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learn, learned.also.learnt, learning, learns.verbs
transitive verb use.to gain knowledge, comprehension or mastery of through experience or study enabling one to take mental and/or physical action (learned the speech in a few hours because of his interest in the subject); when an individual learns something, he or she has acquired.information.toward.character.adjustment and application of ways to produce something that is hopefully beneficial.to.society; to acquire experience of or an ability or a skill in (learn tolerance; learned how to whistle); to become aware (learned that it was best not to argue and that a soft answer turns away anger); to become informed of; find out (was learning how to repair her car); discover
one who is learning something

learnt.past tense.and.past participle.of learn

a fermion unaffected by th so-called.strong nuclear force; having to do with the electromagnetic and weak forces. Electrons, neutrons, muons, tauons and various neutrinos are leptons and all leptons are fermions; the quanta of lepton fields include the familiar electrons which make up the outer parts of atoms and muons, tauons, heavier particles and neutrinos. Forces between these particles is one produced by the exchange of photons and other elementary particles; leptons are light particles (photons), the six types of which are electrons, muons and tau and their neutrinos, the electron neutrino, the muon neutrino and tau neutrino (a tauon); each also has a corresponding anti particle

a thrusting.weapon with a long wooden shaft and a sharp metal head; a similar.implement for spearing fish
lance, lanced, lancing, lances.transitive verbs
to pierce with a lance; cut into

any of a group of small, fishlike, sea animals

line of descent; someone's lineage is the series of families from which they are directly descended (they can trace their lineage directly back to the 12th century; all humans are descended from the first one, Adam); direct descent from an ancestor; family;  descent in a line from a common.progenitor; a group of individuals tracing descent from a common ancestor especially such a group of persons whose common ancestor is regarded as its founder, such as ancient Abraham was (our family group is decended from Sir Francis Drake)

line, lined, lining, lines.transitive verbs
to fit a covering to the inside surface of (a coat lined with warm material); to cover the inner surface of (moisture lined the walls of the cave); to fill plentifully, as with money or food (lined her pockets with some of the left over desserts)

a line where something or someone moves is the particular.route that they take (she crossed the line from being bad to total evil); the particular line that a person has towards something in his or her life is the attitude that they have towards it, such as, they have a stubborness as to their life's direction, refusing to alter direction, even if it's toward evil (forty members of the governing Conservative party rebelled, voting against the government line); a thin continuous mark, as that made by a pen, pencil or brush applied to a surface; a similar mark cut or scratched into a surface; a crease in the skin, especially on the face; a wrinkle; a real or imaginary mark positioned in relation to fixed points of reference; a degree or circle of longitude or latitude drawn on a map or globe; a border or boundary (the county line); a demarcation (a line of darker water beyond the reef); a contour or an outline (the line of the hills against the evening sky); a cable, rope, string, cord or wire (we'll need to run the line into the back of the house); a fishing line; a clothesline; a telephone or cable line (couldn't get a free line to call overseas); a pipe or system of pipes for conveying a fluid (gas lines); an electric power transmission cable; a passenger or cargo system of public or private transportation, as by ship, aircraft or bus, usually over a definite route; a company owning or managing such a system (which airline are you flying with on your holiday?); a railway track or system of tracks (rail lines); a particular.section of a railway network (I'm taking the line from Calgary to Banff to see the highest mountains in the rocky mountain chain): a route (a line of flight); a general.method, manner or course of procedure (different lines of thought); a water line (needed a water line to come to the house; the house was built above the 100 year flood line); prescribed.policy (politicians having to follow the party line in spite of the wishes of men and women who voted them in); alignment (brought the front wheels into line); one's trade, occupation or field of interest (what line of work are you in?); range of competence or preference (not in my line); merchandise or services of a similar or related nature (carries a complete line of small tools); a group of persons or things arranged in a row or series (long lines at the box office; a line of stones); ancestry or lineage; a series of persons, especially from one family, who succeed each other (comes from a line of intelligent men and womem; comes from a long line of bricklayers); a strain, as of livestock or plants, developed and maintained by selective breeding; a sequence of related things that leads to a certain ending (a line of reasoning); a production line as for, say, manufacturing vehicles); one of the horizontal scans forming a television image; a brief letter; a note (I'll drop you a line as soon as I arrive); spent the weekend learning her lines for the school play; glib or insincere talk, usually intended to deceive or impress (the stupid politician kept on handing out the line about how busy he was so as not to meet with those having elected her); in sports, a foul line, a line of scrimmage, the linemen

