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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n
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Black and Brown bears: Black bears can climb trees; brown ones can't climb them. Creator-God made one able to do so and the other not so. Evolution fails to intelligently account for the differences. It avoids delving into answering even simple things we all notice in nature, such as why do bears scratch their backs on trees? Apart from the obvious answer, why do they and how is it that they know how to do this? It's part of the intelligent programming they have. They know the tree is good for relieving.itches. They know what is a tree. How were they led to find this out in the first place? It had to be programmed into them to have the intelligence.

Panda bears: Also called the Giant panda, a bear native to south central China. It eats almost 100% bamboo, but will also eat some other grasses, wild tubers and occasionally birds. There is also a red panda bear.

Polar bears:.Polar bears can smell a seal twenty miles away! They also can swim as fast as their favorite dinner, but they are smarter, plugging all holes in the ice where they detect a seal, allowing it to surface from only one. They travel speedily, going some 25 miles per hour.(40 Km hr).

But, evolution would say that if there was a need to scratch, a bear's legs would grow longer so their paws could reach around to their backs and they would then be able to scratch the itch. So, why hasn't this happened? Evolution is such garbage reasoning. Evolutionary explanations skirt practical questions we all had as kids, contributing to the dumbing down of society.

Cosmic Ray Interaction:.Unidentified radiation swats what appears to be electrons off the atoms in the air, turning them into energy that alters the electrical environment from its stable origination.

Scientists use ionization detectors to measure changes in the electrical charge of the air. Ionization increases with altitude, so the rays don't come from inside the Earth. Because the cosmic rays are steady day and night, they couldn't be from the Sun, at least not on the dark side of the Earth where night is. From where do they come from? Scientists believe these cosmic rays come from 'somewhere' in the cosmos.."The Earth is constantly bombarded by cosmic rays and we don't know where they are coming from.".says Professor Susan Cooper of Oxford University. Nor, do most know that space vacuum is all energy. More on what's going on.

Cosmic rays are the exclusive specimens of matter originating outside the Solar System.(our Sun and the nine {now eight} planets). These particles abound with high energy. Some astronomers believe that retired quasars are the source of cosmic rays.

The entire density of these cosmic rays is far greater in our galaxy than elsewhere, showing they originated.somehow.in our home galaxy, the Milky Way.  And what was the somehow?.Isaiah 11:4.

Who formed the cosmic ray isotopes? Who determined that its design, would be as it is? example: nickel 59 and cobalt 59 have a specific makeup, nickel has 28 protons and 31 neutrons and cobalt has 27 protons and 32 neutrons. Nickel 59 is radioactive decaying into cobalt 59 when it captures an orbital electron, turning one of its protons into a neutron. The decay process has a half life of 76,000 years. Why not 176,000, etc.? Who determined things would work as they do, if not Creator-God? Where else would one find such intelligence?

The elements are of precise.composition. We understand what is; for example the covalent bonding of carbon atoms forming organic.compounds. Through this we can see some great intelligence created what we observe and codify

But when great speed changes things, the nickel nucleus loses all association with the electron, then no decay occurs.

Materials including mercury, lead, tin, aluminum, etc., lose all resistance to electricity at minus 269ºC. No one is sure why, but hey, who wants any action at that temp anyhow?

Even a minimal alteration in physical constants holding everything together would result in modifications so severe that life as we know it would not, could not, exist. Someone set the precise balance. None of us were intelligent enough to do it and do it perfectly, right from the get go! But God was up to it!

The gravitational attraction between the protons of stars is less in strength than their electrical repulsion. If this were not so, stars would collapse before nuclear fusion could build upon hydrogen and deuterium. If the electromagnetic (electromotive) force were greater, the opposite would occur. 

A star's synthesis depends delicately on both the amount of deuterium and helium and how they function. 

The proportion of neutron/proton mass stabilizing deuterium cannot even be scantly shifted without disastrous consequences. Such balance and perfection exists throughout the universe.

Man:.There is a vast superiority of man over the animals. Consider reading some of Noam Chomsky's books where he talks about the 'miracle' of language. Consider also the language of God, the language of the spheres, the language of water, as gene Decode so well explains, genedecode.org

Men and women are actually structures of consciousness, light beings aware of their reality, because we are made in the image of the greatest light being of all, the living God.

Who were the beings called God.(God is a plural word).who brought man into being?."In the image of God means you are the image of higher consciousness. Everything you have done throughout your life, your decision making, actions, thinking and feelings have been based on how you see yourself and in seeing yourself you have reflected in the outer world your beliefs about yourself."....Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Do you see yourself as being of God?

Man and woman are body, soul.and.spirit wherein each is the consciousness of all three. Every cell in our bodies communicates with every other cell. It has to as each cell has to know the needs of the others. 

