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L o v e
p a g e  4

But if you are generously secure and continuing to reap a harvest, with things basically comfortable, then a principle of love applies. Be generous and not cheap! Be kind and not obstinate:.Leviticus 19:9,10 "And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of thy field, neither shall thou gather the gleanings.(what is left on the ground).of thy harvest. And you shall not glean your vineyard, neither shall you gather every grape of your vineyard. You shall leave them for the poor and stranger; I am the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 24:19-21 "When you cut down your harvest in your field and has forgot a sheaf in the field, you shall not go again to fetch it. It shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless and for the widow, that the Lord thy God may bless you in all the work of thine hands. When thou beat your olive tree, you shall not go over the boughs again. It shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless and for the widow. When you gather the grapes of thy vineyard, you shall not glean it afterward. It shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless and for the widow." Ruth 2:15-17 "And when she was risen up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, Let her glean even among the sheaves and reproach her not.(do not make her feel ashamed or embarrassed). And let fall also some of the handfuls on purpose for her.(leave some extra on purpose for her).and leave them, that she may glean them and rebuke her not.(do not get after her, making her feel bad). So she gleaned in the field until evening and beat out that she had gleaned. And it was about an ephah.(about one bushel {35 liters}).of barley."

The Creator's way is the way of kindness, not the way of greed or fearful gathering.('more for me', just in case of this or in case of that, showing lack of faith in the Creator's ability to provide), but sharing, giving, helping, while trusting in Him for all things to yet come.

If our Creator is omnipotent.(all powerful).why does He not intervene and stop all warring? God is also omnipresent, because God is spirit energy and that means intelligent energy. How intelligent? Consider what's in the universe and who made it all. God is omnipresent. Spirit is omnipresent and because of that all is in it:.John 4:24 "God is Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

humanity at one time so very long ago chose a physical leader, continuing on.(Jeremiah 44:16,17).from their earlier mindset of rejecting the Creator's ways of love affecting them:.1Samuel 8:7; Deuteronomy 31:17; Jeremiah 16:12.

humanity lives today with that choice until Christ's return or untl they are specifically called.(*), that is, have their minds opened to God. And it's always a thing of the heart for those who want Him there, for God never forces anybody. God didn't back then in the Old Testament either.

humanity is so smart, yet so very dull.spiritually. Man doesn't consider if he even has a non physical component.(Isaiah 42:5).that makes him what he is.(human), nor where it may have come from. Man doesn't consider his bodily systems that are meticulously and very intelligently integrated. Things seldom thought about include why can we see things, our hand, our foot, etc.? Look at your foot with the question in mind, How do I see this? Consider all it takes to keep you going and ask, Who did this? There is not any possibility it came by chance.

The Creator now hides from us, remaining in the invisible because people of low consciousness way back when, in Old Testament times didn't want anything to do with the Creator:.Deuteronomy 31:16-18; Jeremiah 44:16,17. It was the same in early New Testament times and much the same today with those of low consciousness:.Acts 7:39-43. The perpetuator of evil.(who's that?).since the beginning still works today. That's why the world is as it is.(Revelation 12:9), but that's been changing.

This has been the case since the beginning.

The way to peace is love.(remember the Creator is love, so it's important to get good at love), patience.(1Thessalonians 5:14).and righteousness.

But some may think 'We're afraid to lay ourselves bare by loving our enemies':.Matthew 5:44-48; 1John 4:18. Or, perhaps they think 'They will take advantage of us and we could become vulnerable to possible domination':.Psalms 120:7; 1Peter 3:14.

When we fear our enemies, we fear death and this puts us in bondage:.Hebrews 2:15. We will only have peace when we deal with the warring, competitive nature within each of us. War reflects the inner conflicts of the collective consciousness.

So you can have confidence that if the Creator is in you and He is if you're able to love, He will protect you and no one is able to prevail against you and overtake you, unless God allows this in order to move you on to somewhere better for you and His purposes:.Romans 8:28,38,39; Deuteronomy 32:30; John 15:12.(means to live your life for the good of others); 14:23; 13:35. Trust God with your life and God will trust you to live it. So what to do to draw yourself closer to God?

Live your life with love, even in the little seemingly unimportant things, realizing that God is fabricating it along with you. So step forward as much as you are able to, knowing He is there with youat all times

But why doesn't God intervene and stop all conflict and all the atrocities that go along with conflicts? God doesn't intervene because human affairs are our responsibility, as in David's time.

We created the problems and we learn by fixing them to not go there in the future. God doesn't intervene because humanity as a whole, wanted Him away and wanted a man to be their hero. When in high consciousness, God is running things with us and creation keeps going on, onward and upward:.1Corinthians 2:9.

