is the world?.
A knowledge grounded on personal
experience was missing.(why?).and
so many people, including the educated religious leaders of the time, the
Pharisees, Sadducees and lawyers, misunderstood what Emmanuel.was
up to. They just didn't get it. They couldn't see that it was love.
They perhaps had never seen what love is and to them it was all so different
that it was beyond their knowing of anything like it.
Some people, such as these
types, were too obstinate
to comprehend Creator's ways:.2Corinthians
Not being able to comprehend
true motives,
they obviously reasoned from their own carnal
natures and concluded
that Emmanuel was somehow 'in it for himself'. They
thought Emmanuel was a religious competitor.
4:25 Where was this said by David?
In Psalms
3:10 What does this verse mean?
In the original, the verse can read."It
is intended now that through the church.(what
does 'church' mean?).be
known the
beginning of heavenly powers evidencing the wisdom of God.".It's
about reaching out to others
with spiritual acts of kindness
and some information God wants them to have.(2Corinthians
the hope set before us:.John
21:17; Colossians 1:28; Hebrews
And why?.Acts
26:18 "To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness.(where
did the darkness come from?).to
light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness
of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is
in me." Romans 10:14 "How then
shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they
believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without
a preacher?" Daniel 12:3 "And they
that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that
turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."
We have a part in awakening
others, in opening their eyes to the fact of their existence in God and
this precludes
their sins having been already forgiven.(*).because
if in God you obviously have no sin.
So help others to awake also
to their true state in eternity and awaken to their heart to help the less
31:8,9; Isaiah 58:1; Jeremiah
4:22; 1Corinthians 2:9;
2Timothy 1:9; Daniel
And, what's a good way to
get this done? Certainly not how most of the early disciples handled
it. Better to do your spiritual work through the most effective way of
and praise/prayer, than ranting
and raving information
in front of others who have not asked for it, don't appreciate it and get
angry at you for presenting it, as
most, not all, of the disciples caused:.1Peter
3:15; Matthew 6:6. This is the
time to be sincere and smart in helping others, for only those of the dark
side are out to hinder others in life somehow.
"When you always exist.(*),
you move upward and the path in front of you is covered with flowers. When
you are everywhere you move everywhere and the path in front of you is
covered with space and worlds.(that
is, having an all encompassing
outlook). When you are everywhere,
the path in front of you also consists of flowers. Take these flowers
and distribute, give a flower of this eternal life to everyone. Show the
way, make the way instantaneous and equal for all.(how?
yourself up). Everyone should have
eternal life and everyone should be sent the way. Everyone has it in his
Open your soul and show the flower of your joy to all around you."....Grigori
Grabovoi's book, page 'Afterword'.
This then is the gospel
message, the message of life the disciples
went out to reach others with:.Mark
"I came for all people,
no matter which nation or which religion."....Bruno
Gröning. And so should we be here for all people:.2Timothy
2:2 "And the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses,
the same commit you to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others
also." 1Thessalonians 4:1,2
"Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren and exhort you by the Lord
Emmanuel, that as you have received of us how you ought to walk and to
please God, so you would abound more and more. For you know what
gave you by the Lord Emmanuel."
"But there is one who does
for all of you what you are not capable of doing and what do all of you
do for this one?"....Bruno
How should we be here for all people? The
disciples of Christ way back when, went out to tell others the message
of the good news that the way to God was not only open, as it always had
been, but that now one can
be as Christ was with the Father:.Mark
If you have love, pass
it on, because we have become one
with God by growing in God's love. How
do we keep growing in it and how do we pass it on?
What you discover, what you
have become convinced
about that is good, don't keep
to yourself:.Matthew
25:24,25. Don't keep is buried up in a napkin. Don't hide it due to
some stupid fear. How can anyone else benefit when everyone is silent?
How would they then find the pathway back to God?
It was the impetus
of Emmanuel's purpose on Earth:.John
4:34 "Emmanuel said unto them, My meat.(the
word 'meat' in the Bible simply means 'food').is.to
do the will.of
him that sent me and to finish his work.".We
need to partake
of this same food in regard to the salvation
of humanity:.John
21:15-17 "So when they had dined, Emmanuel said to Simon Peter...Feed
my lambs...Feed my sheep...Peter was grieved because he said unto him the
third time...Feed my sheep."
24:45,46 "Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord has
made ruler over his household to give them meat in due season? Blessed
is that servant, whom his lord when he comes shall find so doing."
