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O r i g i n a l  W o r d s  N o t e s  S 2

-Sanhedrin: Meaning 'a sitting together', or a 'council'.
   The Jewish councils were the Sanhedrin or supreme council of the nation, which had subordinate to it smaller tribunals. 

Paul was a member of this choice group prior to the Creator calling him.
   The Sanhedrin, the great council at Jerusalem, consisting of seventy one members, viz. scribes, elders, prominent members of the high priestly families and the high priest, the president of the assembly.

The most important causes were brought before this tribunal, inasmuch as the Roman rulers of Judea had left to it the power of trying such cases and also of pronouncing sentence of death, with the limitation that a capital sentence pronounced by the Sanhedrin was not valid unless it was confirmed by the Roman procurator.

The Sanhedrin was composed of three classes of its seventy-two members, of which he high priest was the president of this tribunal, made up of the chief priests and elders of the people and the scribes. 1) the chief priests, or heads of the twenty four priestly courses.(found in 1Chronicles 24th chapter), 2) the scribes and 3) the elders. The chief priests were such as had discharged the office of the high priest and those who were the heads of the twenty-four classes of priests, who were called in an honorary way high or chief priests. The scribes were learned men of the nation, elected to this tribunal, being neither of the rank of priests nor elders. This tribunal had cognizance of the great affairs of the nation. Till the time when Judea was subjected to the Romans, it had the power of life and death. It still retained the power of passing sentence, though the Roman magistrate held the right of execution.

As the highest court of judicature "in all causes and over all individuals, ecclesiastical and civil, supreme", its decrees were binding, not only on the Jews in Palestine, but on all Jews wherever scattered abroad. Its jurisdiction was greatly curtailed by Herod and afterwards by the Romans. Its usual place of meeting was within the precincts of the temple, in the hall "Gazith" but it sometimes met also in the house of the high priest.(Matthew 26:3), who was assisted by two vice presidents.

The word 'Sanhedrin'.(rendered "council," authorized by King James Version).is frequently used in the New Testament.(Matthew 5:22; 26:59,60; Mark 15:1, Acts 6:12-14).to denote the supreme judicial and administrative council of the Jews, which, it is said, was first instituted by Moses and was composed of seventy men:.Numbers 11:16,17. But that seems to have been only a temporary arrangement which Moses made. This council is with greater probability supposed to have originated among the Jews when they were under the domination of the Syrian kings in the time of the Maccabees, about 200 years before Emmanuel.

The name is first employed by the Jewish historian Josephus. This "council" is referred to simply as the "chief priests and elders of the people".(Matthew 27:1,3; Acts 4:6, etc.), before whom Christ was tried on the charge of claiming to be the Messiah. Peter and John were also brought before it for promulgating.heresy.(Acts 4:1-9; 5:17-33); as was also Stephen on a charge of blasphemy.(Acts 6:8-15).and Paul for violating a temple bylaw:.Acts 22:30; 23:1-10.

-Satan, satanic: means 'adversary', 'take away', 'to circumvent.humanity by his wiles'. The name Satan is an agglomerative word, a title for all the fallen angels, not just the head one over Earth

Satan is not a god, but is an evil energy as one can easily see in what has been produced in others and society by the influence of Satan, who originally was named Lucifer, meaning, the light bringer. God had a contract with the devil for a certain length of time. What was it?

Satan, a minion of the AI, is the adversary to spirituality, to all that is good, even though he, an angel, was at one time so very long ago, was created and had the name Lucifer, meaning lightbringer. He was to be the one in charge of providing and leading humanity to God in this great stage on Earth, but he decided to lead humanity to himself, even creating his own ones called mankind and ruling over the evil ones who came from 'out there' to Earth. 

Satan and those influenced by these evil ways, want attention and glory, but most of all did not want the ones of humanity around at all who were learning about and developing the same nature of the true kind God of all creation. So we have depopulation.

God went into hiding when the people rejected the true God as a result of satanic influencing. People have free choice and because of that they choose today the same as the ancients before them had done:.Jeremiah 44:16,17; Luke 23:34.

No use for the true God fighting, because God would win in the elimination of evil. Then where would our choice go? It would be gone and the opportunity with it for character development and reward. The choices are there for us to see and choose.

Humanity has an ability of choice. God NEVER forces, never coerces anyone to be as God himself is. It's Satan that is like that, imposing poisons in every way possible on humanity.

