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-What does it mean "fallen from grace" as it says in Galatians 5:4?

"Falling from grace is not when one breaks a law. Rather, falling from grace, occurs when one keeps a law mistakenly believing that keeping it can in any way win favor with God."....Mike Williams.

Ephesians 6:24.

Grace is a state of knowing you are ok in God's eyes. How ok would that be? David was a great example of this. Read through the Psalms he wrote. The story of the prostitute Rahab also shows a state of grace through belief.

Grace provides joy for each of us. One thing to carry with you is an atmosphere of grace. 

If you think you still have to attain to the status of Christ rather than to live from that status, you'll lack the joy of the Lord:.Nehemiah 8:10 "...for the joy of the Lord is your strength.".Galatians 5:4.

Grace is Creator's attention upon you in such as way as you are built up, helped, encouraged and live in a state of having been, as they say, 'saved', which each of us were before we were physically on the Earth:.2Timothy 1:9. What's 'saved' mean?

What is a loving individual's part in all getting this grace of God to affect others?.Acts 20:32 "And now, brethren, I commend.(means in the original 'to set before', 'to place before', meaning Paul, in his heart {mind/brain; the heart is what you are, the distinct person you are} saw them all as being children of the Great Infinite One).you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance.(what inheritance?).among all them which are sanctified."

Grace is God's favor toward you, not because you may have done some laudable actions.(Paul sure didn't:.Ephesians 4:7), but because you may have not, but maybe have wanted to. Grace should afford you joy as it puts you into the spiritual family of love, the family of God:.Nehemiah 8:10 "...the joy of the Lord is your strength.".Grace is God's gift to those asking God for it, because they want it! Same as wisdom, no askee, no getee:.James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that gives liberally to all and upbraides not and it is given to him or her."

If you think you still have to attain to the status of Christ rather than to live from that status, given to you as a gift, you'll lack the joy of the Lord:.1Corinthians 7:7; 1Peter 4:10.

Grace is that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm and loveliness. So we notice grace of speech, good will, lovingkindness, favor, faith, knowledge of good, affection and such other things that are due to grace being active in our lives.

Grace is a gift as is the special gift God made available in Christ.(John 10:10,11).for us to prosper in all our ways. By using this gift we learn how to have abundance in all areas of life. It's a free gift for all, having tremendous rewards for all learning to use it properly.

Grace is that God is pleased with you and backs it up with actions to bless you from now on. And this because grace covers all the bad so you no longer continue to reap the negatives you may have sown. Those on the wrong path of life miss this until God's in their life.

How did Paul commend others to God if not by seeing them as once being little children that headed down the wrong path of life as they were growing up? They unfortunately ended up on the path they figured would be the only one they could exist on and that probably because of lack of any helpful guidance and encouragement from parents not at all inclined spiritually. So, Paul commended them to God, that is, desired greatly for them to know God through God's grace affecting them. Paul took time for meditation.

Here's what Paul taught from his desire to greatly help others:.2Corinthians 5:15,17 "And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them and rose again. Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new." 2Timothy 1:9 "Who saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Emmanuel before the world began."

Paul's heart, prayers and actions were all to bring others to God, so the grace of God, the goodness that is God, would affect them by them having good in their lives, instead of the rocky road of life they were used to:.2Thessalonians 2:16 "Now our Lord Emmanuel Christ himself and God, even our Father, which has loved us and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace." 2Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things.(1Corinthians 3:21), may abound to every good work." 1Timothy 1:14 "And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Emmanuel."

Grace comes from trusting God.

The Creator gives the gift of grace:.Ephesians 4:7. It is the gift of grace that brings salvation:.Acts 4:12; Titus 2:11; 1Corinthians 1:4; Romans 5:15. It is not attempts to keep the Old Testament Mosaic Law parts regarding the commandments, nor any attempts to get oneself up higher spiritually, but rather it is up to each of us to bring forth things of Christ's.nature.of love in us:.Romans 6:1,15; Titus 2:12-15. And this for a reward for you.

