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Timothy's concerns:.2Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2Timothy 2:22 "Flee also youthful lusts. But follow righteousness, faith, charity.(original is 'love'), peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart."

2Timothy 3:1-8 "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient.(original is 'not influenceable', 'unwilling to listen, comprehend, try or apply seemingly helpful advice').to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent.(lacking self-control), fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors.(would betray you for a nickle), heady.(impetuous, rash, unreasonable due to stubbornness), highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith." 2John 1:10,11 "If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed. For he that bids him God speed.(good luck in your life; not to wish them success in an evil life:.Hosea 4:17; a typical parting greeting:.2Corinthians 3:11).is partaker of his evil deeds."

Selfish people devoid of faith that God will get them through life, prefer instead to apply efforts toward greatness in their lives here and now, perhaps not realizing just quickly a short 7 to 9 decades or so goes by:.Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?".Such are they who favor information on where and how to 'get the bucks'!

Sincere spiritual individuals of love trusting in God's promises, tend toward concentrating on loving others by helping and being of service to them, as well as to a reward to come, with efforts involving where to go and who to see in order to help others, especially other spiritual individuals of faith and of course anyone needing help:.2Corinthians 4:16-18.

-Insomnia: Take a lesson from the discipline coming from martial arts training.

When we lay down to sleep or rest, we relax. Then, many thoughts begin to come forth. This thinking requires energy. The energy travels throughout the body. And, thus, you keep yourself awake. Thoughts do generate energy and should be handled during the day in your meditation/contemplation times. If you take time for this, you'll sleep much sounder.

Once you lift your mind to God, you are above the concerns that interfere with sleep:."My mind is set on the God of all life, love, compassion and on Christ":.Luke 10:27. Go over that a few times when you're ready for sleep. This brings your mind and heart to the soul level, away from the turmoil residing at other levels. Christ in you can go on?

Psalms 4:8 "I will both lay me down in peace and sleep, for only you God of all light, love, compassion and creation, make for me to dwell in safety.".(*)
Psalms 127:2 "It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows, instead know that God gives his beloved sleep."
Matthew 11:29 "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek.and lowly in heart and you'll find rest unto your souls."

Have a thinking time before sleep. What you're after is a settled contented happy mind. Meditation helps greatly here as you feel confident a path of contentment is unfolding once you experience nervous energy discharging and you then automatically enter into the stillness between thoughts. In the stillness, you are the you that can now objectively look at your thoughts, being now distanced from them, instead of being driven by them because they subjectively were ruling you.."In meditation you reclaim authorship over yourself."....Deepak Chopra.

Because of this, in meditation you come to understand your real self, and this is prerequisite to a good sleep. Get a cuppa something, tea or what have you and sit awhile in the dark, unwinding. Then meditate.

When you go to bed, if thoughts continue to come and you have not trained yourself to stop them; here is what to do:
   Get outta dah bed, go and sit down and think. Sometimes you will forget what you got out of the bed to think about. Go back to bed. If thoughts come again and you just cannot yet stop them, get outta dah bed again. Do this every night, every time.
   Your goal is to train yourself so that when you hit the pillow, you are out in a few minutes or less.
   This will never happen if you continue to think in bed. You must train yourself to not think in bed.or to turn it off when you are finished with your contemplation and prayers.
   It will take 4 or 5 days of pure punishment, that of, forcing yourself to do what you do not want to do.(get out of bed), but doing it anyway because you want the end result, sleep! That is discipline. Can you make yourself become a disciplined person?
   So, get outta dah bed when you cannot stop the thoughts in your mind that keep you awake. Realize too, that it is because you have no self control over some dark side things. Learn to dissipate them.
   Decide that no thought is important to think at sleep time. You will get so fed up with getting out of bed to think, you will change. Perhaps write important things that well up in your mind on a piece of paper that you keep close to the bed.(and a pen and a dim light), so you can deal with them in the morning.
   But, what if you got stuff to worry about? Schedule 10 minutes every Thursday.(or whatever).just before bed to worry. Now if worrisome thoughts grab you at any other time, you are just not going to deal with them till Thursday for ten minutes just before bed. When Thursday comes you will have forgotten 90% of what it is that you thought you were supposed to worry about, the things that you earlier deemed so important, screw 'em, right! Hey!
   Are you bigger than the worries you sometimes allow yourself the luxury of contemplating? Are you able to observe and regulate what thoughts are 'running' you? Yeah, you are bigger and you can! Don't let your thoughts run you; run them! If you can't control your thoughts and when they come, well, you're not a robot are you? And God is there, always there, but like the sun behind heavy dark clouds can't be seen yet is always there, so it is with the true God and your attention. You bring into your life what your attention is upon.
   So, how much is enough sleep?

