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How long back in history?
From the book:.Dinosaur:.Scientific
that Men and Dinosaurs Lived Together.by
Carl Baugh:
"All men are genetic descendants
of Adam.(the
first man:.1Corinthian
15:45), with all post-Flood men
also being descended from the loins of Noah:.Genesis
those who took refuge in caves.(Genesis
14:6), are only mentioned.after.the
6:17; 19:30; 1Kings
Adam's immediate descendants
being highly intelligent, were advanced enough even to construct
4:17. People at the beginning of humanity
were not dumb grunts
as stupid history taught about man portrays.
only the ninth person from Adam, knew enough to construct a boat.
Just 4 chapters in from man's
creation, we find:.Genesis
4:20-22 "And Adah bare Jabal. He was the father of such as dwell in
tents and of such as have cattle. And his brother's name was Jubal. He
was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. And Zillah, she
also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron
and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah."
"Dr. Carl E. Baugh, in fact,
lists 56 points of superiority of these men over today's presumed 'modern'
man in his enlightening book.Panorama
of Creation, Chapter 3, pp.
27-43, including observational.articulation,
speech anatomy,
and poetic.declamation.".This
valuable resource is available at creationevidence.org
The recent discovery of cuneiform.inscriptions
at Tel el-Amarna in Egypt, consisting of official dispatches
to Pharaoh
Amenophis IV and to his predecessor
from their agents
in Palestine,
proves that in the century.(Genesis
5th chapter).before
Exodus an active literary.intercourse
was carried on between these nations and that the medium
of the correspondence
was the Babylonian
language and script,
which came out from the Sumerians.
At the beginning of humanity
they were well able to communicate with each other and with God:.Genesis
4:13-15 They were obviously taught much
by the Elohim and teaching involved
the angels.
-Can DNA matching prove
that man did or did not come from primates?
The original 1987
study used mitochondrial tracer DNA.(mtDNA),
chromosomes of which are passed unchanged from mother only to offspring,
unlike nuclear.DNA,
which comes from both parents. The study involved 136 women with widely
varying geographical and ethnic diversity. The analysis was said to point
back to a single ancestral mtDNA molecule from a human female living in
subSaharan Africa.(see
meaning of prefix 'sub').about
200,000 years ago, they figure. However, it has now been determined that
both the entering order of data input and the interpreting of data output
were prejudiced
toward an African origin for 'mitochondrial Eve' based on evolutionary
Bones of Contention:.A
Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils.by
Marvin L. Lubenow, 1992, pp.71-72:
"The mtDNA study of African
Eve, as well as other aspects of molecular genetics, is based on mutations
in the DNA nucleotides.
Perhaps we could be forgiven for asking the question, When an evolutionist
looks at human DNA nucleotides, how does he know which ones are the result
and which ones have remained unchanged? Obviously, to answer that question
he must know what the original or ancient sequences were. Since only God
is omniscient, how does the evolutionist get the information about those
sequences that he believes existed millions of years ago? He uses as his
guide the DNA of the chimpanzee."....as
quoted by Marcia Barinaga in the article, 'Choosing a Human Family Tree'
February 7, 1992; 687.."In
other words, the studies that seek to prove that human DNA evolved from
chimp DNA start with the assumption
that chimp DNA represents the original condition.(or
close to it).from
which human DNA diverged.
That is circularity with a vengeance."....David
V. Bassett, M.S. CEM Staff Writer. And it's called science by evolutionists,
while at the same time gives a bad name to true scientists.
did all the races come from?.
-I had to pray about it
when I got upset and felt offended when I sensed a fellow worker was thinking
sexual thoughts and was touching me, even though it wasn't in a sexual
place. I felt he was 'coming on' to me.
It is always good
to spend time alone with the Creator in
the dark and quiet. From here we grow as things come to surface for
our attention and that expands us spiritually and therein is strength
to deal with the obstreperousness
of others.
But often how we feel about
something is just that, our feelings. A dead person can be kicked
yet has no feeling and as spiritual persons called Christians, we are dead
in Christ:.Colossians
But some spiritual people
are still alive to their anger.(Colossians
3:8), pride.(not
the positively useful to them kind
of pride).and
which probably comes from their pride being hurt. It's time to walk with
a new attitude. Everything that occurs to us occurs to us because of consciousness:.Romans
6:2-4. It's important for one's life to go better, to reach for the
of higher consciousness. It's a process of spiritual growth. On this
pathway it's also important to
dissipate one's dark side.
Why should a spiritual person
of love ever be offended from either real or items of interaction personally
assessed as hurts?.Ecclesiastes
10:4; Romans 4:25; 13:10;
The 'our' of our existence
is no longer ours; it is His:.1Corinthians
7:23 "You are bought with a price. Be not you the servants of men.".In
other words, do not serve men's negative ways which include analyzing another's
actions by your reactions, your feelings. This has all to
do so much with the self. And you are dead! Ever heard of turning the other
5:39. Get out of the crap and get on feet with life! Your life is not
your feelings. Your life is expressing the nature of love God places in
you when you ask Him to be part of His
1John 5:20; Phillipians
Ephesians 1:18; John
The Infinite One who created
all, allows evil and things that we perceive
as evils to come against us, allows them to come into our life so
we learn about the ways of the self
long programmed by the evil side. In this, good hearted men and women
become better. So the Creator can and does
circumstances into our lives by having set up the automatic ways of
such things as 'we reap what we have sown' and this applies also to 'we
experience what's programmed in our subconscious', programmed by reactions
such as you had in this situation. And it's this way so we can learn, No
'learny' more 'reapy' needed. We much become aware of what we are
emotionally, spiritually and intellectually, so that we come to know ourselves
In the Old Testament it was
different story.
Much of what we feel is erroneous.
Many people mistake
feelings for guidance from the realm
of the Infinite One. What is the
Thoughts always come first.
But an immature mentality deals with the feelings reaction to another's
action, as you did in this case. In that way you are allowing control of
yourself by another. Better to deal with the thoughts, keeping in mind
the other person's point of view. Learn to love and be of a forgiving nature
toward such things that bug you.
People with
emotions evidence signs of instability:.James
1:8; 2Peter 3:16. Daily Bible
study and the other
spiritual disciplines will greatly help to rise above the low consciousness
level and after awhile the level you rise to will
become permanent:.2Peter
2:20; Acts 17:11; Ephesians
3:17-19; Colossians 1:23. So
will this:.1Peter

"Not only is the universe
more complex than we ever thought, it is far
more mysterious and magical
than we ever believed."
Alan Wolf, Quantum Theorist, fredalanwolf.com