Material disasters are messages from ourselves.(we are all one in universal mind).that we need change. See Dr. John Hagelin's video.(istpp.org).to fully comprehend and see the subject Trials and Sufferings.

In living your life for the good of all, what can you do that would be most effective in changing the world for the better? That's a good desire.

Once you are doing that watch for coincidences. Coincidences are messages from the non local intelligence to break what binds us from being free, to break us out from a self imposed prison, a prison that we had no idea that we were in.

At the high consciousness level things occur differently than they do in our familiar worldy scheme of things constructed from the ego based collective consciousness. Be alert to coincidences so as to see what it is that you should get from them. Ask yourself 'what does this mean for me?' Once seen clearly, act. If unsure, put it on the shelf and await further light on it, or use Ask Suby if in a hurry.

These are opportunities where action on your part should be a priority for serious consideration. Again, there is no hard or easy in the Infinite's realm, only 'I Am', that is, He decides and it's done.(Psalms 148:5); no effort, no agonizing, no 'digging' to consider possible complications. Be on the qui vive for what the coincidence means and the answer comes; look for the meaning of the coincidence to your life.

Coincidences involve the Soul sculpting our life into more fulfilling ways, moving us from the groove we may be are presently familiar with, that is, if one lets it. And if a person doesn't, they'll simply carry on using ordinary consciousness, which is a consciousness fed by the collective mind and influenced by the dark side, hobbling along as he or she always has, reaping what may have been sown as a check to awaken a person. There at the beginning of Creator-Father's plan we all were.

humanity resists his future by shoving away the many spiritual prompts that come to mind daily. And where does this status quo of life stance allow one to go? Further on down the road away from all a person thought he or she would be able to have.

Coincidences are the power of the Infinite One, the power of love, upon you personally, taking you securely into new territories, opening you to greater spirituality, which means more opportunities to be loving, taking you into a state of amelioration where it is easier, where life becomes better.

What we see and how we normally would act is based on our individual reactions. New thought is needed. Coincidences provide this opportunity. When attention and concern graces these concepts, we come to see things in new light, looking at things and gaining different understanding from them. Here is where one pattern of living moves into another. Here is where one moves from the prison of the ego into higher consciousness.

A key to maintain excellent relations with another and to change others who may hate you is here

It has been said by psychologists that out of every 5 people you meet, 3 will hate or dislike you, just because you are.you.(John 15:25). Why could this be? 

And one will like you if you work at it and one will be your friend or companion without having to work at making it that way, although maintenance is always necessary to maintain a good relationship. These are the gives and takes of life in our interactions with each other:.Psalms 59:1-4. Even Emmanuel faced it and He was perfect: Matthew 11:18,19

Jacob really loved everybody and was always out to do the utmost for others, because he wanted to and was just that way as he lived his life. He didn't feel some lack in him which would make him feel a need of approval from others. His story 1 and 2

To be approved in the eyes of all, learn some things:.Romans 14:17,18

Truly loving an enemy involves wisdom:.Romans 12:17-21; 2Thessalonians 1:6; Hebrews 10:30. When any enemy messes with one who comes with love in their heart, they have God against them. And that, my friend, no enemy wants, whether or not he may know this. Big trouble for him in his life here:.Matthew 5:39-48. That's why God says He'll take care of issues that you mey 
   Carry on to find out how to turn to absolute confidence. 

If you love, you're the Creator's people and have His protection:.John 13:35. And God says He will bless you with peace:.Psalms 4:8 ...for you Lord only.(please note the word 'only').make me dwell in safety.".Psalms 29:11; 1Peter 3:13. God can keep you safe anywhere.

If we love one another,.we are Christ's disciples and nothing shall by any means hurt us:.Luke 10:19;.Isaiah 51:12,13 "I, even I, am he that comforts you. Who art you, that thou should be afraid of man that dies and of the son of man which is made as grass, and.(who).forgets the Lord his maker, he who has stretched forth the heavens and laid the foundations of the Earth and has feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor.(it is saying 'who are you to be afraid of one who is causing distress in your life, when God is available to be with you?'), as if he were ready to destroy? And where is the fury of the oppressor?"

"To be most secure in this.(new covenant).agreement, you must learn to float with faith, zero fear, on the 'Creative Juice', the Living Water, in an ark built for safe transit.(*)."....Dr Len Horowitz.

"Relying on a higher power for protection takes one out of the ego realm."....Dr. Deepak Chopra.

Part of God protecting us is using the brains given us in responding to guidance available and learned. As we go along in life when we are going too fast in dealing with things, surging through life at a hectic.pace, it's risky. Rushing to get things done and failing to have one's mind on the present, such as alertness both in and out of your home, provides opportunities for errors. Such haste in life can even rob you of a good night's sleep.