Scriptures. A sampling of important favorite scriptures of many people.

New Testament:.Matthew 1:23; 3:8; 5:40-48; 6:22; 7:16-20; 10:16; 11:27; 18:19,20; 22:37-40; 28:18-20;
-Mark 9:23; 11:24; 12:33;
-Luke 1:37; 1:49; 3:8; 6:38; 10:19; 12:32; 17:20,21; 19:40; 20:19;
-John 1:4; 1:14; 4:24; 5:22-47; 6:51; 6:65-69; 8:12; 8:31; 8:38,39; 8:44; 10:10: 10:28; 10:30; 13:35; 14:6; 14:12; 14:20; 15:13; 16:24; 16:33; 17:3; 17:23;
-Acts 15:18; 19:11; 20:32; 26:8;
-Romans 1:4; 8:28; 8:37-39; 12:18; 13:10; 14:19;
-1Corinthians 2:9; 10:13; 11:1; 12:7; 12:12;
-2Corinthians 1:20; 3:16; 6:16; 9:8; 10:4; 11:14;
-Galatians 3:6-9; 4:7
-Ephesians 2:10; 4:4; 4:6; 4:21; 5:22; 6:12,13;
-Philippians 2:3; 3:10; 4:6,7; 4:11-13;
-Colossians 3:14
-1Thessalonians 5:9; 5:17;
-2Thessalonians 2:10;
-1Timothy 2:4; 4:2; 6:17;
-2Timothy 1:9
-Titus 2:11
-Hebrews 4:15; 8:11; 9:10; 9:15; 9:25,26; 10:1-3; 10:12-14; 13:5; 13:16;
-James 4:8
-1Peter 2:9
-2Peter 1:3,4
-1John 1:7; 3:16; 4:4; 4:11; 5:11,12;
-3John 1:4.

Old Testament:.Genesis 50:20; Leviticus 26:8; Numbers 23:19; Deuteronomy 3:22; 5:29; 23:5; 29:9; 30:15,19,20; 31:6; 1Samuel 16:7; 1Kings 14:13; 1Chronicles 11:9; 2Chronicles 7:14; 15:2; 19:11; 20:15,17; Job 9:24; 14:10; 42:10; Psalms 16:11; 27:1,5; 27:14; 30:5; 33:15; 34:17; 37:10; 37th chapter; 46:1-3; 46:10; 62:10; 66:9; 91:7,8; 94:20; 103:3,5; 103:14; 119:71; 121:8; 133:1; Proverbs 4:23; 11:14; 13:12; 13:22; 16:6; 27:17; Ecclesiastes 10:1; 10:4; Isaiah 30:10; 30:21; 44:24; 53:4; 54:8; 54:17; 57:13; 59:1; 59:9; 63:7; Jeremiah 4:22; 2:5; 29:11; 31:34; 32:17; 33:3; Daniel 6:22,23; Hosea 4:6; 11:9; Joel 2:12-14; Amos 5:14,15; 9:6; Micah 4:4; 6:8; Zechariah 1:3.

Suggested quick reads:.Psalms and Proverbs, also God in Christ and Christ in God. Also see Lists; hunt and pick through them what you feel.

"Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it."
...Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826, 3rd President of the original United States,
nothing to do with the recently removed, corporate United States.(*).
Most people do not know about the trick of the evil ones, that of
two governments in every country on Earth, now being 'corrected', shall we say.