-Master four major
areas and most of life's problems are gone.
"There are enough genuine
difficulties in life to encounter, don't allow your imagination to increase
the number."....Neil
Most problems including stubborn
ones can fall into
which are 'handled' and botched
by our egos.1)
to power and control, overstepping boundaries {which is lack of respect
for others}); 2)
not living with high consciousness thoughts, one is subject to all sorts
of deviations:.Hosea
5:4 "They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God, for the
spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them and they have not known the
the expectations
we have of the other); 3)
financial balance.(stay
from greed);
21:23 "Whoso keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps his
soul from troubles."
And in one's early years
of adulthood this will keep you off the dangerous
road of human hurts.
We all want to surge ahead
in life but then we encounter
limitations. The dark side satanists are always out to thwart
you and mostly through others they were able to influence.
Get the dark side ones off
your back with this. Then
you'll rise above limitations? See also and apply the things others throughout
the world used to move from limitations, in the movies.The
Grand Self.and
If? The Movie.
bad brings bad; thinking
good brings good. Why?
Some people allow their faults to bring them to the point of ruin:.Ezekiel
18:30-32. It's up
to us, both individually and nationally,
what thoughts we allow; some are good
and many aren't.
People need to learn the
multiversal law.(Jeremiah
'one reaps what he or she has sown' and the law
of balance. They are already reaping today what they unknowingly have
sown in the past, but most have no idea why their lives may be as they
are. Why?
9:25 "And every man that strives.(Matthew
the mastery is temperate
in all things..."
All problems come
from individuals selecting choices available at the
ego level, the level subject to the negative side of mass
mind influence, instead of from living at the high
consciousness level and allowing the good to flow to him or her and
then following their heart.
Evil goes when good flows:.Isaiah
57:20,21 "But the wicked are like the troubled sea when it cannot rest,
whose waters cast up mire
and dirt. There is no peace, says my God, to the wicked.".Who
are the wicked?
But why
one bad kid who doesn't fit in well with his or her siblings?
Even if he or she is the 'black
sheep' of the family, proper parenting
will bring him or her around to sound loving thinking and being:.Proverbs
Such are they that don't
think they are in the 'wicked' category:.Proverbs
14:12 "There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof
are the ways of death."
Does this mean one doesn't
make decisions? No. It does mean decisions instead are based on higher
consciousness concepts, such
We are here to qualify for
the highest place we can in the kingdom of God and to this end we must
have something to struggle against and so we do. It's our natures of low
consciousness that allow like thoughts to come from the dark
side database part of the mass consciousness, also called the Akashic
record. These are for us to deal with in overcoming the thoughts that
oh so quickly lead us into evil:.Hebrews
12:1 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a
cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which
does so easily beset us.(as
it also did to the great and powerful apostle
let us run with patience the race that is set before us,".
Only massive
amounts of good will permanently eradicate.chronic
evils. But for this massive amount of good to supplant
the evils we all have, we.have
to.walk the
miles in our own shoes. Why? To be sure it's a firm
decision, because God will never
override you. Not that God needs to be sure you'll stick with it, but
that God wants you to see that you are able to stick with it.
Here is where this thing
called faith comes in. You know the
help will come and you carry on until it does:.Ephesians
3:16 "That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory,
to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man." Psalms
27:14, "Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage and he shall strengthen
your heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord."
And at that level of spiritual
growth attained
somewhere down the road, the evils will have irreversibly
melted away by the bright light of righteousness given you as a
Once you have become steady
in walking the higher consciousness pathway, you have, shall we say, trained
the dog, trained it to not turn around and go the other way.
The greed
path is one path we all have to master if we are to arrive at and be
activated by a greater spirituality. We all get frustrated when things
don't go in life as we want them to. Children who won't
listen in their growing years, become adults with the same faults.
If a parent; an important way to help children is to improve yourself,
because the atmosphere you create by being who it is that you are, affects
Start on meditation
and the other 3 spiritual disciplines that, all together take only
10 minutes a day to do.
For the relationship category,
see 'Relationships' and 'Mating'.
See 'Prosperity' for financial. Balance involves
how we live life and in such a way
as to avoid stress,.that
art involving our decisions.
And another besides the four,
is the mistake
of not seeking advice
from others, from books, from the Internet, etc.
Most if not all problems
are self caused, but this will remain hidden from view until we come out
of illusion, the sleep of daily
life and into true reality, that of higher consciousness.
The way out is in overstanding
what we think is the deep daily reality of living is actually so flimsy.
