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7- Cares for you and others?.considerate, prompt, respects, adds to the relationship, open to intimacy or an oppressive, dominating type.(how to spot them); or an egomaniac into debt and phony personality presentations for the sake of an impressive lifestyle, a perfect example of 'loving the world'? Tries to give you a perfect happy day or negotiates the day from a selfish point of view? Is he or she learning from the wisdom of those who have walked life's pathways earlier?

Does the person who is a potential for a mate comprehend how to get the things such as money that he or she will want? Without money one's life doesn't go far, nor does it if money is from ill-gotten gains. Does he or she understand the Creator's part in all this?.Matthew 6:33.

That difference is dichotomization. The ability to separate what is needed from what one may desire, can help contribute towards a stable lifestyle. To adhere to such values requires self-control. Einstein understood the difference. Does your potential mate?

Ladies, seek for a man like Eady had

8- Trustworthy, open, honest, dependable, well liked by others and confident, yet vulnerable?.Has integrity.(or a worthless dud, see under #15); stands the test.(approved by others you trust).of others whom you know love you, like mom and dad? Is a polite person? Known him or her long enough? How long is that? Do you know him or her well enough to be sure positive qualities will remain.consistent.or is the person a phony presenting some initial acts? Is she or he confident.yet.vulnerable, that is, is strong enought to allow others to see his heart or a weak kneeded wussy that seems to be hiding what he or she really is?

9- Appreciative and happy.thankful, happy with you and his/herself; willing to give all to do whatever it may take to make the relationship continually special; also, if you don't feel this way toward the other, don't proceed?

10- Voice and speech.pleasant and warm, upbeat yet controlled, or 'draggy', incoherent; speaks of the good in others or gossips; would rather say something lighthearted or nasty? 

11-.Open minded.and a seeker, anxious to learn that which will improve things? What does he or she want? If a family is important to you, is it also to him or her? Wants you for a sex ride and yet wants to continue to live his or her own life as he or she sees fit? Wants to 'settle down' or play his or her life away for a while?

Does the person who is your present object of attention have flexibility, creativity and wonder for life or have they lost it somewhere along the way, now being stuck in negativity? Is he or she attached to outcomes that never seem to come around? Then, they are far from a connection with their soul. Being flexible in life is letting go of concerns over outcomes, knowing that the soul is always working out what is best. This is faith.

12- Cleanliness of person/living environment.neat, classy, disheveled, crummy?

13- Background.upbringing: loving parents, to each other and him/her, present state of parents?; still happily together? This is one of the more important considerations, perhaps the most important consideration? And what's the family like? And does he the person you are considering have positive feelings about both the good and bad circumstances of his past. Is he or she capable of deep feelings or happy mostly by satisfying superficial and temporary present interests.
   If he or she came from good parents, they too will make a good parent.

14- Common interests.what brings you together; able to communicate? or is a self-involved me first, me only, unless I want something from you, type of person?

15- Is he or she a true spiritual person.called a Christian.(Acts 11:26).in the Holy Bible, although as Emmanuel said:.Matthew 7:20?

Are they on the ever learning path of spirituality, learning about their egos and learning about higher consciousness or have they found it all? If they think they have found it all, run!

Consider, does the other person make you feel put upon.(imposed upon, overburdened by).and annoyed? If they tend to rouse your anger, they are not helping you spiritually and there is no soul closeness. The door to the realm of spirit is closing. You won't be happy with this person for any length of time. If each of you cannot surrender to the path of peace that brought you together in the first place; if each of you cannot leave off trying to be right, then, what are you doing together, apart from doing some jiggery-pokery?

Bickering is another major roadblock to intimacy, one that engages in blaming the other person. Of course, this leads to mutual blame and destroys peace of mind and eventually will destroy the relationship. How?

Looking for solutions to resolve such situations takes you out of the bickering mode. Pointless bickering creates a rocky relationship. Does it really matter who said what and when? Isn't it more important to figure out where you now are and move forward? But it does take two. If you both meditate, your souls will get closer.

Are they hot, lukewarm or pseudo?.2Corinthians 6:14,15 "Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness.(and what does that mean?).with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what concord has Christ with Belial.(or, those which can be influenced by the dark side)? Or what part has he that believes with an infidel.(an unbeliever, a non-spiritually minded person; one not called by God yet)?" Colossians 1:13 "Who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son." Ephesians 5:11 "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.".or, more accurately:.'Avoid the dark side; the side that is unprofitable spiritually and be convicted of those works; that is, see the results and decide.(as the previous verse in this chapter advises).not to be a part of those works.' 

It is the Holy Nature of God that is working on one's heart.(John 16:8), reproving or convicting the conscience to seek answers that can only be found when one is on a spiritual pathway, getting closer to God.

Use the baseball rule, three strikes and you're out! Because a relationship should grow and because you do not want to end up in an 'empty box', use the baseball rule.when getting to know someone.and interested enough to rate them

If they do what you consider to be a.major.negative regarding the relationship, that is strike one. Strike two comes along? Time to do some.very.serious thinking. If strike three occurs, well, are you going to hang in for 'strike four', perhaps 5 and 6 and 7, while your time gets wasted with these negative happenings? If you do, expect them continuously. Will you hang in there while more strikes occur, during which time you have perhaps missed meeting someone else more suitable for you? Surely, you are not that dumb!.Romans 13:10 "Love works no ill to his neighbour..."
   Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"
So, if you are getting 'ill' from this person, do you think they will ever love you? Nope! Not at all. Better to row the boat of life by yourself than have to drag dead weight along in it.

What is his or her attitude toward good things and noble principles? Or is he or she a dishonest one who violates the sense of right and wrong to gain selfish advantage.(like, "how can I use what he/she likes to get what I want"). Is he or she one who manipulates and lies to deceive. If he or she highly regards good, he or she will highly regard good in you:.Matthew 12:35. If not, kiss 'em goodbye!

One who does not regard good, enough to put some in him or herself and try to convey it to others, is virtually worthless, consumed by selfishness, of no real value and locked into the low consciousness ego level. Some are so selfish they can't even give any time to just listen to another. They are unable to even do that. Even a little good in them toward others would make a difference for both them and others. Instead the extreme selfish ones have allowed themselves the path of resistance to good, which has taken them into a personality of worthlessness because it refuses to help others, a personality that the dark side is pleased with. What real value do they then have. Is all hope for them gone? Nope!

Such are they who fail to realize their spiritual importance and fail to understand how much the Creator loves them. Without them realizing this, they will have no power to do anything of value in life:.John 15:5

One seeking the approbation of men is not a true spiritual person of love:.John 5:44.

Look to see if another has faith. One can tell if a spiritual person.really.believes in a life beyond by how they live today.

More on being unequally yoked. Has he or she talked to God about his/her death? Makes for an interesting more serious conversation topic, especially if something has welled up in the mind from the Creator as an answer if one or both of you had done this.

Woman divorce for health reasons – their sick of him
Men divorce for health reasons too – financial health