-Are drugs ok, since
God created the herbs with seeds and called them good?
From David Guzik's Commentary:."God
1:12 "Let the Earth bring forth . . .
every herb that yields seed . . . the herb that yields seed according to
its kind . . . And God saw that it was good".Psalms
104:14. See the first
narcotic deal.
"But certainly, not every
herb is good for every purpose. Hemlock is natural, but not good! In fact,
the use of drugs
in this manner is nowhere sanctioned.(approved,
agreed upon, authoritative permission) and
is always condemned in the Bible; the wrong use of drugs is often
associated with sorcery
and the occult."
The wrong use of drugs depletes
the immune system and can cause illness as it interferes with the
electrical functioning of the body, affecting the electricity of cells
needed to digest food, for one example, as well as causing digestive and
elimination issues.
Columbia University studies
revealed that female marijuana.(the
cannabis plant).smokers
suffer a sharp increase in damage to DNA, the genetic code and that reproductive
eggs are especially vulnerable to damage by marijuana smoking and
that those who smoked a single marijuana cigarette every other day for
one year had a white blood cell count 39% lower than normal, thus damaging
the immune system.
there are proven amazing healing properties of cannabis as an oil
one can make and in other non smoking ways, such as adding a plant that
one grinds up to be used in muffins or smoothies.
Rather than smoking it, choose
instead to be filled with the Spirit:.Ephesians
3:19; 5:18. What need then exists
for inferior substitutes?.1Corinthians
Thoughts produce frequencies
and frequencies affect all cells in the body. Healing music, whatever that
may be to each individual, is very good. There are machines that produce
frequencies that will bombard and eradicate harmful parasites and cancerous
cells. Type 'cures for cancer' type into an Internet search engine and
look for such things as Hoxsey, Cantron, Royal
Len Horowitz, Rick
Simpson, Burzynski, Chris Beat Cancer and so many more. There are 27 proven
cures for serious diseases that have been discovered through the past few
decades that people have seldom if ever, heard about. Strange, don't you
think. Where are all the investigative reporters gone?
this list is a few.
Cancer is a mutation
of an anaerobic cell.(a
cell that can live in the absence of atmospheric oxygen).
Those who have cancer should breathe deep about 10 times a day, get out
in the Sun.(no
sunscreen to clog pores and keep the poisons in).for
about 20 minutes a day, eradicate all genetically modified food from their
diet, eradicate all chemicals, such as deodorants, cleaning sprays, etc.
Do your own research on all these things. Not only is it interesting, but
helpful information is gained.
The cancer process from Ron
Gdanski's book, Cure, Cause and
Cover Up:
A Break In A Fibrous Membrane
Triggers Rapid Growth.
The cancer process can be
summarized in ten steps. Let's list them here and discuss them more fully
in later chapters. Here's the true cause of cancer:
1. Microbial
parasites of wrongly labeled viruses
'pathogens' invade an internal blood clot or mass of tissue cells weakened
by nutritional deficiencies, injury or pollutants. This happens when the
immune system is weak due to any number of reasons.
2. Fungi take
control of the mass of infected cells, stop oxidative metabolism, but maintain
fermentative metabolism.
3. Metabolic
wastes such as ammonia and fungal enzymes are toxic to adjacent cells.
Toxins cause inflammation of them and stop oxidative metabolism, but allow
fermentation to continue. Fungal infection spreads following inflammation.
4. Inflammation
causes the immune system to grow a dense fibrous membrane surrounding the
infection to contain it and prevent it from spreading. These fibrous growths
take the form of a lump, cyst, ulcer, benign growth, pre-cancerous lesion,
etc. X-rays
spot them because of increased density.
5. A break
in or injury to the fibrous membrane results in the autonomic immune system
response to repair the injury by making adjacent membrane cells multiply
Lack of Healing Causes Unrestrained
6. During the
process of doubling, the adjacent cells are infected and mutated by the
toxins and pathogens so that offspring cells fail to knit with parent cells
and fail to heal the injury.
7. Lack of
healing traps the repair of injury process in high gear duplicating the
infected membrane cells and the pathogens inside them. That's cancer!
8. Rapid doubling
of pathogenswithin
cells produces the growth hormone
essential for rapid doubling of human cells.
9. With the
first doubling of adjacent
normal cells, two new cancer cells are formed and one less parent cell
remains. Membrane cells appear to be consumed but they are just being
converted. That's why they retain some of their original membrane traits
and form tumors. With each additional doubling, cancer cells lose human
traits, gain the capacity to duplicate faster, and appear more aggressive.
Fungi produce growth factors for membrane cells.(like
the skin of mushrooms), but not produce
growth factors for other human tissue. That's why bone cancer does not
result in bone growth, and lung cancer does not result in lung tissue,
etc. Since leukocytes do not normally form membranes, leukemia does not
form tumors.
As you see, fungal control
of a mass of human cells can explain all known observations about cancer
thereby proving it is the cause of cancer."
Harry Hoxsey's treatment
for cancer was endorsed by senators, judges and even some doctors. Two
federal courts upheld its therapeutic value and by the 1950s his clinics
were found in seventeen states. It spite of this, the AMA.(American
Medical Association).targeted
him and drove him out of business, like they tried to also do to Stanislaw
Burzynski movie into YouTube for a free view).
If a low cost, reliable treatment for cancer were discovered inside or
outside the medical establishment, would the general public ever find out
about it?
See these videosat, brasschecktv.com/page/69.html
and brasschecktv.com/page/398.html
In 1990, Dr. Hulda Clark
released her pathogen zapper, based on findings with her resonance scanner
called the Syncrometer. She announced in her book.(The
Cure For All Diseases), that 30kHz.(30,000
pulses per second).would
all negative micro-organisms in many parts of the body.