Look at the covid restrictions designed to.force.compliance. Look at all the forced negatives in societies. Satan was forcing people to him until he had enough of his own mankind ones to eliminate the humanity ones. That time has arrived. Not to worry. God won't let this go too far:.Proverbs 19:21. but if we miss this boat of this pressure cooker, we also miss a greater reward when we fail to come to God early.

Many people having been brainwashed so much they can't seem to believe it! Satan has been able to do this because people are like frogs. If you put a frog in a pot of warmish water and very slowly turn up the heat, you can cook it. If you put the frog into hot water it would immediately jump out. And likewise, over eons of time Satan has worked on deceiving humanity:.Revelation 12:9. Very little by very little over much time, humanity got brainwashed and held there by corrupt uncaring leaders and media and these mostly of the satanic mankind creations, most of them being with a higher amount of mankind genes than some others who are more of a mixture with humanity genes, being somewhat better people.

Whenever you see harm or hurt, lies, deceit, confusion, unforgiveness, maiming and anything toward the pathway of death for humanity, you can be sure who is behind these and all evils:.John 8:44.

Satan and those angels who decided to be in joinder with his evil purposes are always out to influence people, both his own creation and those of humanity the true God created, when they lean toward evil ways:.1Peter 5:8

All the dark side ones, the evil angels and those dupes on Earth highly influenced by them, which are mostly the 'educated idiots', those lacking commonsense and who seem mostly only be able to follow and support those things of greed, are behind all the subtle ways of poisoning humanity. They hate the things of true humanity and the caring kind ways true humanity has inherent in them.

Satan was at one time Lucifer, a great good angel. Before he 'went to the other side', the one and only true God used Lucifer's great ability to bring greater spirituality into the lives of humanity, as the story of Job shows. But, Lucifer and many other angels, having free choice, as all of the real true Father-God of all creation sentient beings have, but, they didn't like it that they were training those of humanity to be even greater than they were. They became against humanity and were out to stop this. They didn't follow the true God's principle of esteeming another as better than yourself:.Philippians 2:3 "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."

Lucifer became an accuser.(Revelation 12:10).and his name became known as Satan, one who was always looking for something wrong to condemn a man or woman about and even being accusatorial when someone had not done anything severely wrong, such as in Job's life:.Job 1:6-12. In that, Job found out about the other side of life, without being that way himself. In short, Satan's out to 'get you'. Satan hijacks your life's purpose using tricks, one being getting you to 'sell your soul' to him for temporary fame and fortune for you.

Satan's after the meaning of life each of us has that the everliving Creator of all good wanted for all:.John 10:10. Satan's out to keep you from finding and awakening to that purpose, as best he knows how to, to keep you from knowing just why it is you are here.

Satan uses many lies and deceits to get your life wasted, to get you to 'sell your soul to the devil', even providing prosperity and fame,.for awhile, as these incredibly stupid ones have done, because they, to get prosperity, have allowed demons, themselves becoming demons in human form. For sure, these were sucked in by the dark side. Then you get prosperity for a short while before you are dropped hard. Your heart is lifted up before being dropped.much lower.than what you were at before. That's how the devil works.

John 8:44 "You are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it."

But it's the time now for nullifying Satan's influence upon the world:.Revelation 12:9.

Isaiah 11:9 "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

That's the reason prayer and Bible readings were removed from schools and people were turned away from God in society. It is the knowledge of God that causes the world to be full of peace and joy and the dark side doesn't want this. So, they had influenced all those they could to go over to the dark side. These people knew not the real Father-God because of the tricks of the devil over many centuries in turning humanity away from God the Father of all:.Jeremiah 44:16,17. Always be on the qui vive so it can't happen to you.

Satan and the AI are invisible frequencies.(all is intelligent energy, functioning as frequency & vibration).that operate producing.severe.evil producing profoundly.cruel and fiendish. results, whereas the true God of all good creation is infinite, omnipresent and loving.

There are 400 to 500 other planets needing a clean up of evil. They are also being cleaned up now, as is our Earth. There will be no more evil anywhere and ever again. It'll be the kingdom of God on Earth and throughout the cosmos, meaning, the government of God

We are frequencies of existence subject to evil frequencies.(Romans 8:20), the more so we lack a mind and heart to be good

The names Lucifer, Devil and Satan are somewhat synonymous, as they ended up walking the dark road, being out to do evil. The word 'devil' in the original is 'accuser':.Revelation 12:10. He's the one who sends forth evil frequencies to turn your life into s~-t. And that's good, because how else would you learn? Your parents in teaching you spiritual principles gave you a great advantage. If not, you'll have to work at spiritual principles. How?

