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Questions About God

Questions About Scriptures

Questions On Topics

Q u e s t i o n s  W e  M a y  H a v e

-Are curses passed on from generation to generation and are they implemented by the devil?

-Are drugs like marijuana ok, since God created the herbs with seeds and called them good?

-Are the Jews responsible for crucifying Emmanuel?

-Are there exaggerations in the Bible?

-Are those who have killed in war guilty of murder and go to hell?

-Are we really all that much different from any other person?

-Are we responsible for creating negative things that occur to us?

-Are we still in the hologram when in Christ?

-Are we to participate in foot washing and communion services?

-Are we today supposed to do what is mentioned to Christ's disciples, that of raising the dead and freely giving to others, etc.?

-Can DNA matching prove that man did or did not come from primates?

-Can someone put a curse on another and have it affect them?

-Cavemen: How long back in history?

-Did the ancient Israelites just arrogate the lands from those who were possessing it?

-Do we really reap what we sow?

-Does the Bible condone slavery?

-Does the Bible contradict itself?

-Does the Bible talk about going into a trance?

-Does the Great Tribulation occur soon?

-Does."vengeance is mine".mean God will punish our enemies?

-How can I be absolutely sure that Christ is in me and that I have eternal life and am in the truth of God?

-How can I get away from the fear that if I don't follow tenets of the church I go to, things will turn against me?

-How can I help all of humanity?

-How can I know if guidance (things that come to my mind) is from God or not?

-How can our life be resurrected from the heartache of our past and the guilt it may have produced in our present?

-How can this same high consciousness be in all of us and yet we are all different?

-How can we accelerate spiritual growth?

-How can we all be equal when some are born so disadvantaged?

-How.can we escape drug, pederasty, abusiveness or other harmful addiction problems?

-How come at times I just don't know what to do?

-How could Moses have written Genesis when writing was unknown in his day?

-How do we get sick and what do our thoughts have to do with the cause of our illness?

-How did this Christ come to be?

-How did man originally come to know that certain plants were poisonous?

-How did Noah get all those animals into the ark?

-How do we receive seed into the good ground?

-How do we draw near to this great God?

-How does God view evil deeds?

-How does one become 'more spiritually advanced'?

-How does one get salvation today?

-How does one get the knowledge of salvation that will enable salvation? and how does remission of sins occur?

-How long is salvation good for?

-How would a person know what things are evil?

-I'm 13 and thinking of joining a gang. What does the Bible say?

-I am a believer in Emmanuel Christ. My husband and grown children are not. What is their position with God?

-I belong to a group that believes that the Old Testament curses are passed on from generation to generation and need to be expiated, or these succeeding generations will remain under the curses, and that could be one of the reasons I'm in poverty and my family was before me and that; if I'm poor, it's because a curse has been passed on from generation to generation and this allows the devil to cause more poverty and hardships in my life. This is based this on Exodus 20:5. My group has a ministry where one can take classes to learn how to stop these curses which they say are implemented by the devil.

-I checked in a concordance listing all the words in the Bible but did not find any word about Christmas and checked Easter, finding only one reference. 

-I feel wrong when I masturbate. Is it a form of lewdness?

-I go to church and when they have altar calls, I seldom go, then feel guilty after. The preacher talks about us not being "in the flesh" but in the spirit. I feel like I'm so much "in the flesh" that, why bother?
   I also became concerned about how much they cared for individuals when it seemed more important to them that I conform to how they believe regarding."not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together".

-I had to pray about it when I got upset and felt offended when I sensed a fellow worker was thinking sexual thoughts and was touching me. Even though it wasn't in a sexual place, I felt he was 'coming on to me'.

-I have a friend at work whom I wish would accept Christ. Are there things I could say to guide her in this regard? My pastor says to talk to others about Emmanuel so they can be saved and will go to heaven.

-I have a wild and crazy idea to do, but I wonder if God would bless me in it?

-I read.(in the Bible).regarding birthdays that they were negative?

-I take issue with some so-called 'spiritual' people who go to church every week and yet live far less than exemplary lives otherwise.

-If the next life is so great, why do Christians and other spiritual persons of different faiths, pray for each other to be healed so that they can carry on living here? Why not let them get on to where they believe they are going, heaven? And, just why do some die after praying for them to be healed?

-I'm thinking of getting out of the corruption all around me, in governments, companies I've worked for, etc. and going elsewhere, but I'm ambivalent about it. 

-I'm interested in putting money into an adventure that I think would pay off big, but have some doubts about it. How can I be reasonably sure I'm ok to go ahead with it?

-Is a woman equal in God's eyes to a man?

-Is circumcision necessary for those in the God family today?

-Is it not good to be renewed inside?

-Is it possible that God used evolution to create everything?

-Is it true that what we wish for one person, affects all?

-Is it unfair to pay same rank employees different wages?

-Is plastic surgery for a spiritual person or is this vain?

-Is the Book of Genesis creation story a fairy tale like evolution or the true story of creation?

-Is the Sabbath for New Testament believers in Emmanuel the Christ, and what about the Sabbath Day being kept again in the Kingdom of God on Earth?

-Is there life on other planets or in the outermost galaxies?

-Is there such a thing as an 'old soul'?

-Is tithing for those in the Christian church today? Did tithing from Abraham's time, even before the law, make it through the cross?

-It doesn't seem fair that those who have lived a life not knowing God, get the same reward in the end as those that have lived a life dedicated to God, as a parable Emmanuel spoke while on Earth shows:.Matthew 20:1-16.

-Emmanuel seemed serious and not lighthearted. If we are to follow Emmanuel example, should we also be serious and avoid being lighthearted?

-Life is so hard at times. How can I stop from 'going crazy'?

-Master four major areas and most of life's problems are gone.

-My friend, a Seventh Day Adventist believes that the seventh day of the week.(Saturday).should be a day of no work dedicated and kept holy and says that the Bible commands this for New Testament believers. I feel uncomfortable with this but am willing to follow what the Bible says. Is the Sabbath for New Testament believers in Emmanuel the Christ?

-My Christian friends are always telling me to seek the will of God in all things. What's it mean to be "in God's will"? And, What about Jeremiah 17:9 where it says the heart is desperately wicked?

-My pastor says that church members should respect and fall under the authority in the church and that questioning the authority that Christ placed upon the church leaders is not right?

-On one hand it's mentioned that we are not to have works to be accepted by God and on the other, it's mentioned that we should do good works because we love others and that these count toward our reward. Please explain.

-Once a spiritual individual.(a Christian, a Muslim, etc.), how are we then to live and what to do?

"The most elusive and desired quality of leadership is vision. Vision is the
perfume of the mind."....Harriet Rubin