Higher consciousness
things have their own technologies,
There are many eternal keys.
Such as, key to Christ in one's
life, key to the
mind, key to answered prayer,
another key to answered prayer,
to changing self,
key to spiritual
envisioning is key
to changing the world for the better.(yep!
you can do your part if you're of mind to),
key of knowledge, key to
learning anything, key to faster
learning, key to
advancement, key to success,
key to overcoming
limitations, key to it all is the
'nothngness' in the multiverse, key to being affected
by truth, being attractive,
is key to joy,
key to
confidence, key to being
happy, key to all good,
key to heart's
intent, key to loyalty,
key to interesting life, key
to world peace, key to the
power of God, key to good
relationships, key to being
saved spirituality, key to protection and
safety, key to comprehending
the Bible.
to higher consciousness concerns is important for each one of us. Important
to know because it's key to the lock toward
a better life. The lock has a code. Those who have the key can unlock the
To awaken, one must have
been asleep in some way. To awaken, something has to awaken us. God.could.make
all problems disappear instantly.(*).
But He doesn't and He loves us;.but,
He sees beyond what we see, because He's of a higher consciousness:.1Corinthians
15:53,54; 2:9. But we can
see and understand what God is doing for humanity and become the same
higher consciousness that God is.
Eternal keys are those which
always work. They are eternal, always producing the result God wants and
God wants is those things that are good for humanity. If you want them
too, then you are in alignment with God. For example if you are sick, what's
the key to getting well?.Job
42:10. And prosperity?
If God removed all our problems,
He would be removing our options,
the choices we could make and that He would
never do. So, we always have the recourse
to just continue on with the natures subject to corruption that we all
have developed.(and
have they been developed?).
How would.you.awaken
someone you may love to turn to you, to at least listen to you? What
if your son or daughter was into serious problems?
It's God that sends the issues
we have in life, as happened in the lives of ancient Job
& Nebuchadnezzar and so it is with us in awakening from the slumber
of low consciousness thinking. God is the
same today in using the dark side for the ultimate
purpose of love and God's love involves our minds, that is, to
awaken us.
The process of awakening
provides questions that have been answered. What are they?
The most important one is
life. Just why is it we are even here in
the first place? And since we are all here for a life, why?
And what are the issues in
life for? What is the purpose here? Nothing is happenchance
for anyone.(*).
and the circumstances of time are for all in this physical life.
Should we look at history
for deeper answers to these questions? The foundation for all history is
the Bible. If you're not sure that's true, you can prove
it to be so. If not sure that even God is real, one
can prove that God indeed
is real.
Problems in life are for
one of two reasons only; to bring one to God.(*).or
to bring one closer to God:.2Kings
17:14-20; Deuteronomy 30:19.
God only wants good for each of us. When on the spiritual pathway, all
things regarding one's life begin to
and all things synchronize.
the way
of the ego can lead one down the pathway
of hurts, both mentally and physically, so one is motivated to find
out why things go so wrong in his or her life.
whole history of God's relationship with the people God loved are in
the stories of the Old
Testament. Learn this and you have all the Old Testament
a nutshell and along with that, a key to understanding some hard things
to be understood.(2Peter
are in the New Testament, such as.Hebrews
notes there).
The incredible
power of the Creator is on the
side of higher consciousness. The puny
power of the ego
is used by those concerned mostly with physical things at
this time. But, God
doesn't override anyone's present concerns:.Revelation
3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice
and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with
See Job
& Nebuchadnezzar for starters and keep this nutshell information
in mind as you come across other people mentioned.
The nutshell information
is, a better life and future for those on the higher
consciousness road and the same of what you've already experienced
when on that other road, the road of low
Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi,
for the day, December 29, 2011.."The
Hebrew Bible tells the stories of two kinds of leader, prophets
and kings. The kings were always
fighting each other, waging war against external enemies or facing plots
and threats from their enemies within. Kings had power and people fight
for power.
"The prophets
were leaders of a different kind altogether. They led almost against their
will. When God summoned them, Isaiah said, I am a man of unclean lips:.Isaiah
6:5. Jeremiah said I can't speak; I'm just a child:.Jeremiah
1:6. Jonah tried to run away:.Jonah
1:1-15. As for Moses at the burning bush, when God said lead, Moses
kept saying No. Who am I? They won't believe in me. I'm not a man of words.
Send someone else:.Exodus
3:11; 4:10-16.
"Yet who do we remember all
these centuries later? Most of the kings are long forgotten, yet the words
of the prophets continue to inspire. Which is odd, since they had no power
at all; they commanded no troops, headed no government, didn't even have
of disciples.
What they had was more enduring than power. They had influence.
And as
once said "When a king dies his power ends. When a prophet dies his influence
First of all prove
God's existence, then, that the Bible
is authentic in revealing God to us.