And there are so many more,
such as this new information from Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist,
yourself of cancer, using your mind, such as the work of Nassim
Haramein and the suppressed
incredible work of
Raymond Rife.
Through Christ.(talk
to Him {what
'Christ' is} and listen for a response in
your heart).we
can escape all kinds
of pollutions:.1John
5:5; 2Corinthians 7:1; 10:4;
3:21; 1Corinthians 15:57.
But how do we apply it all?.2Corinthians
7:1 "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse
ourselves from all filthiness.(original
is 'to pollute so as to stain
black', or, harmful habits).of
the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
-How do we cleanse ourselves?
Notice here.(Ephesians
we are Christ's workmanship towards good works, that is, once we have decided
to have the same nature of love He has. In other words, when one decides
to do good works out of an unselfish heart of love and
does them,
He has allowed more of God's loving nature to be expressed. The more this
nature is in one's heart, the more like Christ he is. And Christ is not
anything that is harmful to you or others. Take some effort to
do this...
Taking effort to show love
prevents one from being hardened in selfishness. One having compassion
and a sincere desire, backed up with actions to help others, will soon
lose desire for addictions. One will feel compassion, caring and tenderness
toward others, the more he allows Christ to be active in Him by deciding
and taking action, as we have just said.."There
is no action without inspiration."....Bernie
Siegel, M.D., featured in the award winning movie
If? The Movie.
Having His righteousness
is the answer to moving from that
which may adversely
control one, those things that are the cause
of problems:.Daniel
4:27 ".....break off your sins by righteousness.(righteousness
you do'; it is a.gift.{Romans
5:17}, so ask for it!.Matthew
your iniquities by showing.(acts
of love and compassion).mercy.(word
'mercy' here means 'to be gracious
and kind', filled
with mercy and forgiveness).to
the poor....."
2:20 "For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world
knowledge of the Lord and Savior Emmanuel the Christ....." Hebrews
3:13 "But exhort.('encourage',
'comfort', 'call to one's side', 'speak to').one
another daily, while it is called today, lest any of you be hardened through
the deceitfulness of sin.".This
will keep you from being hardened in evil. If parents and schools taught
these things effectively, we wouldn't have bad children
at all.
5:4 ".....And this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our
is the time to take action.
The power of the gospel
in one's life is in the knowledge of the
righteousness of Emmanuel the Christ:.Romans
1:16. That knowledge includes accepting righteousness as a gift from
Once one has the righteousness
of Emmanuel the Christ, his soul is purified, that is, if you believe it
to be so, for what good is any information to anyone if they don't believe
6:19 "I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your
flesh. For as you have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and
to iniquity unto iniquity, even so now yield your members servants to righteousness.unto.holiness."
The power of God will continue
to flow in and through one in good works toward others. Earnestly seek
to help others:.1Peter
1:22. Acts 20:32 "And now, brethren,
I commend you to God and to the word of his
grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an
inheritance among all them which are sanctified."
"Work for the good and you'll
receive the good."....Bruno
Gröning lecture, October 4, 1958. And that's because you reap
what you sow.
-I'm thinking of getting
out of the corruption all around me, in governments, companies I've worked
for, etc. and going elsewhere, but I'm ambivalent
about it.
This may give you some wisdom
in making up your mind and help you not to be against
27:5-17. Use Ask Suby if you're in a quandary
about it.
Be sure that you are not
in the mindset
of low consciousness living. Some people find it easier to be cruel
than kind. Ever drive on the roads?
Some people find it easier
to create filth
than be clean. Some people avoid garbage cans because they just couldn't
care less. Such are they who throw out their cigarette butts and garbage
for others to pick
up. Such are they who are not on the road to fixing the problems of humanity
or even on the road to learn
how to do this. Such are the narrowminded
selfish souls piling up negative frequencies which will affect
them later in life so they'll have an opportunity to perhaps learn
when their past is larger that the future they have remaining. We are here
to learn to improve.
Such are they who prefer
to stand while urinating,
splashing urine on the walls, toilet seats and floor; not nice for those
having to clean it up. I mean guys, you sit down and do two
things at the same time, poop and pee. Why would you stand up and pee which
makes such a mess? Only unthinking, uncaring low consciousness crude
men would do such things. What you do, you are.
These too
are those who walk away from picking up garbage that may be in their path.
Take a little time to keep the world clean. This makes it pleasant
for others. Pick it up and take it to a garbage can or carry a small plastic
grocery bag with you.
Get yourself out from low
consciousness living by even
doing the little things for
the better:.Luke
16:10 "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also
in much and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.".Of
course if someone doesn't give
a damn, then they won't, but this just shows how low their consciousness
32:5 "They have corrupted themselves. . .they are a perverse and crooked
Corruption was common to
humanity in the Old Testament
and also in the
So, on to your question about
moving. Consider that if you move, will there be less corruption there?
Probably not. But there may be other factors to consider, so use Ask Suby.
do many meditation practices involve types of breathing?
there things one can do to get and maintain
a healthy looking and youthful appearance?
the same attitude today as has been seen throughout history in the evil
of, man taking advantage of others to others hurt?
can we all be equal when some are born so disadvantaged?
do we get sick and what do our thoughts have to do with the cause of our
-Should we wait to move
to a different area or do as ancient Abraham?
Use Ask Suby and see what
you can learn. Also see Jeremiah
29:7. Know that the Creator is in charge of all concerning each of
can keep
one safe wherever he or she may be.
Ancient Abraham was clearly
told by God to move:.Genesis
the ancient Israelites just arrogate
the lands from those who were possessing it?