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16-.Sincere.and.modest; speaks, lives and acts from a good heart or plays games and is headed for an accounting:.Matthew 12:34,36;.Matthew 12:37 "For by your words.(that is why you need to know what you really are in Christ).you are justified and by your words you are condemned." Numbers 14:22,23; does not have contingency plans, but instead can be committed to the relationship; any hidden agendas or alternate purposes.(2Corinthians 4:2); sneaky?

Too much so-called love today is little more than a manipulative game driven by sex desires or worse....

True love has to do with a stick-to-it decision, a decision to 'put yourself second' in order to advance the unit:.Philippians 2:3 ".....in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.".If both do this, there is humility and sincerity in the relationship. This is why the Great Infinite One inspired Paul to say...

The concept of sacrificing oneself to enable others you care about to progress in some way, is all but gone from our increasingly selfishly concerned society:.2Timothy 3:1,2.

17- Disciplined and dignified; thinks what is right, honorable and good; does same in words and actions; prompt? or wild and oblivious to or contemptuous of decency? Is a human becoming or a human being? 

18- Ability to continuously provide; ambitious to find work or fault? Industrious?.Proverbs 6:6-11. In self denial.(just about the only thing the poor can afford)? Manages to keep his head above water only because wood floats? 
   Wants to provide? Is serious about contributing to life and improving? Or is generally lazy?

19- Intelligent.or has a head like an empty stomach which won't allow rest until 'something',.anything, is put into it; or worse yet, has a head like a stomach full of junk food and doesn't want to change his diet.

20- Interesting.has broad interests or a dullard with the attention span of a fly. Will the thing that commands the most interest in the home be the mortgage?

21- Easy to talk with and approachable or the most prized possession is a chip on the shoulder indicating wood higher up. Sociable or gets upset at those knowing more than he does and doesn't realize that it's not their fault?
   Takes the blame to keep the peace.(Matthew 5:9).or is defensive to the point of creating an upset?

22- Enthusiastic and happy; inspiring?.or morose, cheerless, depressing and discouraging? It's important to talk, talk, talk

23- Emotionally stable.or belongs in one. Not up and down, does not love you one day and avoid you the next, depth of feeling, has compassion; has the ability to remain mentally focused and emotionally stable in in spite of.circumstances.dictating the contrary? Mature?

24-.Humble.or self-centered, ego driven, stubborn, muleheaded, arrogant, rude.(rudeness is exemplified by those possessing a cheap imitation of power; those possessing true power are usually humble, quiet, careful, help and avoid conflict as advanced martial arts teaches us).and ostentatious; thinks there is no satisfactory substitute for herself/himself; pats others on the back or his/her self? Egotism is the art of seeing things in yourself that others cannot see!
   Does he or she refuse.admitting mistakes. We all make them, but refusal to apologize does serious damage to any intimate relationship. How can you be close to someone who cares infinitely more about their own ego than they care about establishing.mutual.respect?

25- Handles frustrations/disappointments well?.basically contented, patient and peaceful or angry, anxious, frustrated and seems to be always be making judgments showing he or she doesn't believe in the oneness of the universe, but rather believes in separation. He or she may not be a runner up, but are they a runner down, taking frustrations out on and/or blaming others unnecessarily so.

Is he or she offensive in words and/or deeds?.James 3:2.

One question to ask your prospective mate is "Is this the best time in your life?" If it isn't, consider when will it be for him/her; when was it the best time? The person is living in the past or won't be happy until the future dumps him something he or she wants and then that will only satisfy for a short time and then it again won't be the best time in life. You want somebody who is happy just because he or she is. When women are depressed, they do something. They eat or go shopping or both! When men are depressed, they are depressing to be around.

26- Quality of this individual's friends.according to your standards, hopefully very high?

27- Kind and attentive.to needs of others. Don't be like those who would treat you as perhaps they do their commitment to spiritual disciplines, that being neglected, even though it's always sorta there?.Genesis 34:3-31. Don't be one of the frozen chosen.

When you care for others, you want for them the best and will do whatever it takes for them to have the best. But here you have to be careful because some others do not yet want what's really the best for themselves. And if they are like this, you can pray for them and then leave them alone. Praying for them is caring for them. Learn a lesson from Christ. Christ knows if an individual wants, say, forgiveness. He could see this in those he healed. He didn't have to ask them:.Matthew 4:23; 8:5-9. He did many healings:.John 21:25

Having care and concern for others is the key to unity. Do sad human circumstances move another emotionally? Or is she or he viewing another's pain, anguish and human suffering with a dispassionate interest? If so, you are involved with one that will lack being compassionate when you may later become distressed in life and your feelings are frazzled. He or she will be unable to provide you with the attention, sympathy and comfort you may need. Such insensitive individuals drag you down because they know not how to relate to you in such a way as to lift you up. Some of them are energy vampires. They enervate you when around you.

28- Patient.creates peace or engages in conflict? 

29- Loving to what degree?.according to your deepest feelings is it somewhere between 'I will love you if you work at the relationship' and 'I will love you no matter what you're like'. Remember the reason we want to live tomorrow is because we believe someone loves us and because we believe that there is some good out there. To what degree do you feel loved by this individual? A heart with the love of God in it works no wrong to others:.Romans 13:10.

From The School of Calvary by Jowett: "Love without reverence becomes a purely carnal sentiment or personal view and resides in the channels of the flesh. Reverence without love is like cold moonlight and will never enrich the heart with the presence of gracious flowers. Love without reverence is a destructive fever; reverence without love is a perpetual frost. True love kneels in reverence; true reverence yearns in love. Each, I say, is essential to the other and both are needful in the creation of worthy and wealthy life. Now, where can love and reverence be best begotten? Where can we find the atmosphere most fitted for their creation? Where can we learn to love and revere in such a way that they shall become the spontaneous exercises of the soul?"

30- Common sense thinker or clueless.or a nitwit or worse, a nut case, as this guy was.(Samson's dad Manaoh and his wrong concept of the true God:.Judges 13:22,23), who by the way, had a good smart woman with him, thankfully?

Samson, the son, had a selfish devious woman who used him for her own gain, not caring that she led him to his death:.Judges 16:4-31.

What spurs thought in the person you are considering? What produces the person's emotions? Are they consistent or, hot and cold? Consistency comes with maturity if one has been interested in learning about and from life. 

Commonsense, if applied, would prevent a great many divorces; but, on the other hand, it would also prevent a great many commitments!

31- Potential as a dad or mom.likes kids:.Genesis 50:21. Smiles at kids and likes to have them around?.Would he/she be devoted to family, does things with kids, interested in bringing them up to become the best possible? Or would they be a bad dad.1,2,3,4.
   A good father is a good giver. A good giver will make a good father. Givers are happy people. A happy father is a good father.

32- Health status?.acceptable to you?

Dating is a game which gives women, both something
to play with and something to improve!