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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  p a g e  8 4

fragmented brain
Brain:.Is our brain wired for language at birth? Just how does the brain, this amazing electronic switching station, do what it does, such as enable you to change the vibration of yourself and everything around you?

How did the brain come to be as it is? What really is the brain and mind for?

Steven Pinker.(MIT {Massachusetts Institute of Technology)."The lesson from verbs is that our minds combine the best of both worlds. The brains we are born with come with a in built program for manipulating regular verbs.(matched from match, say).whereas the past tenses of irregular verbs.(catch to caught).have to be individually memorized...a dazzling range of facts suggesting the brain handles regular and irregular verbs quite differently." ...Words and Rules.by Steven Pinker, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 214-99, ISBN 0297816470.

The brain is designed to function continually as it's a decoding instrument allowing us to experience what appears to us to be solid things. 

The left brain hemisphere operates serially.(sequential transmission of signals over one main nerve {one signal after another; like ten cars traveling all in one lane behind each other or magazines subscribed to which come each month}) and the right, as a parallel processor (simultaneous transmission of all signals over separate nerves, like 10 cars traveling beside each other all going in the same direction).and why do the two cerebral cortices use the corpus callosum in communication with each other? A very sophisticated system, brilliantly designed!

The body and the brain are physically altered by both one's activities and thoughts. All you are and do affects what you are and become.

Evolution as Faith:.By failing to account quantitatively for the complexity of the primate, evolution invalidates any potential calculations for verification.thus becoming fideistic.

By deciding to leave Creator-God out of the picture, looking instead for answers down blind alleys evolutionary theory continually presents, such as natural selection, gradualism, Darwinian descent, modification through mutation, survival of the fittest, etc., evolutionary 'scientists' remain bound with parochial.conjectural.concepts, leading them to avoid mathematically.corroborative.precepts.

Providing no scientific equation.to.justify that evidence encountered resulted from evolutionary processes, evolution distances itself from the scientific realm and instead presents itself to us for acceptance both with the ethereality of conjecture and the expectation, followers will be as compliant to its tenets as those hoodwinked into the Jonestown tragedy...

Many evolutionists then, by calling themselves 'of science', thusly and hypocritically so, as evolution conveys anti-knowledge, enter into an unfounded faith, whereas, Christians have a provably unshakable basis for faith.

It's just another dark side trick, a fraud. Wherever you see frauds, you can know what is behind them:.John 8:44 "...when he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it."

"With the failure of these many efforts science was left in the somewhat embarrassing position of having to postulate theories of living origins.(and outright lies).which it could not demonstrate. After having chided the theologian for his reliance on myth and miracle, science found itself in the unenviable position of having to create a mythology of its own; namely, the assumption that what, after long effort, could not be proved to take place today had, in truth, taken place in the primeval past."....Loren Eiseley, Ph.D..(anthropology), 'The secret of life' in.The Immense Journey, Random House, New York, 1957, p. 199. If evolution is forever going on somewhere; where?

"I don't see how anyone can protest that his beliefs ought to be immune to the standards of objective historical investigation, simply by claiming that they are held on the basis of faith.".Paul Kurtz,.The New Skepticism: Inquiry and Reliable Knowledge, 1992, Prometheus Books, Amherst, New York.

And when a mathematically scientific approach is applied in examination of evolutionary tenets, those tenets fall apart as when a gust of wind comes across a house of cards.

Darwin took it for granted that evolution had a purpose and a direction as evidenced by his concept of randomness

Darwin explains the adaptiveness of life by attributing it to natural selection. He tried to supply the tools of evolution. His starting point was the study of interaction between species. He had the idea of a 'tree' connecting different life forms each undergoing transmutation. The reality however is different, involving anomalistic.transmogrifications.

Darwin presupposed that life arrived spontaneously in some warm pond, as a result of occurrences called random.mutations, that being magically a result of his survival of the fittest belief providing the impetus to the action of natural selection producing adaption and eliminating the weaker in the species thus.eliciting over time descent by modification. He could have just as easily stated that life came from seeds planted by aliens. It would make more sense than his convoluted theory.

Are results we see in life's organisms really the product of evolutionary features? Evolutionists like Steve Jones are still trying to verify the theory by reconstruction of features supporting evolution, in spite of historical facts disembodying the common understanding of evolution's structural mechanisms.