Both the higher and lower
consciousness things are of this invisible realm
wherein there is only oneness, but the side of the oneness.(like
one coin having two sides).we
see depends upon us individually.
Job chose to see the most
side no matter
what happened to him and a lot did:.Job
beings in the invisible world that have been there since forever, are
constantly learning from what is going on here on Earth, in us and with
our lives. The world is a
stage for learning.
That's why Emmanuel told
his disciples to go into all the world:.Matthew
28:19 "Go you therefore and teach all nations, baptizing.(is
baptism still necessary?).them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.".Matthew
24:14; Mark 16:15; Acts
16:10; John
4:34 "Emmanuel said unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that
sent me and to finish his work." Luke 1:17
"And he shall go before him...to make ready a people prepared for
the Lord."
Emmanuel worked
with them in this effort and so
it is for us today:.Romans
10:13,14 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall
be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?
and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how
shall they hear without a preacher.(Matthew
And, why do this or at least
have a part in it supporting others who do?.Colossians
1:28,29 "...that we may present every man perfect in Christ Emmanuel.
Whereunto I also labour, striving
according to his working..." John
15:13-17 "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his
life for his friends...you should go and bring forth fruit...love one another.".What
will your reward be for your
These heavenly powers.(Psalms
in the invisible world.(Romans
1:20; Revelation 4:9,10).of
this invisible Supreme Being's realm,
a realm including strange
1:15 "...the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.".Ephesians
3:14,15 "For this cause.(verse
bow my knees unto the Father.(why
called the Father).of
our Lord Emmanuel the Christ...Of
whom the whole family in heaven and Earth is named." Ephesians
1:21 "Far above all principality and power and might and dominion
and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which
is to come.(original
for 'that which is to come' is 'that which you think and care about' {why
is that?}; referring in this verse to the invisible world of spirit with
its formative potential)."
22:19 "...I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the host of
whole family).standing
by him on his right hand and on his left.".Colossians
1:15; Ezekiel 1:5-27; Revelation
4th chapter.
God has
many names which describe his character.
The whole family in heaven.(what
is heaven?).includes
the invisible realm
of the 'real God' behind it all, which is, the great Invisible
Infinite Intelligence.(Revelation
4:9,10), also known as.the
also known as.the
also wrongly and rightly called the Lord.(*),
of us in the realm of Earth, two examples of many 1,
on Earth today:.1John
3:2; 1Corinthians 3:21-23.
If you are in need of help,
you can ask God and angels can be sent:.Matthew
26:53. If you need help even asking God for anything, ask
these who will start the current from God to you, for you.
All creation, including the
beings just mentioned and those specifically mentioned below here, are
connected. How?
The future:.Ephesians
is Christ, that this whole family now abides in?.Ephesians
1:21-23; Hebrews 2:8; 7:3;
1:23 "...the word of God, which lives and abides forever."
The good angels include
the archangels, which are extremely powerful high ranking angels.
Our galactic family of light
beings has come to help us eliminate the cabal who has made such a horrible
mess of the Earth that we are going to have to fix.
gene and Nino give insights
on it. And what does our
galactic family of light beings look like?
The good angels are 'regular'
the higher ranking angels such as Gabriel,
and Lucifer.(Lucifer,
apparently good at first, later changed; there is freedom in the
invisible world; there is no forcing, no coercion,
always having free choice),
four living creatures; twenty
four elders, the
seven Spirits (angels) of God, the four special
6:5), the
Christian martyrs, Melchisedec
and the Galactic families.
the Creator.(this
Creator being the Word:.John
1:1-3), the Creator-Father, called
Father because He's above
all and 'started' what we call life, all of it.(John
is the one we call the Silence
and God.
And there is is The Holy Spirit.aspect
of the Creator. Together they are the
Also, there are the spirits
of men and women passed on.(Hebrews
12:23), which are now
coming back at an increasing rate and for a special purpose. And there
are those who are there permamently, such
as these. And what
about these? And what about us?.1Corinthians
6:15; 12:12; Ephesians
Well, these all are there
and real. They are all concerned about humanity, but how
did it all start with the Father? What made Him? And, what
is God?
In addition, there are rankings
within the 'regular' angelic realm.(Joshua
other life now visiting
Earth, waiting, not interfering,
while we fix our problems.
