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-lightning/fireballs/beams:.Lightning lasts only a few milliseconds, but can heat the channel of air it is in to over 30,000C, five times hotter than the surface of the Sun. Millions of volts are involved.

The loud crack you hear is the result of the air in the lightning channel expanding at supersonic speeds, thus generating tremendously loud sound waves.

Lightning or beam? This was on the Internet for a short while.

Normal lightning is caused by ions, lightning exhibits a fractal pattern, unless it's a beam. Is this lightning?

But sometimes it's more than what appears at first: Allan Hughes, whose home backs onto the park where the two little boys and their mom were hit by 'lightning' in Brampton Ontario, noted the sky was just overcast. Hughes was sitting at home eating lunch when he was startled by an 'abnormally loud bang'.."It was the loudest bang I've ever heard".he said. It was partly cloudy at the time with no rain but there was a distant rumbling of thunder. Connie Denbok, whose home also borders the soccer field said she saw."what looked like a fireball outside my window". ...article, now gone, was originally at kelowna.thesun.net/news/14/975325

Of late strange clouds have been increasing.(also here, a video from the space station of them)(wired.com/wiredscience/2009/07/nightclouds/).

"That's a real concern and question".said James Russell, an atmospheric scientist at Hampton University and the principal investigator of an ongoing NASA satellite mission to study the clouds.."Why are they getting more numerous? Why are they getting brighter? Why are they appearing at lower latitudes?".Nobody knows for sure, but most of the answers seem to point to human caused global atmospheric change precipitated by spraying the skies with what's called chemtrails (aerosol components, geoengineering practices used allegedly to block the Sun, which increases what's called the 'greenhouse effect' harboring more carbon dioxide, so the problem has been created and now a solution is needed, that of reducing the carbon and to make a little money along the way toward carbon depletion, we hear of carbon credits (type into a seach engine for more). Along with this we have electrical manipulation of the ionosphere.(type HAARP into a search engine). The Sun is also changing. So why the evils increasing?....back to ions cause lightning

What can Direct Energy Weapon.(DEW).beams do? Pic is of recent results in the West Coast so-called 'wildfires', also used on Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii.

Reversing aging 3 ways:.

1).Way number one.is to clean out your body quickly in order to restore health and vitality. Do a renewing fast. The fast is a bit fiddly. Results are worth it!

2).Way number 2.is using the free 'med beds' created with off-world technology, ready for the public June 2021, not released widely until approximately Christmas 2023 or 2024, as the Alliance militaries are still arresting the ever so many cabal criminals. What you can do to hasten it.

2).Way number 3.is the commonsensible approach to life that involves gratitude, thankfulness and happiness. One can stay in this frame of mind if they are able to keep negative thoughts from creeping in and being alert to the fact life can be short-circuited by anger. To get on the fast track here, learn about eradicating limiting beliefs.

And about Dr. Al Sears, comprised from totalhealthbreakthroughs.com

Switch on your so-called 'immortality' gene or you can also just decide to live and not die.

Dr. Al Sears.(alsearsmd.com).reveals the secret to undying health, reversing aging. A hidden switch in every cell of your body controls how long you live... and when you die.

It has the power to extend life, maybe indefinitely

Most doctors have never heard of it.

A group of scientists stumbled upon it just ten years ago. They watched in awe as generation after generation of cells multiplied... without aging. As one top researcher put it in a Harvard report."with this switch turned on, these cells become 'immortalized'."

Until very recently, we didn't know how to activate it. Today we do. We've uncovered the natural mechanism in your body that sets aging in motion. 

For the first time ever, you can slow down and even reverse aging. You'll be in the front row as Dr. Sears and a team of leading anti-aging experts walk you through the process in his brand new DVD. 

Dr. Sears is the first doctor in the US licensed to provide TA-65 to the public. Dr. Al Sears, MD sees patients at The Center for Health and Wellness, his integrative clinic and research center in Wellington, Florida. He continues to develop novel exercise and nutritional systems transforming the lives of over 20,000 patients in 23 countries.

With over 500 articles and 13 books in the fields of alternative medicine, anti-aging and nutritional supplementation, Dr. Sears enjoys a worldwide readership and has appeared on over 50 national radio programs, ABC News, CNN and ESPN.

He currently publishes a monthly E-Newsletter Health Confidential and a twice-weekly Email broadcast Doctor's House Call.

Dr. Sears is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and is Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine. As a pioneer in this new field of medicine, he is an avid researcher and sought after lecturer to thousands of doctors and health enthusiasts.

Dr. Sears earned his medical degree from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. He scored in the 99th percentile on his MCAT and graduated with honors in Internal Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Physical Medicine.

Recently mentioned in Newsweek, TA-65 activates the gene that regulates telomerase. This enzyme helps control cell division and may hold the key to disease prevention and life extension.

No need for a plane ticket or the cost of a hotel. You can order the DVD.