in line.adjective
awaiting something (people in line at the checkout counter; "in line for promotion)
in line for.adverb
one behind another in a line or queue (they waited in line for tickets)
in line with
in alignment with; adapted to; adjusted to; agreeable to; conformable to; congruent with; consistent with, in harmony with
line, lined, lining, lines.verbs
transitive verb use.to mark, incise or cover with a line or lines; to represent with lines; to place in a series or row; to form into a line

having leprosy

leprosy.proper noun
a chronic disease caused by a bacillus (Mycobacterium leprae) and characterized by the formation of nodules or of macules that enlarge and spread accompanied by loss of sensation with eventual paralysis, wasting of muscle and production of deformities and mutilations. Occurs in hot tropical climates. Caused by microbes eating away at the too sugary (mostly from fruit sugars) blood and by eating an overabundance of animal protein, its residue producing uric acid, etc. in the blood stream. Microbes are there to clean up garbage in the body. Balanced nutrition negates leprosy. (*)
an individual affected by leprosy; a pariah

lipid means fat; any of a class of fatty acids or their derivatives that are insoluble in water and include many natural oils, waxes, and steroids; any of various substances that are soluble in non polar-organic.solvents (as chloroform and ether), that with proteins and carbohydrates.constitute the principal structural components of living cells and that include fats, waxes, phosphatides, cerebrosides and related and derived compounds (lipids are the 'packages' used in bioweapons to deliver the toxic concoction designed by the satanic Pharma/medical criminal system worldwide, to murder people) 

a region of the Earth considered in relation to its distance from the equator (temperate latitudes); the angular distance, measured north or south from the equator, of a point on the Earth's surface (see also longitude, just below); latitude also means freedom from normal restraints, limitations or regulations; room; leeway; space; elbowroom

longitude.noun,.plural.longitudes.(see also latitude)
the angular distance east or west on the Earth's surface, as measured usually in degrees, from the meridian of some particular place to the prime meridian at Greenwich, England; example 
a longitudinal line or structure goes from one end of an object to the other rather than across it from side to side; of.or.relating.to longitude or length (a longitudinal reckoning by the navigator; made longitudinal measurements of the ship's hull); concerned with the development of something as time goes on (a longitudinal study of poverty causes; the longitudinal travelings of the mythical.Odysseus); placed or running lengthwise (longitudinal stripes on his suit)

any of various flowerless plants composed of fungi-and algae in symbiotic union, commonly growing in flat greenish gray, brown, yellow or blackish patches on rocks, trees, etc.

laminar flow.noun
at low velocities fluids flow in a streamlined pattern called laminar flow; non turbulent flow of a viscous fluid in layers near a boundary, as that of lubricating oil in bearings; at high velocities fluids flow in a complicated pattern comprising turbulent motion

The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by many Catholic Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.

Lewis, C. (Clive) S. (Staples).1898-1963,."English critic, scholar and novelist. Born in Belfast, Ireland, Lewis was the son of a solicitor. He was educated privately and at the University of Oxford. A fellow and tutor at Oxford from 1925 to 1954, he was subsequently professor of medieval and Renaissance English literature at the University of Cambridge.

"He was better known to the general public for books in which he examined and explained moral and religious problems. Examining the beliefs of traditional Christianity, his books are Beyond Personality (1940), Miracles (1947) and Mere Christianity (1952). Best known was The Screwtape Letters (1942), in which a senior devil sardonically instructs his apprentice nephew in methods of mortal temptation. Another book he wrote was.Problem of Pain, an excerpt of which is here. Lewis described his own conversion to Christianity in Surprised by Joy (1955). He also wrote a popular series of children's books known as the Chronicles of Narnia, which began in 1950 withThe Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

A Lewis quote:."Those who would like the God of scripture to be more purely ethical, do not know what they ask. If God were a Kantian, who would not have us till we came to Him from the purest and best motives, who could be saved?".Certainly not the great apostle Paul and none of us as well.

