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Does God Exist Index

D o e s  G o d  E x i s t ?
(has 10 pages)

"I don't question your existence."....Creator-God, aka the Infinite One:.Nehemiah 9:6

"He.....hangs the Earth upon nothing.".Job 26:7

animated Earth

"Who made the Earth and put all those
colors in the nice butterfly daddy?
And daddy, what about this book
that's called the Bible?
Is it true?"
"Who created God daddy and what about me?"

"Can you answer me daddy? And daddy?
How does God see us at night? And daddy?
What is God?"

"Who put the seas there daddy, so they don't come on the land?"

Jeremiah 5:22 ".....will you not tremble.(original 'set your head a spinning', as in amazement).at my presence, which has placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual.decree, that it cannot pass it and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it?"

Creation Proves A Creator
But where does evolution fit into it all?
Design Proves There Had To Be A Designer
Life Proves There's A Life giver

Creation Proves A Creator
And what a good creation! What about it is there not to like? A beautiful woman? A true gentleman? Sex? Children laughing? Delicious healthful food? Liquids for thirst? Breathing clean air? Sleep that's not fragmented? Nature's beauty? Social interaction we have with each other.(dating, dinners, games, golf, barbecues, learning things, etc.).is so satisfying. 

What about ability to learn, innovate, improve and create? We are able to produce children? Children getting ahead in life feeds the souls of those concerned about them? Problems solved are like water when thirsty? 

We have recreation.(fishing, hunting, etc.)? We have gravity and so many other things of creation taken for granted. Thanks to the existence and physics of sound waves we have music?

We come with the body's ability.(1, 2).to care for itself by restoring health through reestablishment of its design patterns. We come with an ability to experience pleasure? And we have a guaranteed future freely available.

The number one proof of the existence of Creator-God is you. Many scientists deeply believe in the existence of God. The remarkable design necessary for the human body to carry on through life and throughout generations is absolutely.astonishing. Why remain as those of low consciousness who avoid considering what the Creator has done?.Job 34:26,27; 37:14; Psalms 8:3-6; 37:9,10; Romans 3:11,12; Ecclesiastes 5:1; 7:13.

Isaiah 44:24 "Thus says the Lord, your redeemer and he that formed you in the womb, I am the Lord that makes all things, that stretches forth the heavens alone, that spreads abroad the Earth by myself."

NASA found out years ago when they planned to send man beyond the Earth, that a suitable living environment had to be provided for. 

An Earth's environment had to be artificially created with efficiency. Air, recyclable wastes, food resources, exposure to cosmic rays, weightlessness, etc., had to be considered and accounted for. So much of what we take for granted here on Earth causes major concerns when we attempt to master what seems like opportunities beyond it, instead of concentrating on the opportunity here.
