has been replaced here with the word.'whosover'.
In the original translation, the translators used the word.'it'.
The original for the word.'it'.has
no exact English language equivalent and according to the
just as easily been translated as any of these: whosoever, whatsoever,
whomsoever, whereinsoever, what things soever, whatsoever, an many as,
whosoever, what things so ever, wherewith soever, whithersoever, wheresoever,
whatsoever, whosoever, whose soever and as the word not.
This verse
3:16 (above) is about awakening, awakening both to what
has gone on here on Earth over thousands of years that made us not
believe that the entire world was being subjugated
to our detriment.
In addition we failed to clearly see and awaken to what
we are here for and failed to see it mostly because of the first reason.
It's an awakening
to what has transpired
over many past thousands of years. Two important
things to know about: 1)
awakening to the truth of one God of all love and compassion and that this
God of all life, love and health is absolutely
real. gene Decode was even there at the crucifixion:.Acts
is that this world (and many
others) was almost totally taken over
by demon beings of limited intelligence. Those lacking love are always
limited to the
prison of their being and such
are those not of the human species who exist but mostly without a soul
(so they can copy things but not create). They are evil beings in that
they force others in various ways working through those they can strongly
involved in
income tax, the
covid jab, etc.) done
through deceptive means of influencing mostly those
of mankind.
Humanity is
smarter and much more peaceful than the ones who originally took over the
planet by force. Human ones were never that way and still aren't. The cruel
ones today only look human, but they are not. Once one sees these things,
awakening is a fait
accompli. See the difference between these mankind ones and
What saves
2:10. It's the awakening to your true state.(and
what's that? 2Timothy 1:9).that
saves you, for what good is it being saved if you don't know you have been
or saved from what?
It means coming
to know that it's a spiritual existence we are all having on Earth, an
existence many are now realizing life is all about for each of us.
Our existence
here involves both our spirit, our 'real
you' and our physical presence which expresses what it is that we are.
And so, it also means that the physical problems have spiritual solutions:.John
4:23. These spiritual solutions are for us to use in correcting where
we have stepped off the spiritual track as we move along in our eternal
What is this
vail, this cloud
which Nassim Haramein speaks
about here? And where did it come from in
the first place?.2Corinthians
4:4 "In whom the god of this world.has
minds of them which believe not.(*),
lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image
of God.(man
is made in the image of God:.Genesis
1:27), should shine unto them."
It's saying
in Christ, the
veil keeping us from our true reality in God, is gone. The real
story of Christ will take you there.
The satanic
side which rules this world (Ephesians
6:12), wanted to keep you in the dark, why?
This vail
prevents an individual from seeing the truth of Christ that would set him
or her free from the bondage now upon them:.Isaiah
14:3. So why is it that they just could not believe? It depends
on us! How so? Prayer and meditation to help others has an immediate
effect in them as it connects to their soul,
that effect may take some
time to become evident. They may not even be sure what is occurring
in them at first. But a
seed planted will seek water and nutrients
so it can grow. You have changed another's life direction:.Daniel
12:3; Acts 26:18; 2Corinthians
4:6; Malachi 2:6; 4:6;
How is it that
we can."turn
to God".in order
wake up?
3:16 here is saying that it's only in
Christ one finds the life he or she has always wanted and where this
vail, this blinding is removed:.John
1:12; 2Thessalonians
2:10,11. Once the blinding is removed by getting more light in (how?)
you're open to what God wants for you and you learn to walk in the light:.John
10:10 and 3John 1:2 and John
14:6. These are promises, but for when one might ask:.Acts
2:39; Hebrews 11:13. If you
don't awaken, how would you ever know they are there for you?.Ephesians
5:14. They are truth, safety and key
to freeness from evil.
2:14 "Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph
in Christ....."
This scripture
2Corinthians 3:16 here gives us the answer to why some of us just 'don't
get it', even when you care so much for others and you try to point out
to them something about negatives affecting them, such as vaccines,
and snake
venom in the drinking water, genetically
modified food, income tax
and other taxes being illegal and never
were needed, corrupt government and banks, the judicial/legal system,
corrupt courts, deceitful politicians, schools with their cabal created
educational systems which dumb students down, the lying mainstream
media, etc.
