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Highlights of gene Decode interviews and talks

-at 2 minutes in, reincarnation.
-at 6 min. in, about Christ, how meaningful was His crucifixion, the meaning kept from us. gene was there.(Acts 1:22).to see and relate in detail to us this wondrous time. Christ's gift was for all in the multiverse..(also see here what gene thought about the actual crucifixion. Mindblowing!)
-14 min in, your soul body, how to not give it away, if you do, what happens to it?
-17 min in, Study the Bible yourself, think for yourself. Don't let others tell you what it means. God is with you.
-at 19 min. in, Earth not flat as some claim. And, the things that matter and why to demand your unalienable rights given to us by God.
-at 25 min in EBS alerts released by the cabal on October 4, 2023 had bad silent frequencies to harm people. They were intercepted and cleaned by the Alliance. Also speaks here about people 'zombied' out.
-at 36 min in about the fascist Trudeau.
-at 41 min. 40 seconds in, Martin Luther King Jr's amazingly inspired words.
-at 43 min What's God look like?
-at 48 in we win the war not by dying for God, but by living for God. 
-at 50 min in Antartica, what the cabal kept hidden from us.
-at 54 in Earth is a sphere, not flat.
-at 1:00:00 Flrst stargates found were in Iraq. Cabal still working to locate the genetic code 'keys' that enable it to function. They do this by intermarrying with those of humanity and also use PCR 'test' on you to find it; guess who has the 'keys'.
-at 1:03:00, 920 different humanoid species that are also on Earth, which at present, to us, appear as we do.
-at 1:12:00 pineal gland. Also, decalcifying the pineal gland so you can see what you now can't. Laetrile aka B17 decalcifies pineal gland from fluoride the cabal has been poisoning us with, then your eyes can see them.
-at 1:21:00 Gene meets many humanoids shopping in a Target store. His story about it. And, If you're bothered by strong negatives, Gene explains what to say to get rid of the 'darkies' pemanently.

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See gene Decode's historical series on Ukraine 
which covers the cabal, the Nazis and so much more.
Series has information from Professor Anthony Sutton's books.
Pic of non terrestrial craft found by Nazis, in Part 3-1

gene's long listing of recommended sites
also recommended by gene:
Alex Christoforou.(true daily news analysis in a humorous way, 
done outdoors, walking in beautiful scenery; nice!)
and on Telegram at https://t.me/alexchristoforouofficial
gene's informative video presentations
highlight the URL and copy into your browser
what's going on with the drones & other insights?
hidden Bible books released
about off planet meetings, crystals; great show
analyzes Trump shooting
truth about Ukraine
start 20 minutes in
truth about Ukraine updated
hollow earth visited by Admiral Byrd's diary with his experiences; list of books
on arcons, dragons, etc
Venus twins
41 min in, density, dimensions; filling up with the love of Christ enables rising in density; 
57 Amazing Grace
1:27:00 eternal body is the one y. have for while y here; y have 7 bodies, 6 bodies and the body 
of the HS which energizes you; the soul body is attached to the energy structure of the spacetime y chose
to incarnate in; have a soul; soul body connected to HS, emotional, astral, etheric on 1D & 2D,
causal (choice), mental, physical 
don't remember, but if it's here it must be good
bloodlines m Druze and cabal's; pyramid wars; mankind how that came; humans had 
ability to create stargates; tetragramaton; Christ, creation, males, females; nassim haramen;
Iching; God does not play dice with the unverse means it's a structured, octahedron; each of us
are parts of the HS at 1:20:00 in; y are the container for the HS, it's light and otherwise it would
just meld out with all else; trust your gut; be uterly in the moment; soul energy; s
oul energy is eternal for this creation; soul body energies all the bodies; 
have to know the rsonance Hz of your body to get back if you go out of the silver cord; 
Valley of the Shadow episode on Twilight Zone, 1963; 
Amazon Prime, Season 4, Voyager series; Deep State 9; 1:59:00 extending yourself into awareness
you become one with everything; you are much more than what you think you are, so don't 
