pure and holy are we? Don't ask our friends right? Ha ha!
Pure has to do with moving
out of your old.entrenched
patterns that may have brought you many things you really did not want.
Keep yourself pure:.1Timothy
5:22. How?.1Peter
1:22 "Seeing your
souls are purified in obeying the truth
through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that you
love one another with a pure heart fervently."
One moves to his or her new awakened state, but
before awakening is the alert stage.
One alert is the alternate
thoughts are what?).coming
to mind when one thinks good thoughts. Be alert for these coming to mind.
The great apostle
Paul went through
this alert, this, 'getting his attention' stage.
Pure has to do with honesty, sincerity, wholeness
of mind:.James
1:8; 4:8.
Holy has to do with
whole. When you are whole, you are well and things go great in
life, even when they don't, because one's spirit is 'above' his life, that
is spiritual things are more important. It's because you know your base
is God, so you are able to remain unruffled
when life's storms come about.
When you are whole, you are
one with all that is. When you are not whole, life itself alerts you
that something is off
kilter and needs to be fixed. Growing
spiritually leads one evermore on the road to completeness:.Colossians
4:7 "For God has not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness."
Are we made pure by the do's
and don'ts of religion?.Acts
15:9 "...purifying their hearts by faith." Colossians
2:10 "And.you
are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power."
3:16,17 "Know you not that you
are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?.....the
temple of God is holy, which
temple you are." Ephesians
5:27 "That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having
spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without
how could we ever become that way on our own? Forget it! It's been done
for us!
15:3 "Now you
clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.".It's
a 'clean' by acceptance of the
gift; thus,
it's by belief.
Holy means of the purest
of love intent, sincere, of the purest motives for the best for self and
others, which is what love is, which is what
the Great Infinite One is. Once a person has been made
whole in heart
and mind and physicality,
it's up
to them if they want to stay whole, stay in that frame of mind and
carry on in spiritual growth
toward a reward:.Luke
9:62 "And Emmanuel said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the
and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."
3:25,26 "Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation
through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness.(notice
it says His righteousness, not
ours, as religion purveys).for
the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God...To
declare, I say, at this time his righteousness; that he
might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Emmanuel.".Notice
it says that by believing in Emmanuel.(what
He did), that His.(Emmanuel's)
is placed upon that which kept us from.(a
relationship with).God
in the past. In other words, through belief and belief alone.(as
Emmanuel's sacrifice was enough), we
to God.
One is now righteous,
and perfect, not because of anything he or she
may have done, but only because of what Christ had already done. And what
was that?
3:10 "And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after
the image of him that created him.".That
is, we are becoming like the Infinite,
which is what learning in life is really all about:.Philippians
Testament times the Creator came
into the physical temple that was built for Him according to His instructions.
In the New Testament, the
kingdom of God, also called the kingdom of heaven, is where the Creator
3:16 "Know you not that you
are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?".Today
you build the temple of God in your
soul. You build it with love in all you do. Make love the track you'll
take and the Sun will shine in your heart:.Matthew
The dwelling place has changed
a physical temple to a spiritual one, a spiritual one in humans
who open the door by deciding to be of a
higher consciousness than the ego
level they have lived in blindness with all their lives.
The Creator loves us so
very much that any
works of righteousness we may conjure up cannot be compared to the
salvation by belief
and belief alone, the gift that makes you equal
with the Infinite Presence:.Romans
Being 'saved,' is
made a member of the God
family; brought into
it by belief. To be saved means to be transformed:.John
Christ saves now and since
we all were saved before the world was created, it therefor means to awaken
one to the state that is true about him that's he or she is not presently
aware of.
If the evil in the world
bothers you, you can be saved from it by accepting Christ's nature of love.(called
'accepting Emmanuel, or accepting Christ', which is really your decision
to live by the same
high consciousness He lived by).into
your heart; a new creation will begin immediately. You will
get through life easier with assurance of this hope
in you:.Luke
1:71,74 "That we should be saved from our
enemies and from the hand of all that
hate us...That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out
of the hand of our enemies might serve
him without fear."
1:15,16 "But as he which has called you is holy, so be you holy in
all manner of conversation.(old
English for 'conduct'); Because it
is written, Be you holy,
for I am holy.(in
other words, follow my example)."
15:9 "And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts
by faith."
If one wants to be holy,
he must acknowledge the truth about his present
state of being and that, in his
he is righteous and perfect
and holy. Life is for the experience of bringing this out.
You are pure if you believe
that in Christ you are pure!
is what brings the power of the Holy Spirit
into you and changes you into His perfectness;
but now, it is a thing affecting the heart and not of any decisions to
conform to a mode of behavior based upon the many legalistic religions'
and don'ts. Now it is from the depth of a changed,
a renewed heart.
1:15 "Unto the pure.(saturated
with Christ).all
things are pure. But unto them that are defiled.(original
Greek is 'to dye with another colour').and
unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled."
The Creator's pure loving
nature does not occupy anywhere that He considers out of order or impure
in any way!.1Peter
3:4 "But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not
corruptible, even the ornament of a meek
and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."
More closer to the original
Greek:."But rather,
the hidden person.(motivations
from Christ's nature of love in one's heart).of
an incorruptible meek.(mildness
of disposition,
gentleness of spirit).and
peaceable attitude of heart which is occupied in that place by God
And He
does 'occupy you' if you have chosen His love nature to be yours. This
gift is made possible for those who want this high end nature:.Romans
Our hearts
are purified by faith.(Acts
taking action to show compassion and
appreciation of others:.1Peter
1st Peter is also saying
here that by obeying the truth we purify ourselves. Obeying what truth?.1John
2:4 "He that says, I know him and keeps not his
commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him."