians in a parade

bandy, bandied, bandying, bandies.transitive verbs
to toss or throw back and forth; to hit a ball for example, back and forth; to give and receive words, for example; exchange (the old friends bandied compliments when they met); to discuss in a casual or frivolous.manner (bandy an idea.about)
bowed or bent in an outward curve (bandy legs)

band, banded, banding, bands.transitive verbs
to tie, bind or encircle with or as if with a band; to mark or identify with or as if with a band (a program to band migrating birds)
a thin strip of flexible material used to encircle and bind one object or to hold a number of objects together (a metal band around the bale of cotton; an elastic band around the green onions); a narrow strip of fabric used to trim, finish or reinforce articles of clothing; a simple ungrooved ring, especially a wedding ring; the cords across the back of a book to which the sheets or quires are attached
Physics:.a specific range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation; a range of very closely spaced electron energy levels in solids, the distribution and nature of which determine the electrical.properties.of a material
Computers:.circular tracks on a storage device such as a disk

to pass something by; to circumvent; a highway that passes around or to one side of an obstructed or congested area; a pipe or channel used to conduct gas or liquid around another pipe or a fixture; a means of circumvention; shunt; an alternative passage created surgically to divert the flow of blood or other bodily fluid or circumvent an obstructed or diseased organ; a procedure to create such a channel
bypass, bypassed, bypassing, bypasses.transitive verbs
to avoid an obstacle by using an alternative channel, passage or route; to be heedless of; ignore.(bypassed standard office procedures); to channel piped liquid, for example through a bypass

extortion of money or something else, such as forcing compliance of a human being by threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information, whether true or false and often forced upon someone, as the deep state, the cabal, has done to almost all politicians in the world; blackmail means to obtain through threats; bullying
blackmail, blackmailed, blackmailing, blackmails.verbs
on this see Janet Ossebaard reports

an animal, such as a leech, that sucks blood; an extortionist or a blackmailer; a person or corporation who is intrusively or overly dependent upon another; a parasite (corporations, like governments, contrive all kinds of ways to bleed the public of wealth; on this see the Mel K disclosure)

blood poisoning.noun.plural.blood poisonings
see septicemia & toxemia

a barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full impact of waves

a wave that crests or breaks into foam, especially against a shoreline; a circuit breaker; one that breaks, as a machine for breaking up or crushing a substance, such as rock, coal or plant fibers

break, broke, broken, breaking, breaks.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to separate into pieces suddenly; smash; to part or pierce the surface of (a dolphin breaking water); to divide into pieces, as by bending or cutting (break crackers for a baby); to snap off or detach (broke a twig from the tree); to fracture a bone of (he broke a leg); to crack without separating into pieces; to lessen in force or effect (break a fall {the kids were jumping off the stairs onto a mattress}); to find the solution or key to; uncover the basic.elements and arrangement of (break a code); to make known as news (break a story); to surpass or outdo (broke the league's home-run record; break the sound barrier); to render useless or inoperative (we accidentally broke the radio); to fail to fulfill; cancel (break an engagement; break one's vacation plans); to hurry up unsafely (break the speed limit by a lot); to give up a habit (broke her habit of eating sugary foods); to train a animal; tame (the horse was difficult to break)
intransitive verb use.to become separated into pieces or fragments; to become cracked or split; to become unusable or inoperative (the television broke); to burst (the blister has finally broken); to filter in or penetrate (sunlight broke into the room); to scatter or disperse; part (the clouds broke after the storm); in games, to make the opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards or pool; to come forth or begin from a state of latency; come into being or emerge (a storm was breaking over the countryside; crocuses broke from the soil); to diminish or discontinue abruptly (the fever did its work and is now breaking); to come to an end (the cold spell broke yesterday); to collapse or crash into surf or spray (waves that were breaking along the shore)
the act or an occurrence of breaking; the result of breaking, as a crack or separation; a beginning or an opening (the break of day; a break in the clouds); breakfast (breaking the fast); a sudden movement; a dash (the dog made a break toward the open field); an interruption or a disruption in continuity or regularity (television programming without commercial breaks); a pause or an interval, as from work (a coffee break); a severing of ties (made a break with the past); a windbreak of trees; in printing, the space between two paragraphs
the act of break dancing
break even.verb
to achieve a balance (all in all, looking at our lives, most people break even)
break down
if a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working (their car broke down)
broken in.adjective
tamed or trained to obey (a horse broken to the saddle; this old nag is well broken in)

belong, belonged, belonging, belongs.intransitive verbs
to be a part of something else (at this time you belong in bed); to be the property of."The Earth belongs to the living"....Thomas Jefferson); to be proper, appropriate or suitable (a napkin belongs at every place setting); to be in an appropriatesituation or environment (that plant belongs outdoors); to be a member of a group (we all belong to the human beings group); to fit in naturally (that screw belongs in the top hole on the device)

living or life supporting molecules as opposed to inorganic molecules such as a piece of steel would be composed of

life; living organism; biome; biology (biological; biophysics); bioavailability is being available for use by the body
a major regional or global biotic community, such as a grassland or desert, characterized chiefly by the dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing climate
of or having to do with life or living organisms; produced or caused by living organisms