Satan's purpose turned into, by his free choice, being an adversary, to oppose any and all good and any paths leading in that direction, why?.1Thessalonians 2:18; Daniel 10:4-14.

God, meaning the great Invisible.(1Timothy 1:17).Infinite Intelligent Energy, created so many behind the scenes invisible 'things'.(Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:16).for the experience of being human. Why?

Man's purpose is God's plan for humanity. Satan is the perpetrator of evil. He is also named 'the devil', meaning slanderous one and is the being responsible for murder.(how?):.John 8:44. All the qualities of the devil are the exact same qualities of man's ego nature on its dark side

The assistants to the ego's devilish ways are called demons. The word demon is not in the Bible. In English the word comes from pronouncing the Greek word 'daimon'.(dah'-ee-mown). 'Daimon' and 'daimonion' (dahee-mon'-ee-on), meaning respectively, 'god' and, 'divine power', a power God gave them. Those words are respectively translated in the Bible 'devils'.(daimonion).and, 'devil'.(daimon). In the Old Testament the word 'devil is 'sair', meaning a 'goat' or 'satyr'.(Isaiah 13:21; 34:14), alluding to the word 'daemons'.

Demons, those corrupted angels under the chief deceiver.(Revelation 12:9), called the Devil, Satan or 'prince of the demons', worm their way into people's lives. How? And how do they then keep them on the path of evil? By guiding them in doing evil things for money they keep:.2Peter 2:15. Like the world is today.

Satan is thought to have been one of the three high ranking angels, initially called Lucifer.

-satyrs: When it is said in.Isaiah 13:21."the satyrs", they are any of various butterflies of the family Satyridae, having brown wings marked with eyelike spots, and, "shall dance there".means the place referred to shall become a desolatewaste:.Isaiah 13:21 "But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures and owls shall dwell there and satyrs shall dance there." Isaiah 34:14 "The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there and find for herself a place of rest."

-saved/sozo:.Psalms 118:25 "Save now, I beseech you, O Lord. O Lord, I beseech you, send now prosperity."

The word 'save' in most places in the original Greek is 'sozo' and means 'safe' or 'in a.state of being saved from things which make you unsound' and that by awakening to knowledge.(Isaiah 42:16).that sets you free when used, 'made whole', 'to be kept safe and sound', 'to be rescued from danger and adversity', 'to rescue from destruction, injury or peril', 'to do well', 'to restore to health', to preserve'. In essence, to be saved from whatever you need saving from, such as perhaps the consciousness that has brought poverty, etc.:.John 1:4; 2Corinthians 1:19.

Examples to be 'sozoed' from: destructive ideas and philosophies held, like poverty, I'm no good, I'm too stupid, I'm ugly.(not so), I'm poor, etc. How these destructive ideas affect us daily is clearly shown, along with how not to be the way causing them, in the documentary movie.The Grand Self, so that you can express things of the real you, your spirit, such things as in these scriptures:.3John 1:2 "Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers." John 10:10 "The thief comes not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come.(where did He come to?.Isaiah 57:15; Luke 17:21).that they'll have life more abundantly."

But the true God of all creation never overrides your mindset. You always have the choice of how you decide to live.

Uses of the word 'sozo'.

'Sozo' equates.to being at the same level with the Infinite One. And when were we all 'sozoed' or saved?.2Timothy 1:9. But what good is it if one remains unawakened to it?

Even though saved then, this Earthly life was needed for  circumstances which awaken us to that, awaken us from a sleep that kept spiritual things from us. So experiences caused by our choices were necessary for feedback on how we've lived our individual lives. The feedback of reaping what we've sown leads us to the choice of wanting begin to rack up points as it were, for a reward. What choices?

Basically, 'sozo' occurs once one is awakened to his true state of being and being awakened involves knowing what direction the awakening should now take. 'Sozo' involves blessings because one is now in the kingdom of the Infinite One:.Matthew 6:33. Where is this

The best in life includes physical things coming from the invisible good side. Learn form.The Grand Self.movie and from Bob Proctor's lifetime of experience.

Many religions use the words 'Emmanuel or Jesus saves', so, just how does Emmanuel save?