They ensure
humanity's madness doesn't reach far beyond Earth and into their and other
125:1 "...They that trust in the Lord...cannot be removed but abide
All these are energies of
forms and personalities of the same underlying intelligent energy.(Revelation
commonly refer to as God and all with unfathomable
ability of intelligence, information and power. What they are all doing
has to do with the ultimate
purpose of humanity,
great purpose God created humanity to have and enjoy. All these and
all that is, came out of the invisible energy we call the
The dark
side angels are those that feel humans are future competitors
to them. Where
did they come from?
It is the evil invisible
powers of the dark side that humans are constantly assaulted by in their
attitudes and it's our attitudes that govern our lives. The evil ones said,
'Gotta get 'em off track somehow and keep 'em there':.Ephesians
6:12 "For we wrestle.(as
in a contest).not
against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against
rulers of the darkness of this world.(the
darkness has rules which are always the antithesis
of love and those humans
of the dark side are pumped
by it; examples),
against spiritual wickedness in high places."
If there weren't these principalities
and rulers working these powers of darkness, humans would be content forever
at the low consciousness ego level they grew up with. Where would the need
for aspiring
to something greater then come from? What then would be the impetus
for moving into a higher consciousness?
So, evil is needed
for them at this time to provide the
contrast and thus,
choice. The sooner one begins to walk the good road, the sooner life
turns around for him or her.
Negatives are there so that
we can move from them and toward time when all will be one in the beauty
of high consciousness:.1Corinthians
15:28 "And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the
Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that
God may be all in all.".Creator-Father
is reproducing himself in humans willing to move from their dark side,
but He never
overrides them, unlike those in positions of control on Earth who are
pumped by the dark side to override concerns of men and women thus
hurting them.
Creator-Father is high consciousness
in action in humans.
The Creator is calling us all up higher:.Acts
17:30. That's why the world we are in today is
all a stage:.Hebrews
12:22-24 "But you are come...unto the city of the living God...and
to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church
of the firstborn...and to God the Judge of all and to the spirits
of just men...And to Emmanuel
the mediator
of the new covenant..."
The ancient Levitical
priesthood on Earth way back when, was only an antitype
of the incredible world of the invisible:.Hebrews
8:4,5 "For if he.(Christ).were
on Earth, he should not be a priest, seeing that there are priests that
offer gifts according to the law, who serve unto the example and shadow
of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to
make the tabernacle. For see says he, that you make all things according
to the pattern showed to you in the mount."
Spiritual wickedness in high
places in humanity is those of authority having
concern only at heart for their selfish interests. Spiritual wickedness
in high places in the invisible world are those of the dark side who influence
humans who are selfish. Love protects. Selfishness keeps the door open
to dark side influences, making life get worse as it goes along:.Luke
The Infinite One is showing
the angels that on this Earthly realm that the bitter warring divisive
line between the ancient ones
calling themselves Jews and the true Israelites
and Gentiles
is no more, He having destroyed
it utterly. This connotes
the spiritual angelic
The Creator
of what is created, visible and invisible:.Romans
1:20; Revelation 4:11; Ephesians
3:9; John 1:1-3,14; 1John
1:1,2. And we
are created beings, expressions of the life within us that is this
God who sustains us.
Each of us is like a snowflake
in that all snowflakes are snow, yet each is unique.
There are people who are out to change others of good heart. This is not
good. They are attempting to infringe
upon what it is that is that man or woman. Just love others and don't try
to change them. It's the prerogative
of the Father to change whom He decides will be changed and when and why,
what happened in Paul's
life. Just apply this spiritual principle
in your life and this one
too and you'll avoid a lot of problems. Once in the higher consciousness
we have that identity
which is love.
The family on Earth refers
to those
now in it and also to all His creation
who eventually will be in His
spiritual family.
"Look at the World, what
should be done in it, look at your everyday affairs, see your feelings;
look at them. Look, how your feelings are connected with the events. Why
are you looking forward? Why do you feel? Why do your affairs go in such
a way but not another? Why can the words 'another way' not be present in
the World, since the World is single and it is various in its singularity?
Why does the word 'single' mean variety? Feel the entire nature of phenomena
in your specific
case. Look at this case from all sides. Look at your organism and restore
it with one mental moment. Look at your consciousness and make it able
to solve all your issues. Look at your soul and see that everything has
been available there for a long time."....Grigori
Use your energy to go after
the things within, the things of the spirit, the things that last and avoid
nonsense without that is often enticing.
The Creator's home is big:.Isaiah