Another of his quotes.(*). The movie with Anthony Hopkins, made about his life.

a town of southern Switzerland at the northern end of Lake Maggiore. First mentioned in 749 A.D., it passed to Milan in 1342 and was taken by the Swiss in 1512. The Locarno Pact between Germany and various European powers was signed here on December 1, 1925 in an effort to promote peace and maintain existing territorial borders. The city is today a popular resort. Population 14,300.

electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength in the range from about 4,000 (violet) to about 7,700 (red).angstroms and may be perceived by the normal unaided human eye; electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength; a light year; a source of light, especially a lamp, a lantern or an electric lighting fixture (turn off the lights when you leave); illumination.derived from a source of light (by the light of the moon); a source of fire, such as a match or cigarette lighter; spiritual awareness; illumination; something that provides information or clarification (threw some light on the question); awareness, attention (brought the matter to light); a way of looking at or considering a matter; an aspect (saw the situation in a different light); a person who inspires or is adored by another (her daughter is the light of her life); the guiding spirit or divine presence in each person (spiritual attention is light)
light, lighted.or.lit, lighting, lights.verbs
transitive verb use.to set on fire; ignite or kindle (homes destroyed by the forest fire set alight by lightning) to cause to give out light; make luminous (lit a lamp); to provide, cover or fill with light; illuminate (fireworks lighting the sky); to enliven or animate (a smile lit her face)
intransitive verb use.to start to burn; be ignited or kindled (green wood does not light easily); to emit light; be lighted (wait until the indicator lights up)
light, lighter, lightest.adjectives
having a greater rather than lesser degree of lightness in color; bright (a room that is light when the shutters are open); not dark in color; fair (light hair and skin)
in the light of.idiom
in consideration of; in relationship to

light, lighter, lightest.adjectives
of relatively little weight; not heavy (a light load); of relatively little weight for its size or bulk (Balsa is a light wood); of less than the correct, standard or legal weight (a light pound of coffee); exerting little force or impact; gentle (a light pat on the arm); of little quantity; scanty (light snow; a light eater); not harsh or severe (the school principal gave him a light reprimand; light household tasks); easy; having little importance; insignificant (light, idle.chatter); intended.primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound (a light comedy movie; a light heart); mildly dizzy or faint (felt light in the head); moving easily and quickly; nimble (the dancer was light and graceful); designed for ease and quickness of movement; having a relatively slim structure and little weight (light aircraft); designed to carry relatively little weight (a light truck); requiring relatively little equipment and using relatively simple processes to produce consumer goods (light industry); easily awakened or disturbed (a light sleeper); easily digested (a light supper); having a spongy or flaky texture; well-leavened (light pastries); having a loose, porous.consistency (light soil); containing a relatively small amount of a potentially harmful ingredient, such as alcohol, fat or sodium (light beer; light mayonnaise)
lighten, lightened, lightening, lightens.verbs
transitive verb use.to make light or lighter; illuminate or brighten; to make a color lighter; to enlighten
intransitive verb use.to become lighter; brighten; to be luminous; shine; to give off flashes of lightning

light, lighter, lightest, lightly.adverbs
in a light manner; lightly; with little weight and few burdens (traveling light); gently; to a slight.extent or amount (apply paint lightly); with agility and grace; nimbly; in a happy manner; cheerfully

light, lighted.or.lit, lighting, lights.intransitive verbs
to get down, as from a vehicle or horse; dismount; to descend to the ground after flight; alight; land (the birds lighted to the ground close to us); to come upon by chance or accident, used with on or upon (lit on the solution to the problem)
light on.or.light upon.phrasal verb
come across, chance on, hit on, happen on, stumble on or stumble across, find, discover, uncover, come up with

light into.phrasal verb
to consume quickly (lit into the meal like he hadn't eaten for a week); to attack verbally or physically; assail

lightning is the very bright flashes of light in the sky that happen during thunderstorms (thunder and lightning); forked lightning looks like a line of light that divides into several smaller lines near the ground; lightning describes things that happen very quickly or last for only a short time (driving today demands lightning reflexes)
moving or occurring with remarkable speed or suddenness; an abrupt, discontinuous natural electric discharge in the atmosphere; the visible.flash of light accompanying such a discharge
lightning, lightninged, lightnings.intransitive verbs
to discharge a flash of lightning