If you are living out of the gift of grace God has given you, you'll be happy:.Acts 4:12; Romans 12:3; Ephesians 4:13; 1Timothy 1:14; Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God in the midst of you is mighty. He will save. He will rejoice over you with joy. He will rest and in his love, he will joy over you with singing."

Ephesians 4:7 "But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ."

Paul is saying in 1Timothy 1:14, just above, that God's grace enabled his own life to be as they say, born again:.1Timothy 1:15,16. Luke 7:47 "...to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.".And being the 'chief of sinners', Paul had a lot forgiven.

The grace of God with you is the joy of God in and through you, as the original word for grace connotes. And toward this, Bruno plays a part. How? Grace is a gift of God to you:.James 4:6 "But he gives more grace. Wherefore he says, God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble." Luke 18:13 "And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner."

Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."

Acts 20:32 "And now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. The."word of his grace, which is able to build you up".means to come to know the Creators. The creation is all good once one will look at it. So, how does one get more grace?.2Peter 1:2.

People go to church and learn about being righteous. Better their focus instead was on the righteousness they already have, thanks to Christ. Paul warned in Galatians about strange religious teachings:.Galatians 1:6 "I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.".The other gospel was that of mixing law and grace, a dangerous mix, designed to bind people back to that which no longer had any relevance. Designed to bind them to subservience with an overview to wealth extraction through fear. This certainly was a falling from grace.

Why is there more than one creator? What the Creators are like shows either toward the support and development of life for humans or toward the greed side for their own purposes. The latter is called the dark side and it's influential destructive side for humans. But it's all in the plan of God for character development.

Everything there is, is an expression of the Creator and His creation. He is high consciousness, so understand what that is in order to come to know the Creator:.Exodus 33:13 "Now therefore, I pray to you. If I have found grace in your sight, show me now your way, that I may know you.(be in a relationship with you:.(John 17:3), that I may find grace in your sight.(in a relationship with you, I'll be in your grace)..." 

Being in a state of grace is knowing and feeling loved and cared for, here talking of cared for by universal intelligence, God. 

Grace is the kindness and givingness of God toward us who are on the Earth for a purpose of moving from the consciousness we normally have and into the higher consciousness of God. The consciousness we normally have may have been guided by good parents and others sincerely caring for us. As such we may already have a degree of higher consciousness.

Contrariwise, doing things that you feel you have to but may not really want to in order to please the Creator, throws out grace. Such is a lot of religion; not all. Unrighteous is not the enemy of spirituality, self-righteousness is. Note that Emmanuel had to deal with the self-righteous Pharisees and close-minded chief priests, both of a murderous heart:.John 12:9-11. Note Emmanuel healed all who came to Him, sinners, etc..Matthew 8:16.

Know that any and all negatives that may occur to you do not negate the grace of God and are not some judgment against you, because the grace of God upon you was never dependent upon your performance. It depended always and only upon Christ:.Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and of a good courage. Fear not, nor be afraid of them, for the Lord ypur God, he it is that does go with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 "...for he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you.".Don't allow negatives of any kind to alienate you; they can make you stronger spiritually:.Ephesians 4:18 "Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart."

Colossians 1:19-23 "For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell. And having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself, by him I say, whether they be things in Earth or heaven. And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now has he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death.(note you are reconciled by Him, but you just may not have known that until awakened and you are awakened by God {John 17:6}, not by some religious repentence, for you could not change {repent means change} until awakened to it until you received that desire as a gift from God:.Acts 5:31), to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight, if you continue in the faith grounded and settled and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel.(God will never forsake you or hold anything you may have done, are now doing or may do in the future against you, but the other side to that is, He also would never override you either), which you have heard and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven."

Being in the grace of the Creator is having this scripture.(3John 1:2).fulfilled in your life.

Grace is being regarded as being of favor in the Creator's eyes; undeservedly because it's got nothing to do with our works of righteousness:.Ephesians 2:5 "Even when we were dead in sins, has quickened us together with Christ. By grace you are saved."

Emmanuel never used the word grace because he was unbounded awareness. He was there already.