Why doesn't
telling others about such atrocities
against us and others, awaken people, many of us wonder about? It's because
we, who want others to awaken, have been presenting information we figured
would be awakening to them, instead of first.presenting
people could awaken to:.Ephesians
5:14; Romans 3:24; 8:2;
1:30; 15:22. How
does this work?
4:15 " Christ Emmanuel you are begotten through the gospel.".How?
4:4 "In whom the God of this world has blinded the minds of them which
believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is
the image of God, should shine unto them."
The reason
most did nothing about such atrocities
is because they were under this vail, a vail of deceit, that is, they have
been deluded
by those out to deceive them to the point of just not effectively
seeing all this:.Isaiah
25:7; 2Timothy 2:26; Revelation
12:9; 1Thessalonians
4:13 "But I would not have you to be ignorant.(that
is, to remain in a state of being ignorant),
brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that you sorrow not,
even as others which have no hope.".Again,
5:14 "Wherefore he said, Awake you that sleep and arise from the dead
and Christ shall give you light." Revelation
18:4 "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her,
my people, that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not
of her plagues."
Christ is the
answer! How is this the answer?.Luke
1:77 "To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission
of their sins."
It all begins
and ends with Christ:.Revelation
Note that people
have this vail over their lives keeping the knowledge of salvation from
them, that is if they do hear it, they attach no importance of it to their
daily living. God therefor at this time may not yet be calling them:.1Corinthians
1:9. Then, what to do? Hosea 4:17;
Salvation is
a being saved.(John
3:16,17), saved from all the negatives and that's moving from them,
that is, once you see them for what they are, you won't want them around.
And then you are in a new frame of mind, a frame of mind where good
can come to you.
Unlike those
traps of the past where you thought they would be good for you.(Proverbs
14:12), but never realized that they were traps of the satanic dark
side, which take you along for only a short while, then drop you like a
potato, making your life a frustrating hell. Satanic ways influencing
you behind the scenes always turn out like this. That's how you'll know
what's behind them and can further avoid them. We learn as we go along:.Matthew
It's this coming
to Christ that makes the difference so lives can be turned around to walk
the path of all health, wealth, love and expression. But unless one begins
on the true good pathway, he or she won't find that out:.John
3:19. So, what's good on the good pathway and would you really want
10:10; 14:27; 3John
How close is
God to you on this new journey for you? God is right
there with each of us constantly. Most haven't even talked to God.
No wonder they think God is far off somewhere or doesn't even exist. Talk
to God about everything, if you want to get to know Him. Be alert for answers
popping into your mind and in circumstances that come along in your life.
Stop being one of those who deal with what they are handed by so-called
authorities and do some digging for yourself.
turn away from even the truth about themselves by not even having the idea
of why they are on Earth in
the first place. How would they ever know this if deluded? If they
are deluded about their amazing bodily
systems they are deluded about
God, that is, deluded about God being real
and always right there. They just don't know about many things they
should, because of delusion. Delusion is like the fog which evaporates
in the light:.John
One may meet
with anomalies,
and arising questions, as they proceed along the spiritual pathway through
growing in higher
conscousness. Stay
hot. But no doubt 'forks
in the road' will come up along that pathway. Arm yourself well:.Ephesians
6:11-18. Not sure about if the real God exists? Not sure about Christ?
Look them up in the alphabetical Index listings.
How to deal
with these negatives that lock you away
into a prison for life, away from the good life both here and beyond? Keep
focusing on Christ and this vail keeping you from seeing the prison you
may be in, will vanish like fog in the sunshine. Christ is the raison
d'être for existence:.Revelation
22:13. All people will eventually come to this conclusion as to why
they're on Earth:.Jeremiah
31:34; Isaiah 60:2; Matthew
20:16; John 14:27; 16:33.
In this way
it matters not which fork in the road one may actually take because they
are both going from where you may be standing at the time. Christ is with
you no matter which one you decide to take, but always avoid side paths
toward evil as you may see them to be.
It helps when
considering what thoughts which may be frustrating you at the time, realizing
that in Christ (what does that
mean?), nothing apart from that matters. Be sure of the information about
Christ and about the true God, the Father of Christ. The truth is available:.1John
Some in the
early New Testament followed Paul, others Apollos, others Peter:.1Corinthians
1:12,13. When Christ is one's focus (how?),
one won't get 'hung up' on some individual which he or she may feel is
'more right' than another:.Malachi
2:6; 2Corinthians 10:12.
