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capable of meeting financial obligations
Chemistry:.capable of dissolving another substance
Chemistry:.a substance in which another substance is dissolved, forming a solution; a substance, usually a liquid, capable of dissolving another substance; something that solves or explains

supply, supplied, supplying, supplies.verbs
transitive verb use.to make available for use; provide; to furnish or equip with (supplied lunches for the picnic); to fill sufficiently; satisfy (supply a need); to make up for a deficiency, for example; compensate for
intransitive verb use.to fill a position as a substitute
the act of supplying; something that is or can be supplied; an amount available or sufficient for a given use; stock (we have a lot of extra apples, so let's give them to the school children); materials or provisions.stored and dispensed when needed

reconciliation or fusion of differing.systems of belief, as in philosophy or religion, especially when success is partial or the result is heterogeneous; a merging of two or more originally different inflectional forms as in linguistics

singe, singed, singeing, singes.transitive verbs
to burn superficially; scorch; if you singe something or if it singes, it burns very slightly and changes color but does not catch fire (she said to toast the dried chillies in a hot pan until they start to singe); to burn off the feathers or bristles of a carcass of a bird or an animal) by subjecting.briefly to flame.; to burn the ends of hair, for example; to burn the nap from cloth in manufacturing
a slight or surface burn; a scorch

scorch, scorched, scorching, scorches.verbs
transitive verb use.to burn superficially so as to discolor or damage the texture of (doing ironing with too much heat slightly burnt his shirt); to wither or parch with intense heat
intransitive verb use.to become scorched or singed
a slight or surface burn; a discoloration caused by heat

intermediate in properties, especially in rigidity, between solids and liquids (there are many tasty semisolid cheeses on the market)
a semisolid substance, such as a stiff.dough or firm.gelatin

of, relating.to.or.characterized.by conjecture; conjectural; in statistics, involving or containing a random.variable or variables (stochastic calculus); involving chance or probability (a stochastic simulation)

a broad, flat, thick piece, as of cake, stone or cheese; an outside piece cut from a log when squaring it for lumber
slab, slabbed, slabbing, slabs.transitive verbs
to make or shape into slabs or a slab; to cover or pave with slabs

a scornful.facial.expression.characterized by a slight raising of one corner of the upper lip; a contemptuous facial expression, sound or statement
sneer, sneered, sneering, sneers.verbs
transitive verb use.to utter with a sneer or in a sneering manner
intransitive verb use.to assume a scornful, contemptuous or derisive facial expression; to speak in a scornful, contemptuous or derisive manner

the act of stretching or the state of being stretched; the extent or scope to which something can be stretched; elasticity. 3. A continuous or unbroken length, area or expanse (an empty stretch of highway); a straight.section of a racecourse or track, especially the section leading to the finish line (rounding the corner the horses headed down the last stretch); a continuous period of time (that was one long stretch of cold weather); the last stage of an event, a period or a process
stretch, stretched, stretching, stretches.verbs
something that stretches over an area or distance covers or exists in the whole of that area or distance (the procession stretched for several miles; a reef stretching the length of the coast); a stretch of road, water or land is a length or area of it (it's a dangerous stretch of mountain road in the wintertime); when you stretch, you put your arms or legs out straight and tighten your muscles
(he yawned and stretched; try stretching your legs and pulling your toes upwards; she arched her back and stretched herself); a stretch of time is a period of time (after an 18-month stretch in the army; he would study for eight to ten hours at a stretch); if something stretches from one time to another, it begins at the first time and ends at the second (a working day that stretches from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon); when something soft or elastic stretches or is stretched, it becomes longer or bigger as well as thinner, usually because it is pulled (the cables are designed not to stretch); if you stretch an amount of something or if it stretches, you make it last longer than it usually would by being careful and not wasting any of it (they're used to stretching their budgets; during his senior year at college his earnings stretched far enough to buy an older car)
transitive verb use.to lengthen, widen or distend (stretched the sweater out of shape); to cause to extend from one place to another or across a given space (stretched the banner between two poles); to make taut; tighten (stretched the tarpaulin until it ripped); to increase the quantity of by admixture or dilution (stretch a meal by thinning the stew)
intransitive verb use.to become lengthened, widened or distended; to lie down at full length (stretched out on the bed for a nap);  the extent or scope to which something can be stretched; elasticity; the last stage of an event, a period or a process (we're now on the home stretch and will be home in an hour)
made of an elastic material that stretches easily (stretch pants); of, relating.to.or.being a vehicle, such as a limousine or passenger jet, having an extended seating area that provides extra space for more passengers, leg room or amenities
stretch one's legs.idiom
to go for a walk, especially after a lengthy period of sitting
garments that exhibit a stretch quality to them (the department store now has a line of stretchable pants)

the surrounding and blockading of a city, town or fortress by an army attempting to capture it; a prolonged.period, as of illness (a siege of asthma)
siege, sieged, sieging, sieges.transitive verbs
to subject to a siege; besiege

spread, spreading, spreads.verbs
transitive verb use.to open to a fuller extent or width; stretch (spread out the tablecloth; a bird spreading its wings); to make wider the gap between; move farther apart (spread the fingers); to distribute over a surface in a layer (spread varnish on the steps); to cover with a layer (spread a cracker with butter); to distribute widely (the storm spread dust everywhere); to make a wide or extensive.arrangement of (we spread the bicycle parts out on the garage floor); to cause to become widely seen or known; scatter or disseminate (spread the good news; spread the beam of the flashlight); to prepare a table for eating; to arrange food or a meal on a table (spread out the table for dinner); set; to flatten a rivet end for example, by pounding
intransitive verb use.to be extended or enlarged; to become distributed or widely dispersed; to increase in range of occurrence; become known or prevalent over a wide area (the word spread fast); to be exhibited, displayed or visible in broad or full extent (the vista spread seemingly to infinity
the act of spreading; dissemination; diffusion; an open area of land; an expanse; a ranch, a farm or an estate (this is my spread in the country); a cloth covering for a bed, table or other piece of furniture; an abundant meal laid out on a table (that's quite a spread you put on for dinner)