lock yourself into rigid thinking or responding (the brain & body); becoming one with everything; 
crystalline beings, shedding doesn't bother them; ascension happens when you
are the best of who you are, be authentic to who you are; walk the walk
common law, Black's Law dictionary twists word meanings; new system emerging national.assembly.net;
black goo; crystals caves; today on positive side of milky way
alien races book, links, runs 43 minutes; Egarot peaceful but have special psion weapons none live to tell; here to help us; the Anillam Egarot at 22 in
9 garlic; 
gene talks on various subjects
26:50 on voices that come to you; learn to discern and if you think something's off, 
command them to leave by saying 'declare yourself if you are in my highest and 
best interest and that of others, otherwise leave now in the name of Christ and never return'
different memories, 14 in bitcoin experience; different objects one sees a tree & another a bldg; 
heading in a different timeline; ascension; like strands in a rope, as Tesla said all is frequency; 
57 min in to 1:00:00 moving up to 7th & 8th density; 1:00:00 satanists tell y it's all planned for you, 
that y don't make a dif; satanists talk hypocrisies; y choices which are good, 
ripple out forever through the muitiverse affecting it for good; 1:00:10 good AI explanation; 
word and the light; created physicality; Canada 1:30:00, past govt all gone, now to be redone;
1:22:00 speaking on tongues; 2:23:00 timeleines and neighbors change; 
movie Abraham Lincoln Vampire Killer
flash update on Ukraine
w Michael Salla; 1:10 underground facilities, maglev underground trains 
on Missing Link show, more great stuff
gene on submarines and SO MUCH more
at 4:34 in, the Russian man who saved the world from nuclear anihilation
and on
about breeder programs; 1:21 in heads up on birthing; 1:38:00 about traumatic births; her site is From Fertility To Delivery, Dayna Ruben https://fromfertilitytodelivery.com/
at about 47 in about other KM, Dracos, etc. how they tricked us;
God is 3 in 1
sermon on the mount; judging vs justice; 1:38:00 Nassim on spin; torque creates gravity; dark matter doesn't exist; shows how God made the earth and multiverse;
Titanic truth, start 54 in
great recipes, yep! recipes
what does God's voice sound like?
people are awakening
DUMBS, soul traps, timelines
cpn network; ancient Spartans who were they?
about Council of 7 & The Alien Races Book at https://www.scribd.com/document/252929568/alien-races-book.pdf
karma; interview with Laura Aboli about mkultra, Zionists, Iran getting nuclear weapons; 
Emotional triggers; Reincarnation; Trump probably saved half the planet; Russian army; 
Dome on the Rock Energy bodies Half of the jabs were saline; 56 in feel the energy around you, 
gene when driving felt little boy coming out of lane and stopped fast because he felt it;
energy goes out from you and affects love; once you allow yourself to be enslaved
you'll not get out without God's help; 1:36:00 what are the 6 bodies we each have? 
6:24 -11:00 approx; Christ's crucifixion; 50 in earth not flat
1:04:00 to 1:06:00 special abilities some high consciousness ones have that humanity 
used to have millions years ago
gene's martial arts training
5 min in, the council of Andromeda members; 27 a message about women
gene on DUMBs update
judith marie
Unicorns real
big change coming
Chernobyl, mkUltra. nazi bases, moon. Hilton's jump rooms, flat earth no, antartica, 
all is spinning, pocket universes in DUMBS; Einstein Rosen Bridge; nazi's had 390 huge submarines
to move all the people they wanted to take; AI, vax,spike protein, saline solution, 
shedding, chemtrails, HCQ, Elon, Putin, Q plan; Lemuria; med beds; JAG; Sirgra
24 antartic 150k cabal reprogrammed slaves ready to go; Howard Hughes story; yellow cube, looking glass; 
37 DUMBS and tunnels, way more than what gene figured; MagLevs; portals some take y to Mars
and anywhere on Earth, etc; jab what's in it & 40 pwr of prayer's effect on matter
at 40 in, pwr of prayer effect on matter, very powerful when 2 or 3 envision
Roseanne Barr interview
learn more on envisioning https://eternalkeys.ca/PotPourriI.html#envisioning
gene interviewed
removing the cabal; area 51
gene on Journey To Truth progam w Tyler & Erin; 1:10:00 list of space stations