It's this real God, who gives
us trials.(Job
& Nebuchadnezzar, for example).or
22:9 "Behold, a son shall be born to you, who shall be a man of rest
and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about, for his name
shall be Solomon and I
will give peace and quietness unto Israel.(who
is Israel today?).in
his days." Proverbs 16:7 "When
a man's ways please the Lord,
he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."
are keys to death and hell:.Revelation
1:18. Hell is living this life in bondage to negatives such as death
and disease. They will all be gone from humanity's experience:.Revelation
20:14 "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire..." Revelation
21:4 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall
be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any
more pain, for the former things are passed away."
are things affecting your life that you do not want and instead want to
your life of.
Ask yourself what level of
and wisdom you want,
because that's what you'll
get. Faith is a sureness of attainment.
What level do you aspire
to that you want to gain knowledge of? There are many
levels, just as there are physical growth levels and key into them
is depth of desire to learn. Choose the highest and go for it and you'll
get spiritual help along the road.
Levels of attainment.(1John
likened to that of a baby, a child, an adolescent,
young man, father, grandfather. Below the atom we and everthing there is
has connection. Above that, on the level of physicality
where we are humans, we are in stages
of attitude growth or
stages of retrogression.
The nuclei
of an atom is really a mini black
hole where protons.
attracted to each other by gravitation
not by the mysterious so called undefined 'strong
force'. The entire universe and all in it is a black hole; see his
Connected Universe.out
soon; trailer is on YouTube.
"This new view of the quantum
world produces a unification of the
which there appears to be just 2 and not 4 as previously thought and they
are, gravity and electromagnetism with the so-called weak and strong forces
actually functionalities
of gravity and electromagnetism).and
appropriately predicts measured values for the nucleon
of atoms. An atom sits in an electromagnetic
field which interacts with it. This is called the quantum
field effect.(QFT)."....Nassim
quantum physicist. His paper on black holes.
papers. And information from Nassim's
paper Quantum Gravity and the Holographic
The multiverse is not developing.
Rather, its unfolding as
needed. Questions regarding Einstein's
field equation have now been solved. See Nassim's movie.
"As a person grows, that
is, he exceeds the level of the
collective consciousness more and more, he becomes submitted to less
and less number of these 'objective' laws, the less and less these 'objective'
laws are able to affect him..(as
shown in the movies.What
If? The Movie.and.The
Grand Self).One
of the relatively simple examples is levitation,
that is, overcoming gravity by consciousness..."....Grigori
The technologies
of the invisible once learned, enable one to resurrect
others and heal them of any disease
whatsoever; enable one to change
past negatives.thus
changing how the present has been affected; enable instant construction
of things and tap into unlimited energy for daily use.."Resurrection
is simply a proper technological addition into the structure of the universal
connections. Everything that has been created has been created based on
the structure of consciousness, including the consciousness
of the Creator. That is why when we know what the spirit is, what
consciousness is, we can resurrect, we can create spaces, we can construct
the World, we can then perform any creative actions. Reality is
made by means of making a decision by the consciousness of every person
and by the consciousness of every information object. That is why the reality
can be changed for the better. Therefore, the more people who share this
viewpoint, who make a decision that this is correct, the faster the reality
will begin turning in that direction. Everything that is has been created
by the consciousness structure. It all comes out of this, so changing the
consciousness structure changes the world. To handle mass resurrection
the Earth can easily increase in size as it too is a product
of the consciousness
Others are learning the amazing
things Grigori Grabovoi is doing. So can you!
You'll learn such things
as seeing into the invisible, just as Grigori
Grabovoi is able to do with documented astounding and consistent accuracy
and like him, help others with what you can do. See the Stephen Spielberg
Beautiful Mind.based
on the true story of another who could see the invisible.
The Creator uses certain
methods in what He does:.Psalms
28:5 "...the works of the Lord..." Colossians
2:12 "...the operation.(original
God, who has raised him from the dead." Isaiah
5:12 "...they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the
operation of his hands...".Philippians
These technologies of the
invisible realm
ensure that you never die, just like
the lobster or a jellyfish, unless of course you kill them by either
eating the lobster or poisoning the ocean in one way or the other which
eventually will destroy the
and the lobster.
Spirit is incredible
power, but can only function according to what
we are able to receive, along with our knowledge of how to use it:.Matthew
9:29. And there is a lock so the power
can't be misused as ancient Simon tried
to do.
We have a functioning portion
of the same intelligent spirit energy that underlies
all matter:.Philippians
1:11,19 "Being filled with the fruits of righteousness.(this
thing called righteousness, like an apple tree, produces something basically
on its own and righteousness is also not something you do, both
are gifts for you, so it's important to comprehend.what
it is)...the supply.(or
Spirit of Emmanuel the Christ."
1:16; 2Corinthians 5:5; Isaiah
42:5; Ephesians 1:23; Luke
"The Creator created everyone
Your love is His joy. Eternity is sustaining
you within it and in the Creator's image and likeness. Creating the eternal
you create yourself and vice
the world in meditation as you would have it be).In
the invisible spirit there is no difference between the Creator's joy and
your joy. There is no difference in quality between a raindrop of water
on a leaf and a bucket of the same rain. In spirit there is no volume.