Because, truth proceeds from what you are inside, not from what comes to
you from another:.1Corinthians
This scripture
also answers
as to
why the
were so excited to get the
gospel out, because it did awaken others. And what effect was the truth
having upon people then hungry for life's meaning?.Acts
The gospel
is the good news about the importance of Christ to each and every
one of us:.Matthew
28:19; 1Corinthians 1:23.
removes the vail cast over humanity:.Isaiah
25:7; Ephesians 4:21-23.
This vail is
why many recoil
rather than rejoice
at truth. The vail does this to those covered by it. Without removing that
vail, truth to humanity is all just such foolishness:.1Corinthians
1:18; 2:14. They just
can't comprehend whether it is truth or not, so they accept the zeitgeist.
They have been duped
into concerning themselves with immediate situations whenever they arise,
because in these reside excuses for not reaching beyond.(*).
They thus remain comfortable in ignorance, not finding where the truth
that would lift the vail may be:.Ephesians
4:21; James 1:22-24.
Turning to
the true God is the way to change the world. Why?
4:12 "Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other
name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Christ was
key as to why this new way fired up all in the early New Testament church:.Hebrews
new way turned the world upside down back then, so much so that there was
such a huge stir about it:.Acts
19:23; Luke
23:5; Acts 16:20,21; 24:5;
This taking
away the vail is key to why Christ came
in the first place, endured the crucifixion
and the key why Christ was energetic in fulfilling His Father's will, because
it would take the vail off of everyone who heard, either right away or
later in their lives. It was that important!.John
4:34; 5:30; 6:38;
12:50; Mark 3:35.
Removing this
vail was key in allowing others to join Christ in this great commission:.Mark
16:15,16. It's the key to awakening others
to the truth of what is and has really gone on in the world and
getting that vail off of humanity that has kept them from awakening and
in their self-imposed prison. That key was
and still is, Christ:.Colossians
1:27. It's in Christ, that is, in hearing about him and believing.
And so, the vail is removed. Hear about
Christ from gene Decode.
It's in
Christ that one discovers spiritual things of concern to him or her
and that happens once the vail is taken away:.Isaiah
25:7 "And he will destroy.(what
does God use to do this?).in
this mountain the face of.the
covering cast over all people and the vail that is spread over all
Just as the
true God used prophets of the Old Testament and then the New Testament
disciples, so today God continues to use people to straighten the world
out. What people? The good
hearted militaries and so many others like gene
Do what you
now know what to do to have this vail taken off your head and encourage
others you love to do the same, because God
doesn't force compliance. Neither should we. Forced compliance comes
from satanists.
it was in the days of king Hezekiah:.2Chronicles
30:17-27 to 31:1.
59:1-14; Jeremiah 7:23,24.
So, it's important
to turn other minds toward Christ than just toward evils in the world,
hoping the horror of them will shock others enough to wake them up:.Mark
13:33-37; Matthew 8:22; Romans
3:16 is about how to awaken. Learn it well.
So, what could
you say to others if you want them to awaken to truth?
If you are
with someone, wanting them to awaken to God, Christ and the power of the
Holy Spirit and the
that brings so that their lives turn around from heartache toward good.(John
10:10; 3John 1:2; 1Corinthians
2:9), you could ask them something like this,.Do
you think the true God of all could help your life in some way?.Or.'Have
you heard about what Christ can do in an individual's life?.1Peter
God opens
the minds of others when you care. God lifts your blockages
when you pray for others:.Job
Be a good
God can reveal
10:22. You show you want this for another when you engage in prayer
and meditation about them and stand
up for yourself and others. It will happen. God doesn't
tell us when.
Consider also
the lives and times of these
great men who stood up for the true God, for themselves and for others.
You could mention
your own personal
So, that's
the beginning of awakening another, of getting that vail off them that
blinded them to reality. If they seem open, you can later see if there
is concern from them about
things of harm.
If no concern
then, leave them alone.
You've done your part as much as you can by praying
and meditating, etc.