Much great info; a master of Shaolin; Mulligan Brothers
on Ukraine, second earth & timelines; gene's video at about 40 in on The Change Is Coming; 
the good timeline is what's now unfolding; the separation of the wheat from the chaff, 
gene refers to Shaolin master Shi Heng Yi in a Mulligan Brothers YouTube video
and on https://www.mulliganbrothers.com see bottom of page theren for their Mini
Documentary interview with Master Shi Heng Yi headmaster
of the Shaolin Temple Europe, located in Germany and belongs to the 35th genertion of Shaolin
about resonance, Fort Dietrich caused aids and covid, then they ship it around the world; portals; Sedona; most effective to have portal on a ley line
33 nibiru, densities, dimensions, chakras, positive & negative 5d; 6d and up; revolution with the AI;
we've past the point of 1/2 people in world being awake; why we just don't like some people, 
which only happened in a holographic lifetime with another individual who was going 
through the same thing, which we now both are coming out of being back here again; 
58:45 for the cabal to create negatives they live by, you have to 
buy into what they are showing you; humans have 64 strands, 32 pairs,
now down to 2, but now going back up to 64; med beds use only the 2 strands;
cabal has to show you the truth to get you into their lies, 
harnessing you back again; we're going back into Andromeda, because we're 
back into service to others; son of the father is realigning everything; Ukraine situation; 
evil ones are that way because their heart and soul is gone and they seek to fill 
their hollow with more, more, more; 1:20;00 Chicago fire, a dark side's craft passed, matching the frequencies of Tartaria and Earth and caused the fire
the AI, black goo came here, 5G reassembles it; the AI lves off the energy of souls; 
Tartaria, how the timelines merged; Chicago fire; Iowa
Earth a school planet, Soul Contracts, Pre-Birth Experience and More
time travel proofs; how nazis were involved; Eldrige ship (Philadelphia experiment), 
crew members merged with ship's parts; Montauk Project, Preston Nicholls & Peter Moon's book; 
Walter Rusell; creation and creator are one; it'a all light, the Holy Spirit is light; 
Johnny Von Neumann; 1:05:45 Message from Tesla from where he went; 
The Hinge and Hitler's bell for anti gravity and time travel; grounding
the above is all one URL; 7 min in, balance; 13 laws created b4 humanity; 17 praying for another, other individual has to accept that prayer or it won't do any good (why prayers sometimes don't do any good); God hears you the first time you pray; 29 your thought feelings amplify and come back, reap/sow; why evil done does not seem to be affecting those having done it is because it may take lifetimes; 30 minutes in, on covenant w God; if y ask for proof be respectful not raunchy; meditation is listening to God, the quiet voice; 51 on hypocrisy; be who you are in your heart, be authentic; 1:06 where shld I move to; 1:14 don't empower your fear as the cabal wants y to do, but do take steps if there's legitimate danger; y don't have to fear God; 1:18 y very presence can save another by the energies you give off 
covers Gitmo like prisons; carbon & silicone based A's; 1:08:00 not born a sinner
femininity and masculinity
about Ukraine The Truth and History Part 1 Ukraine is the Keystone of what is unfolding in the world today, as Klaus Schwab has said; history Ukraine Khazarian Mafia, Israel; Ukraine poems; The Days Pass
about Ukraine The Truth and History Part 2
about Ukraine The Truth and History Part 3, main for part 3, Ukraine Under Nazi Custody For Almost 100 Years; Hitler's greedy grab for Ukraine and the Nazi domination of Ukraine that has now lasted till now; 
at 28:45 in non terrestrial craft found in Himalayas
about Ukraine The Truth and History Part 3, part 1 - Ukraine Under Nazi Custody for Almost 100 Years; How Wall Street Funded the Nazis, Founding of Ukraine, Hitler
about Ukraine The Truth and History Part 3, part 2 - Ukraine Under Nazi Custody for Almost 100 Years; How various players cooperated with HItler's "New Order" in Ukraine and more
about Ukraine The Truth and History Part 4 - Ukraine Under Nazi Custody for Almost 100 Years; Human trafficking, mind control and the underground Nazi empire were centered in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union