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-Is it possible that God used evolution to create everything?

Perhaps, but not probable! Creator-God is continually confounding us. There is nothing impossible with Creator-God, but as the universe works, it shows us the laws of physics and as such, it appears not to have had some big bang beginning. God works by His ways, which include design. There is only destruction coming from destruction. A big bang doesn't produce the intricacies of design needed for life.

Out of just one cell comes one hundred trillion to make a human being and the cells have about one million reactions going on every second, including the knowledge each cell has of what every other cell may be doing at the same time. This is super computing at its finest. How does it work?

If the universe did come from say one cell in a big bang, then it did. It's here now. Whether is was all created at once from one cell, we are here on the Earth part of it and it is not the past but the present that matters. Why? What are we doing with each present second that we live is the important concern.

-Is the Book of Genesis creation story a fairy tale like evolution or the true story of creation?
Christian Research Institute.(equip.org):."According to one of the world's leading Hebrew scholars, all the world class university professors of Hebrew he knows of are unanimous that Genesis chapters 1-11 was written to tell us of a real, recent creation of all things in six ordinary days and a globe covering catastrophic flood.
   "That does not mean such professors necessarily believe it, just that the language of Genesis tells us that its writer could not have had any other intention. It clearly means what it says, which is what has always been obvious to every ten year old."....James Barr, Regis Professor of Hebrew at Oxford, who does not believe in the literal truth of Genesis.
-Does the Great Tribulation occur soon?
Some Christians expect that there is a time yet coming as described in Matthew 24th chapter and in Mark 13th chapter.

Others believe and rightly so it seems, that this entirely took place in 70 A.D. Luke records that the prophecies of the Old Testament Emmanuel talked of would be fulfiled by 70 A.D..Luke 21:22.

And they were fulfilled, but though it did stop the corrupted religion of that day that Emmanuel talked about in Matthew 23:13-33, the corruption again began and continued right up to today:.Revelation 7:14.

All occurrences predicted by the Biblical prophets began being fulfilled within that generation back then and carried on to our time today, which is end of the 800 year tribulation, that of satanically ruled leaders placing into captivity.(how? 1, 2, 3).those who were blinded, so lessons could be experienced and learned as a whole. The world is a stage for learning. Wake up and learn, so the horrible things that have happened never happen agasin, ever! 

It was predicted by Emmanuel that tribulation would begin in that generation back then, some time soon after he was crucified:.Matthew 24:21-31; Revelation 1:1

This devastation begun back then so completely severed the religious connection with the Old Testament Mosaic Law that, to this day some 2000 years later, some, in error, are still are attempting to resurrect it. Like, why?

We never want it back! This is a spiritual age. The law was for a physically minded people, not a people in whom is the spirit of the Eternal One.

Christ prophesied destruction of the city of Jerusalem and warnings suggested allude to preparation for His coming back to Earth, to occur sometime after His death, resurrection and ascending to heaven to again be with His Father. This all occurred:.John 20:17,19,20,26,27

The."last days".as mentioned in Acts 2:17 talks of the days right then.(see the verses Acts 2:4,16,17).

Emmanuel said Matthew 26:29 and.Luke 22:16-18."But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.".So when was this?

Emmanuel also said that some of them in His presence would not see death before they would see the Kingdom of God coming in power:.Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:1; Luke 9:27.

Barnes Notes: All these apostles, except Judas.(Acts 1:16-20), lived to see both the transfiguration.(Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-32).and the wonders of the day of Pentecost. Some of them, John particularly, who wrote the book of John, saw the Judean nation scattered, the temple destroyed, the gospel established in Asia, Rome, Greece and in a large part of the known world.

And, what about after His resurrection?
   Matthew Henry Concise Commentary states:."The disciples had confounded the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world. This mistake Christ set right and showed that the day of Christ's coming and the day of judgment.(Revelation 20:12).shall be after that tribulation. Here he foretells the final dissolution of the present frame and fabric of the world and the visible appearance of the Lord Emmanuel coming in the clouds and the gathering together of all the elect to him."

The tribulation begun back then did eliminate the corrupt religious order of the time, but unfortunately was championed by others with even greater deviousness, who carried on persecutions under their banner of being righteous and holy, but was really done for their own evil agenda, lasting all the way up to.1834.

For us today, we are in the position of the great John the Baptist who prepared the way for Emmanuel. Our job today is preparing for the coming of Christ to set up the kingdom of God for a thousand years of peace, joy and prosperity. That preparation in earnest has begun now with President Donald J. Trump. How

The time is now being held up as efforts.reaching others continue toward their awakening to what has really gone on behind the scenes and the cleaning up of the mess made throughout the whole world by evil. Let's get the job done:.Matthew 25:21 "His lord said unto him, Well done, you good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter you into the joy of your lord."

Why is the awakening of other so important?