Grace is for all. It rains on the just and unjust.(Matthew 5:45); no respecter of persons:.Acts 10:34. Grace is the fruit of your surrender, just living in the present, devoid of past negatives and worries over the future. Grace is knowing that 'I am enough', knowing you are unbounded awareness and as such all the promises apply to you. Just 'be'. Be who you are right where you are in life. Just 'be' keeps you in the present and away from negatives of past living and worries over desires for the future. 

The Creator is reproducing Himself; making more creators.

Grace is a for sure knowing that when you ask it is given. Grace is knowing that you are the light of the world; just ask Creator for your needs so that you can be a light:.Matthew 6:24-34.

Grace connects the physical to the non physical, the local.(you).to the non local.(universal intelligence). There really never has been any separation between you and the Creator.(this universal intelligence). It is just that you have focused on what society fed you to focus on, from the best the ego world of society and the mass mind, the mass consciousness behind it could provide. And it wasn't really good at all because it missed the happiness key.

With grace, you just know when this attention is upon you, you just know when your soul is alive. You feel hopeful. You have confidence. You have the trust in 'something' that moves you from fears. You know that you are important here on Earth. You know the ultimate future is ok. You have that inner peace. You are hopeful toward others. It is more important for you to be kind than right:.Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Emmanuel." Romans 12:18 "If it be possible, as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men."

Grace allows every one to correct their mistakes as they learn on this great learning stage we call life.

Grace involves the central themes which fired the apostles in Emmanuel's time. The resurrection of Emmanuel the Christ was the heart and core, the impetus for their efforts back then. They were excited! The knew the secrets of the universe. They were thrilled about sharing these with others. It was the beginning of a new era for humanity. It was the way to have a better life, a way where all of one's life would be happy, a way to get all they wanted. They were elated!.Acts 19:23 "And the same time there arose no small stir about that way.(John 14:6)." Acts 17:6, "...These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also."

And what did Emmanuel do that was so spectacular that it so fired his followers to turn the world upside down.(Acts 17:6)? This is it ...
   ...A.W. Pink, author of many Christian books:."Grace is a Divine provision for those who are so corrupt that they cannot better their evil natures; so averse to God they will not turn unto Him; so blind they perceive not His excellence; so deaf they hear Him not speaking unto them; so dead spiritually that He must open their graves.(dead lives).and bring them forth on to resurrection ground if ever they are to be saved.
   "Grace implies that its object's condition is desperate to the last degree; that God might justly leave him to perish.....grace is told out in the Gospel, which is not a message of good advice, but of good news. It is a proclamation of mercy, sent not to the good, but to the bad. It offers a free, perfect and everlasting salvation.'without money and without price' and that to the chief of sinners.(as Paul was). To the convicted conscience.salvation by grace alone seems too good to be true. Grace is God acting irrespective of the sinner's character, not as a Demander but as a Giver, to the ill deserving.(Psalms 103:10).and hell deserving, who have done nothing to procure His favour, but everything to provoke His wrath."

Grace is being in the 'favor of God'. The way to be in a spiritual state of grace, to abound in grace, to be surrounded by grace, is to be humble:.James 4:6. Emmanuel was a humble man.

The key to making grace abundant in your experience here on Earth is to grow in the faith and love of Christ:.1Timothy 1:14. And how does one do this? Believe in the resurrection:.Acts 4:33; 17:18.

With this tool of belief we learn to utilize the device created by the Creator, our own body, the body that is part of the Creator's body:.Hebrews 10:5 "Wherefore when he comes into the world, he said, Sacrifice and offering you would not, but a body have you prepared me."."It is this 'device' that alters the body by starting to harmonize its function with the pulse of the Universe."....Grigori Grabovoi. It's the body of Christ that contains individual devices.(1Corinthians 12:8-11), which all together carries on the loving works of creating, healing, loving, helping, serving others, praying for them, contemplating about them for their benefit, sharing with each other what they are learning, so they all grow:.Ephesians 4:15,16; 1Peter 2:2; Romans 14:19 "Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace..." Philippians 4:9 "Those things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in me, do and the God of peace is then with you."

