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(has 10
subject 'Falsies')
individuals are more dangerous with the Bible than with a gun!.Proverbs
21:16 "The man that wanders out of the way of understanding.(so
stay on the qui vive).shall
remain in the congregation
of the dead."
Most any system will work
if you can get enough people who will!
Give some preachers a free
hand and they'll put it in your pocket! Some preachers take a text and
preach from it, very far from it!
Some churches have profit
and prophet crosswired.
Some churches advocate getting
back to the Bible. Do they mean a destination or a stance?
The word 'gospel', simply
means 'good news' and what was that?
10:4,5 ".....the sheep follow Him, for they know His
voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him,
for they know not the voice of strangers."
The same is true today:.2Corinthians
2:17 "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God, but as
of sincerity
and as of God and in sight of God, speak we in Christ." Ephesians
6:24 "Grace be with all them that love our Lord Emmanuel Christ in
sincerity. Amen."
8:43 "Why do you not comprehend my speech? Even because you cannothear
my word.".What
do you know? One can only think and do what he or she knows. So,
no man.(original
implies 'beings'; that includes demons and so-called.religious
you with vain.(original
Greek 'empty').words.....".What
could some of these be? "Your still in sin and you must fight it." You're
a failure", "you're no good", "no one likes you", "you'll always be
broke", "you're still a sinner", "you're probably doing this", "you deserve
what you're going through in life", "you brought this upon yourself", "you
can't resurrect people, no one can", "if
you don't tithe you'll be
under a curse", "regular attendance is important to your spiritual growth",
And this last one is correct,
if, what one feels by regularly attending somewhere that it's fueling spiritual
Are you ready brother and
sister for Christ's return? Will He say of you, well done you good and
faithful servant?.Matthew
25:23. Will you be
All negative type of thinking
does is make one doubt the simplicity he has or can have in Christ:.Romans
12:8; 16:17,18.
Or, the tricks of the dark
side could be 'This will make you better. This will lift you higher, make
you wiser, stronger, faster, smarter, richer, greater, etc.'
7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing,
but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
Don't allow others to affect
you in ways that are in opposition to how
the Creator sees you and in ways that negate.capabilities
that the Creator has put within you. These ways put you into
a prison. Do not allow yourself to any longer be subject to these thoughts.
Begin a new you. How?
We all need wisdom
and intuition
to walk the paths of life. We need knowledge to master four
major areas that will keep us from serious trouble.
But it is usually the negative
that keeps us bound.
False positives are soon found to end quickly and usually with some sting.
Many of us have been told we're stupid, that we will not amount to much,
etc. But the Creator does not think that of us at all!
soul has incredible potential for good for you. It's just that most
of us don't even know we have a soul, much
less how to use it for good.
The Great Infinite Intelligence
creator of energy from which comes all matter, the Great Infinite One we
commonly refer to as God, has us here for specific
reasons. This time on Earth for us is our time in eternity for physicality.
He had you and me put into a physical body.
He knows our individual potential.
And He has a great future lined up for
each of us.
little tricks though can cause one to miss
the mark, to abnegate
his own throne.
In Him.(what
does that mean?), you are.none.of
these things. How can you be a failure?.Philippians
4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."
2:1-3 "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as
there shall be false teachers among you, who privily
shall bring in damnable.heresies,
even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift
destruction. And many shall follow their
ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.(Acts
16:19-24; 24:5).
And through
covetousness shall
they with feigned
words make merchandise of you.(they
want your bucks); whose judgment now
of a long time lingers
not and their damnation.(original
implies 'way into utter worthlessness').slumbers
they are hell bent in the wrong direction driven and blinded by selfish
concern and greed)."
How can you be no
good or worthless? Ancient king Jehoshaphat, one of the best kings ever,
in business, but felt it was better to now walk away from it all and
get on with spiritual things. He was a very spiritual king. The humorous
You were precious enough
that Emmanuel died to qualify to bring you and all of us on up further:.Hebrews
2:10 "For it became him.(Creator,
the Father, God), for whom are all
things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to
make the captain of their salvation.(Emmanuel).perfect
through sufferings.(He
suffered {the crucifixion} so that we wouldn't
have to go through what He did).".He
showed us an example.(1Peter
we too, like he, though perfect in the spirit can also be
perfect in this fleshly body by keeping spiritual things uppermost
in the mind, thus
taking one into higher consciousness
levels where freedom from the constraints
of low consciousness living is
How can you be lonely and
unacceptable to others?.Romans
14:18 "For he that in these things serves Christ is acceptable to God
of men."
How can you be long
in poverty and short
on hope when He gives us all things in due time, the quicker we rise
in consciousness to higher levels? How
to do this?
6:17 "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded.(convinced
in their mind that they must be better than others because they see that
they have so much more), nor trust
in uncertain riches.(or,
in the uncertainty of riches, as is closer to the original),
but in the living God, who gives us richly
all things to enjoy."
in Him in whom are all
the promises.
9:8 "And God is able to make all graceabound
toward you; that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may
to every good work.(note
it says when grace abounds you'll have sufficiency in all things:.3John
8:32 "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all,
how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Romans
11:36 "For of him and through him and to him are all things, to whom
be glory for ever. Amen." Acts 17:25
"Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing,
seeing he gives to all life
and breath and all things."
No one can make you think
you are still a sinner, when you know
the truth about Christ; that you are holy and
thanks to what he did to get you there:.Isaiah
No one can make you think
that you're bad enough to deserve the trials
and sufferings of life when you know what the trials are really doing.
Emmanuel had to warn His
false doctrines:.Matthew
16:6,12 "Then Emmanuel said unto them, Take heed and beware of the
leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees ...Then understood they how
that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine
Pharisees and of the Sadducees."
today make it harder on their
people than even the
disadvantageous and faulty old covenant. At least under it, there was
a clearing of conscience.from
sin annually, the sin of all back then.
All those sins back then
were set aside in an annual ceremony
pointing toward the Messiah
to eradicate
it all once for all time:.Hebrews
10:1-3 "For the law having a shadow of
good things to come and not the very image of the things, can never with
those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers
thereunto perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? Because
that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of
their minds would have the high consciousness thinking of Christ and the
things of missing the mark of this {which is what the word
'sin' means} would no longer have such value to them as to lead them
into it again; but if it did, it no longer
counts anyway, because we have
an advocate). But in those sacrifices
there is a remembrance again made of sins every year."
10:9,10,12,14 "Then said he, Lo, I come to do your will, O God. He
takes away the first.(*),
that he may establish the second, by the which will we are sanctified
through the offering of the body of Emmanuel Christ once for all...But
this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down
on the right hand of God. For by one offering he has perfected for ever
them that are sanctified." Romans 8:1
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Emmanuel,
who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
Some church goers are reminded
by their pastors that they are sinners. All this crap is disseminated.in
spite of the fact that sin no longer
counts. Although sin no longer counts against us, does that mean we
should not remember the ones we have done?.Deuteronomy