a prescribed form or set of forms for public Christian ceremonies; ritual; the sacrament of the Eucharist; Old Testament rituals as required under the ancient Mosaic Law, which are now all done away with
of, relating.to.or.in accordance with liturgy (a book of liturgical practices); using or used in liturgy

your lot is the kind of life you have or the things that you have or experience or will experience sometime, somehow, either good or bad depending upon how you are today (she wasn't happy with her lot in life, that of being in a job where she couldn't use all of the skills she had educated herself for); one's fortune in life; fate; something that befalls one because of or as if because of determination by lot; a lot in an auction is one of the objects or groups of objects that are being sold (we now move our attention to the next lot to be offered, that of the farm machinery)
lot, lotted, lotting, lots.transitive verbs
to apportion by lots; allot; to divide land into lots

lots is a system of selection, somewhat like Ask Suby is; if people draw lots to decide who will do something, they each take a piece of paper from a container, where one or more pieces of paper is marked and the people who take marked pieces are chosen; lots is the use of objects in making a determination or choice at random (chosen by lot); the determination or choice so made (they had a Christmas lot where whoever's name was drawn from the jar of names, would purchase a present no greater than say, fifty dollars for he or she whose name was on the paper drawn)

a number of associated people or things (that dealership has lots of cars for sale); a large amount, number or extent (she made lots of new friends in the neighborhood; felt a lot better; had lots more endurance after changing his diet)

a piece of land having specific boundaries, especially one constituting a part of a city, town or block of land therein; a piece of land used for a given purpose (a parking lot; a film studio); word is a shortened form of plot, see its true meaning

of.or.relating.to.the great scholar.Martin Luther and/or his teachings on books of the Bible.(example) and especially to the doctrine of justification by faith alone; the branch of the Protestant.Church.adhering to the academic views of Martin Luther
a member of the Lutheran church
Lutheranism or Lutherism.noun
Lutheranisms or Lutherisms.plurals.
Martin Luther, 1483-1546 A.D.
Martin Luther translated the Bible into the German language; he was pivotal leader of the Protestant Reformation, having precipitated it with his publication in 1517 of his Ninety-Five Theses, which detailed the indulgences and excesses of the Roman Catholic church. Luther felt that the essence of Christianity lay not in an elaborate organization headed by the pope, but in each person's direct communication with God:.John 10:34. Lutheran theology stressed obedience to government in accordance with.Romans 13:1-7.and.Jeremiah 27:1,5-18. His opposition to the wealth and corruption of the papacy and his belief that salvation would be granted on the basis of faith alone rather than by works, caused his excommunication from the Catholic church in 1521. Luther believed that salvation is a freely given gift based on faith rather than something earned by doing works others regard as spiritual. Luther's protest set off a flood of departures from the Roman Catholic church and set the stage for further Protestant movements, including Calvinism and Presbyterianism..comprised with American Heritage Dictionary and Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Luther confirmed the Augsberg Confession in 1530, effectively establishing the Lutheran Church. A sample of Luther's work.
Quotes of his 1, 2, 3.

Martin Luther King Jr., 1929-1968 (assassinated), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest, as also Ghandi was.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a black US spiritual leader and minister of the Baptist church who campaigned against the segregation of Blacks and became the most important leader of the civil rights movement in his time. He worked to achieve social changes for black people. He was a great public speaker and many people remember his famous speech that starts with the words "I have a dream". He encouraged people to try to achieve changes without using violence and in 1964 he won the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1968 he was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee. Those taking the US in another direction, that of satanism, violence and wars, wanted nothing of any peace ways to become widely known. In the US there is a national holiday in January to celebrate his birthday.
   Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister and his mother Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.'s maternal grandfather. King, Jr. was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18. Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King's theological development.Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