Grace is that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness. In essence it is the Creator's nature. His kindness toward us, as evidenced by what Emmanuel did for us:.Ephesians 2:7 "That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Emmanuel."

We grow in this grace by learning about it. We learn about it by studying the book God wrote for us. Think about things learned regarding grace and couple that with a willing mind, a mindset allowing what you now know to be true about grace to affect your heart. In other words, accept it!

The phrase "fallen from grace" in Galatians 5:4 has absolutely nothing at all to do with losing salvation and nothing to do with Christians having committed sins either. The rest of this verse explains who the ones are who have fallen from grace. Churches today are in grave error if they teach that one gains God's acceptance by performance or loses it by failures. Those teaching such a corrupted gospel are the ones this verse is meant for. Legalists such as the ancient Pharisees, have fallen from grace.

Falling back into the law and/or 'fighting' that which in Christ you already have the victory over causes one to fall from grace:.2Corinthians 6:1 "We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that you receive not the grace of God in vain.".How?

Once fallen from grace, bitterness can well up in a person:.Hebrews 12:15 "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled.(or, 'affected', as the original implies).".It is so sad when this happens. It is a devilish trick to sap you, to extinguish your fire, to wipe out your enthusiasm. You must be on guard for the tricks of your ego as fueled by the dark side. More.

Creator's grace is not a 'license' for sinning, thereby making your life worse, but rather an assurance to us that if we do head down the track that's not of love, we never have to fear separation from God for even a second. God just does not see it at all!.Ephesians 3:17-19.

Grace means 'all the good that the Creator wants you to have' and has as its root in the original, 'rejoicing'. When you rejoice in His grace, it all comes forth into your experience, as grace reigns through righteousness.

When you know you are righteous, favored by and approved by the Creator, grace reigns in you! 

If righteousness was doing everything right, you would not need the Creator's grace. Receiving God's.amazing.grace has nothing to do with you receiving it apart from acceptance of it:.Ephesians 2:8

Hold fast to the grace of God:.Hebrews 12:15; 2Timothy 1:13,14. Grace is sufficient to bring the power of God to you as it did to Paul:.Romans 7:25.

It is the grace of this Infinite One that brings the free gift of salvation:.Titus 2:11. It is in grace we should become strong:.2Timothy 2:1. Grace is abundant when you have faith and love:.1Timothy 1:14

The reason Emmanuel, a man like us.(Hebrews 4:15), was able to do what He did re: miracles etc., was that He knew He was approved of His Father, in alignment with the way in the invisible that works:.Matthew 3:17

Emmanuel was without sin. So are we when we to, possess His nature of love.

Focus on the grace.(all the good God wants you to have).of God.(Romans 5:20,21).as He did. 

One stands by the true grace of God:.1Peter 5:12; John 1:17; Romans 6:14. Grace is something we can grow in:.2Peter 3:18. Grace grows in you as you grow in knowledge of Emmanuel the Christ with all that means:.1Peter 1:13; 2Peter 1:2.

If one is into beliefs that any rules, regulations are necessary to keep you right with God, then he is frustrating the grace of God, that is, taking him away from living from the heart, a heart now affected by the goodness of God:.Galatians 1:6; 2:21.

The grace of God comes to you by believing in Emmanuel the Christ:.1Corinthians 1:4; Romans 5:15.

Believing the resurrection causes one to greatly grow in grace.(Acts 4:33).and.1Peter 5:5 "...for God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.".And grace enables one to see greater things for others:.2Corinthians 8:9.

Some erroneously.believe you get more grace by sinning more. It's a satanic.philosophy that has no commonsense to it:.Romans 6:1. This particular satanic philosophy.(there are many others).has tricked those having chosen the dark side into greater evil.(like what?).

So, those of this ilk feel they are right in what they often regard as their 'sinless' life:.Psalms 36:2; Proverbs 12:15; 14:12; 16:2,25; 21:2; 30:12; Isaiah 5:21; Revelation 18:2,3.

"You didn't have to learn how to make gravity work, did you?
You just had to learn to deal with it.
Same for 'thoughts becoming things'."
...more from Mike Dooley, TUT, star in The Secret:
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