You'll also hear from people whose 'immortality' gene is already 'switched on'. Alternately you can wait until the 'med beds' are released, which can reverse you age by how much you want.

In fact, Dr. Sears and his colleagues are personally undergoing this historic anti-aging treatment themselves. They'll share with you the changes they've seen in a matter of months, from sharper vision to enhanced mental powers.

You'll hear about people like Bob Hayes. At 82 he regularly runs 50-mile races and bests competitors half his age. 

Or Helen Klein. She just broke the world record for marathoners aged 85-90 by over an hour.

You'll learn the secret to their health and longevity from one of the leading anti-aging researchers in the country, Dr Bill Andrews. 

And you'll discover what one of the top anti-aging specialists calls."the single most promising approach to reversing the effects of aging".

Unleash TA-65's Life-Giving Power
TA-65's immortalizing power lies in a genetic structure called the telomere. It's the mechanism that controls aging. It's also the key to total health.

What are your telomeres? They're protective tips that cap the ends of your DNA: Each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. When your telomeres run down, cell division stops and your life ends.

For the first time in history, we can halt and even reverse this process.

The secret lies in an enzyme called telomerase. Telomerase makes your telomeres longer. That means your cells actually get younger as time goes by!

Simply put, telomerase turns back the hands of time. It's in every cell of your body, but the gene that makes it turns off as you age. TA-65 switches it on back on.

Telomeres are dramatic indicators of your overall health. 

Have a Look at the Evidence ...

We now know that telomere length is a key indicator of your overall health. The latest evidence from the most highly regarded sources keeps mounting... 

Aging/Los Angeles Times
Your risk of heart attack increases the faster your telomeres break down. Scientists looked at people in perfect health . . . who later died from heart disease. They found the death rate from heart attack was three times higher for men whose telomeres got short the fastest. The death rate for women was 2.3 times higher. (2009)

Journals of Gerontology (2008)
100 year olds in good health had 'significantly longer' telomeres than those with health problems. (2008)

American Heart Association
People with shorter telomeres in their immune cells had twice the risk of death from heart failure as patients with the longest telomeres. The study, published in one of its key journals, looked at over 750 people with heart disease. The highest-risk group had telomeres half the length of the lowest-risk group. (2008)

Psychosomatic Medicine
Women with shorter telomeres are more likely to be overweight and insulin resistant. (2008)

American Association for Cancer Research
One of its flagship journals published a potential link between telomere length and colon cancer. (2006)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
People with short telomeres are more likely to suffer from weaker immune systems and greater heart disease risk. (2004)

And here's the kicker: last year the prestigious journal Lancet backed up Dr. Sears' 6 steps to switch on your immortality gene.

It came in a study run by Dr. Dean Ornish. He found that the same lifestyle changes you'll find in Dr. Sears' TA-65 Seminar can boost your telomerase levels by 29 percent. 

You can see just how important your 'immortality gene' is to your life and health. You really can switch it on. People across the country have already done it and they're seeing the changes for themselves.

Find out what you can do to start 'growing younger' right in your own home. Watch Dr. Sears' TA-65 Seminar today. In addition to TA-65 science, you'll have in hand the 6 simple steps to activate your anti-aging gene-right away.

A great diet of organic foods can do much to reduce the effects of aging, as well as understanding how the underlying universe works:.(istpp.org/video/):.Psalms 103:5; Isaiah 40:31. Not losing your wonder for life is important, as it is what keeps your skin tight. Long living people have learned from life to let go. Consciousness is above all. Good and bad, if it's in your mind, you'll see it in your life. Such super seniors have learned to digest what life has presented in such a way as to realize there is an intelligence behind it all.

The book Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, Peter Kelder.is about the five Tibetan rites. Type into a search engine for videos.

-NASA's shot of the Sun's corona.Sun itself is blocked out in the tiny darker center of the pic. This pic has a most strange bright object showing heading to the Sun and showing in the pic somewhere between the telescope.(the large light blue circle within the dark blue square).and the Sun.(blocked out in the center). Only appeared this day. Was left up on NASA's site four days. Why was it taken down? What was it? Is the Sun actually a stargate, a 'gate' out of the black hole of this universe we are in and into all the other universes there are? 

Do other civilizations have the propulsion systems we could learn from in order to do the same? What were they doing in our part of the multiverse? Why did they leave? Are they coming back? Well, anybody can answer those two last questions! Ha ha! Was it just a holiday for them? What's going on out there? like the gigantic awakening event not reported by the controlled mainstream media news, for example, have you even heard about it? 

What put us into a 'period of grace', but for how long and why? Things are occurring where humanity should have been gone by now. Another is here.

The blue pic here is no longer found. Taken down two days later. They don't want you to know about such things. The blue pic is of a spaceship heading out of the Earth part of the multiverse, through the stargate it uses, the Sun. It was originally at sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/realtime-c3.html

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