a servile follower; a low level attender waiting on instructions he or she is willing to unquestioningly follow; those who will easily follow another for the money offered are those prostituting themselves; such are corporate (corp rats) politicians, bureaucrats, healthcrats and their party politic corporate 'leaders' where control by them is done by getting others to 'follow the party line', typical of communism; a lackey is one who, in order to remain in good enough standing to gain favors, sucks up to those regarded as masters and this for purposes of remaining in or gaining security of position, believed by them to be provided through money (he having the biggest wallet is the master and by this people prostitute themselves by selling out to the dark side to gain selfish advantage for a very short life on Earth:.James 4:14, because they don't believe God cares enough to provide for them and they don't care for We the People at all (Matthew 6:25-33) and many demons have influenced these people types so effectively, that they no longer know the true and only God of all life, love and compassion even exists, but you can prove God is real); so, a lackey is basically a 'suck up'; a suckhead, 'brownnoser'.slang; a shyster, a sycophant, a toady, a dweeb, a quisling, an obsequious man or woman who is basically a minion, a flunky, a pundit; a satrap and basically one not caring to stand up for principles of character such as honesty and sincerity, obviously not seeing the reward for doing so; these are they being so despicable they easily can sell their fellow man or woman down the river for a nickle, as they've sold their own soul to evil for their own glory, greed and control over others, while they can see their life on Earth as their only existence:.1Timothy 4:2. They are truly dummer than a bag of hammers outside in a Saskatchewan winter.
lackey, lackeys, lackeyed, lackeying.transitive verbs

any of various chiefly aquatic bloodsucking or carnivorous annelid worms of the class Hirudinea, of which one species, Hirudo medicinalis, was formerly used by physicians to bleed patients (shows how 'advanced' they were, like duh!; one that preys on or clings to another; a parasite (the parasites of today are found among politicians and others of evil); stresses persistence in clinging to or bleeding another for one's own advantage (the leeching practices of organized groups pretending to exist altruistically)
leech, leeched, leeching, leeches.verbs
transitive verb use.to bleed with leeches; to drain the essence or exhaust the resources of
intransitive verb use.to attach oneself to another in the manner of a leech; either vertical edge of a square sail; the after edge of a fore-and-aft sail

a specialist in law

loathe, loathed, loathing, loathes.transitive verbs
also Old English.loth, lothed, lothing, loths
to dislike something or someone greatly; considering something as being an abomination; abhor
unwilling or reluctant; disinclined.(I am loath to go on such short notice); hateful; loathsome; to despise
loathsome; hateful
arousing loathing; abhorrent; offensive; displeasing

list, listed, listing, lists.verbs
transitive verb use.to be pleasing to; suit
intransitive verb use.to be disposed; choose

a series of names, words or other items written, printed or imagined one after the other (a shopping list; a guest list; a list of things to do)
list, listed, listing, lists.verbs
transitive verb use.to make a list of; itemize (listed his previous jobs); to enter in a list; record (listed each item received); to put oneself in a specific.category(lists herself as an artist)
intransitive verb use.to have a stated list price (a radio that lists for ten dollars over the sale price)

an inclination to one side, as of a ship; a tilt
list, listed, listing, lists.intransitive and transitive verb use
to lean or cause to lean to the side (the damaged ship listed badly to starboard); erosion first listed, then toppled the spruce tree

lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; languid; lethargic.(reacted to the latest crisis with listless resignation) 

a legacy of a period of history or an event is something which is a direct result of it and which continues to exist after it is over; something handed down from the past, from an ancestor or a predecessor (the legacy of Billy Graham; a legacy of religious freedom; a legacy of perpetual slavery); money or property bequeathed to another by will; heritage

able to read and write; knowledgeable or educated in several.fields or a particular field; familiar with literature; literary (a literate essay)
one who can read and write; a well-informed, educated person
of, relating.to.or.dealing with literature (local libraries have lots of literature on many subjects; a literary award); of or relating to writers (literary circles); fond of or versed in literature and learning
the qualityor condition of being literate, meaning the ability to read and write

a body of writings in prose or verse; the body of written work produced by scholars or researchers in a given field (physics literature); printed material (she collected all the available literature on the subject of the beginning of living organisms that she could find)

the newly hatched, wingless, often wormlike form of many insects before metamorphosis; the newly hatched, earliest stage of any of various animals that undergo metamorphosis, differing markedly in form and appearance from the adult

an insecticide designed to kill larval pests

loot, looted, looting, loots.verbs
transitive verb use.to pillage; spoil; to take as spoils; steal
intransitive verb use.to engage in pillaging
valuables pillaged in time of war; spoils; stolen goods