It's an illusion, an illusion of frequencies and because of our frequency
sensing devices, our senses sending messages to us that this is daily life,
that becomes our reality. And because of this we assume this to be the
true and only reality. As such we remain locked into the low consciousness
standard of ego living. We need to reach up and beyond.
Our true reality is beyond
physicality. To end the problems, shift attention from the illusion the
ego constructs using its surroundings, to the underlying reality. The ego
holds you in its net, but as Deepak Chopra has said."All
nets have holes". Even time
itself is a net.
Problems come because we
are short of things in higher
consciousness. It's a supply. In
the higher consciousness realm
there are no problems at all and never have been.
Does the
Infinite One have problems? Not at all! Learn
how to progress to being at this level of living all the time. Start
with the four disciplines above.
Problems come because the
real you.(see
not expressing and you are functioning mostly within a state
of discord,
working with disharmonious
is frequency).and
not even aware of it, yet still wondering why the frustrations.
If you weren't alerted to
something keeping full happiness from you how could you fix it? So the
feedback from this thing we call life is valuable.
The ego has 'set up' this
false you that is the cause of problems. For cryin' out loud stop
living the pathway of negativity and move onto the road of higher consciousness.
All it takes is decision to take a new pathway and then some learning.
If we can master these areas.(above
at the top), few problems will come
along in life, but some
still will. If a person does his or her best training
the kids, they will not be one of them.
ass parents are those engrossed in the ego level. Thus they set their
children up for a life of hell by failing to instil
in them qualities of
that would provide a superior life for them. But they can't because they
themselves know them not.
Left to themselves these
children are ready game for the dark
side. The curious natures of children easily can lead them into devious,
attractive behaviors on the pathway
of death; behaviors of deceit, vandalism, delusions of greatness, addictions,
These children have not been
taught that when they cause negativity in some way for another, many years
later it turns all around
and affects their own lives in some negative way and with increased
Such dumb ass parents obviously themselves are overly self consumed.
Many problems come from our
being led by our desires always
pumped by the dark side toward excessive levels. Desires are good when
they are good for us and cause no immediate or later negatives for us or
for others:.Romans
Each time we entertain a
thought not in line with love,
health, wealth and positive expression.(Phillipians
4:8), we bring again into our lives
what has been the same since the
beginning of humanity on Earth:.Ecclesiastes
1:9. What was here before
humanity is not given a chance to fluorish.
Every good expression is
valuable and has its own energy pattern. Every bad expression is distorted
energy and produces a negative. Produces a negative, so hopefully we
can see that something needs fixing, not just that 'something is wrong'
and leave it there.
Once in line with what this
Infinite One is and that is love, then our
entire world opens up with potential.
Many problems come because
we do not know the way of peace.,
so children grow up being Neanderthal.bullies,
The solution is a
of love in a person with all that means:.2Peter
1:4 "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises
that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature having escaped.(how
can we escape?).the
that is in the world through lust."
Ask the invisible Great
Infinite One to give you wisdom.(James
1:5; Proverbs 4:7).so
you can find the balance for your own particular lifestyle. People live
on feelings and off balance constantly; too
little sleep too often, too much of this, too little of that, etc.
Take a lesson
from the design of the Universe, that of balance.
Many are slaves to the
off side of pride:.Proverbs
21:24 "Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who deals in proud wrath.".Ever
gone after someone who encroached upon your pride by cutting you off in
traffic? Road rage is."dealing
in proud wrath".
"Keep honking,
I'm reloading!" Ha ha!
a key to extremely safe driving you may not yet be aware of.
Trials and tribulations are
a necessary component of life here:.Isaiah
48:10. Why?
There is only a slight difference
between sticking your neck out and keeping your chin up, but it is worth
-Are the Jews responsible
for crucifying Emmanuel?.Acts
4:10 "Be it known unto you all and to all the people of Israel, that
by the name of Emmanuel the Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified.(they
were the instruments used {Ecclesiastes
7:13} in leading to the crucifixion),
whom God raised from the dead, even by him does this man stand here before
you whole."
Emmanuel said that He willingly
laid His life down:.John
10:17,18 "Therefore does my Father love me, because I
lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man takes
it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to
lay it down and I have power to take it again. This commandment
I received of my Father.".And
so we also.(1Peter
2:21), should lay our life down
by quietly in prayer, accepting as true.(how?),
because it is true, that Christ in the human being named Emmanuel,
Jesus, gave His physical life for us.(*).
So, what is the effect of, as they say 'being
in Christ'? Ephesians 2:10.