The book.The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East.also teaches us this same thing as Bruno Groening talks about here:."What is a human being but a divine creature. The human being consists of spirit, soul and body. He or she is a human being because God has given him an Earthbound body. Here the human being has the big task of caring for the well-being of the body he or she has. The well-being of the body does not only come about by feeding the body with the divine fruit.(Matthew 6:31-33), but by keeping order in the body the way God created it.(Jeremiah 18:8). Everything created.(created by the good God is created by good, a divine creation; from there the blinded man however, creates out of his ordinary consciousness and unknowingly aligns himself with the evil side, the negative creative energy, which is connected to the collective consciousness, which has within it both the good and bad, reflecting the vicissitudes of man's nature).is divine.(*). Man is a creature of love. What has been created in love.(created patterns), can only live in love.(if man lives any way apart from love, he is putting himself on the road out of life). Love.is.God.(1John 4:6-17). When you make a choice.(your decision; God never overrides anyone; you create the mental patterns you want).to connect with the divine spirit, everything then will be geared toward it. Spirit.rules.matter."....Bruno Gröning

This is because all frequencies in the multiiverse are connected and all matter and thought are simply frequencies, vibrations, with thought being king of all. Once one's mind makes a choice, the body can't do anything but follow suit. It's a real active process. Decide for good.(what is good?).for yourself and others.

The multiverse is also this.."The Creator is truly man because He created man. Man is the incarnation of the Creator so that He can pass knowledge to man as a man to a man. Created 'in God's image' means not the outer likeness, but the nature of the Infinite who set up consciousness with the patterns it has, so it can self-create continuously, sustaining that which is. When we use the expression 'in God's image', it's said not about the outer likeness but about some profound ties and interaction of forms.

"When we speak about the principle of likeness we also mean that the Creator, having taken the image of man and having formed him.(God had man's image in His imagination as a first creative step), reproduced.(why 'reproduced'?).the whole surrounding world.(in accordance with what the Creator knew man would require). Reproduction of the world is carried out in such way that the image of man leads to the creation of each element of the world.(with the image of man in God's mind, He made the world to accomodate man). And the principle of self-creation has been laid down in each element of the world. Therefore, on the basis of the form of the physical body of man and his thought forms, it's always possible to get any necessary information about any event in the world. At present there are devices which register thought-forms."....Grigori Grabovoi.

Man has the ability to transform. He is a transformer when he uses his ability to change. There is a great gap in two areas that needs consideration to each if man is to progress. These gaps have been allowed to develop for the purpose of separation, for in separation choice bounces up. Do I go this way or that way? Or, maybe I'll stay somewhere in the middle until I'm sure which direction should be taken. Should I go with evolution in my beliefs or believe instead in the great Creator-God? One needs information so he can formulate belief.

Darwin couldn't explain either the origin of variations he noticed, nor how they were passed onto succeeding generations of a species. He had shaky foundations for his theory in the book he wrote on the.Origin of Species, on which information on it is now called the theory of evolution. 

The theory of evolution has now become doctrine for those who hijacked his theory and those who still follow it, as this subject about Creation/Evolution shows.

So, why would those coming along after Darwin hijack his theory? Well, obviously, for their own purposes. So, what did they do with it? These were those intelligent enough to learn it, so why didn't they reject it as many smart scientists have done and still do?

Evolution has been taught worldwide as a statement of opinions considered to be factual. If such propagators of information are sincere, then their thinking processes neglected reaching deep enough to present intelligence on the subject. If they were not sincere, why even bother to listen to them? 

Attempts continue to intimidate honest scientists in order to protect the theory's rife errors and continue bamboozling.those wanting answers as to origin. This is clearly seen in the movie.Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.

Where is the leap quantified in evolution to account for man being set apart so decisively from all the other products evolution claims were as a result of Darwinian process of descent with modification? It's found nowhere! Evolution fails.

Evolution avoids accounting for what it is that may have caused the modification producing the descent towards a superior species. Evolution neglects accounting for human thought and therefor limits itself to physicality. Though it claims to be, evolution is not a theory that deals with the progression of anything; anything that is, apart from this.

Part of the 'great gap' between man and the animals is that man can conduct himself morally, comprehending a difference between right and wrong from observation alone. Man understands humor. He laughs. He is superior to animals in so many ways. Why is he superior?
   Man is appreciative of aesthetics.

The Great Designer built into us an incredible complex system of impulse conducting cells we call neurons. These comprise what we have categorized as the nervous systems regulating body functions.

Nerves:.Consider how your nerves work. If the body's complex system of nerve cells didn't work in balance with its environment, what would happen? What if they just didn't sense heat as they do? Scalding hot water would not be noticed in time to save your skin or your insides if you drank something way too hot, so the nerves in your lip alert you if you miss the steam with your eyes and are wearing gloves; the stove element was red, but so what...until too late! What if the nerves' temperature sensing ability was off by just 20%. What if they just didn't work well enough to sense freezing cold as they do and you were out walking for a few hours and the temperature was minus 20 and you had your summer clothes on, because this seemed comfortable? If the human race existed without temperature sensing ability or with an inadequate one, we would not be here. Important to wake up to the reality that creation.has to.have an intelligent creator. 

Awakening to reality involves being alert enough to sense and override what low consciousness produces, such as the separation impulse, which tends to drive us away from others. Children and animals are sensitive to danger and tend to want to get away from those of evil. If you see them like this, be aware that they are sensing in some individual, some evil you may not be fully aware of yet.

Snails:.The spiral of the snail's shell increases in size as it winds around itself, so that each developing whorl increases in width forming an equiangular spiral. A snail is unable to distend the hard walls of its shell so it adds to the open end of its shell. A tiny snail's shell is identical to the spiral of a larger one. The growing snail determines the configuration of its surrounding home.