It is immeasurable. Man is a spiritual being with unlimited potential as
he was created by an unlimited being. If you carry out the structuring
of your consciousness for the control of reality, then unlimited possibilities
are opened before you." ...Grigori
supply applies to spiritual anything,
as faith; such as sustenance:.Philippians
4:19; Matthew 6:33;.(*).
17:5 "And the apostles
said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.".And
they needed more of it alright as they found out how deficient
they were when trying to heal a man who couldn't speak:.Matthew
How to get supply? Keep the
spiritual words you learn close to you in your heart; have feelings over
14:23 "Emmanuel answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will
my words and my Father will love him and we will come unto him
and make our abode with him.".How
to get more supply?.Ephesians
3:19 "And to know the
love of Christ, which passes.(exceeds.-.how?).knowledge,
that you might be filled with all the fulness of God."
To get more, want more:.Matthew
21:22 "And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you
shall receive.".So,
prayer is one of the four
main spiritual disciplines. Do these and the supply of the spirit will
increase for you. Spirituality is a valve you can open to receive greater
flow of spirit energy.
It is important to know how
we stack up with the principles of higher consciousness. A decision
to live from a higher consciousness life is activating this thing called
the Holy Spirit in you, the energy essence
of the Creator,
for the humanity He created. You want the energy of Spirit to be flowing
in and through you. If it gets stopped up, your
soul will alert you. How?
We have fulness of His nature
of love available, the first law of
the multiverse upon which all other multiversal laws hang. But what good
is it if one is unaware of its capabilities
and is not out to use them in this life we have? And like all things, so
it is with the higher consciousness things, practice
makes it becomes perfect.
Christ has the
fulness of the Spirit from the Father. So did John
the baptist who came to prepare the way for Emmanuel's time on Earth:.Luke
Asking for more of the Holy
Spirit as you come to see need for more, causes more of it to come into
does this occur?), to bring us
to the place where He wants us to eventually fit in the hierarchical
structure of government of His kingdom.
We are to be in a state of equality
with the Creator, but in different
positions in His kingdom, His government on this Earth
and throughout the universe. There are non terrestrials coming here all
the time, on timecraft, who have good intent. They are here to help us
on the road to higher consciousness. They have amazing advanced technologies,
hundreds of thousands and some, even millions of years in advancement over
us here on Earth. You too can have experiences with them. Learn how from
Dr Steven Greer.
of the spirit enabled him to do many special miracles:.Acts
19:11. But he, like us, didn't have the fulness
of the spirit: 2Corinthians
12:7-10. We all are to grow up into him.(*)(*).
according to original Greek:.'But
unto every one of us comes grace, down from Him who has the gift to give
us.'.And 'down
from Him' means, down from the
soul of you; actually, your connection to the soul, for there is but
one Soul out of which comes each one of us; called the spirit
in man; and, this all from the invisible intelligence of the universe
we commonly call the Creator or God. People wonder, well who or what
is Christ then?
All this, is an inward thing
coming to one's own spirit from the soul. It is often referred to as man's
soul, which is really the connection pf the Soul with man's spirit, without
which we would not be animated.
13:52 "And the disciples were filled with joy
and with the Holy Ghost.".Inspiring
experiences bring inspiration.
God have less of the Holy Spirit once He gives it to us?
Knowing something and being
convinced of its efficacy
are two different things. People are convinced of their
beliefs and this is what they act from which, depending on beliefs
held as true, can hold them back
spiritually. They have allowed their
subconscious to become programmed by what was understood as true to
them. Unfortunately, much of what was believed to be true by all of us,
has led many of us down a river
of no return.
Before the truth of Christ
can have affect, one must become convinced of it:.Proverbs
3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own
do you do that?
Our job is to use our minds
to decide upon what we have learned and to decide what it is that should
be learnt. Some effort
is required to get a decent reward.
Do something! Find something. Do it the best you know how to. Leave
the results to the universe. Why?
Our job is also to bring
a spark of light to this world where darkness is blinding
most people:.Matthew
5:46 and verses 13-16.
"Everyone believes things
will turn out for the best. The dark ones believe in the best of the dark.
The light ones believe in the best of the light."....Arcady
If for example, one has learned
that love.(the
Creator's nature).benefits
all, he may decide to be loving in all he does, as Dr.
Kenneth McAll did.
Thus the importance of acceptance.(in
this regard; mental consent that the knowledge of Christ will produce a
definite result).of
that which one believes to be true. But does that mean we need to accept
Christ as personal savior to be saved?.2Timothy
1:9; Ephesians 1:4-6,11.
Because he or she has enough information and is at the point of convincing
himself or herself about what's true and what isn't and this, because your
subject to your mind's control:.1Corinthians
14:32 "And the spirits of the prophets.(what's
a 'prophet'?).are
subject to the prophets.".God
overrides anyone.
In Him you are complete.(what's
'in Him' mean?), if you bring it out:.Colossians
2:9,10 "For in him dwells all the.fulness.of
the Godhead bodily.(how?
the fullness of the Godhead bodily is the fullness of the consciousness
of this 'Him' in you; and who was
this 'Him'?). And.you
are complete in him,
which is the head of all principality and power."
Bringing it all out towards
a perfect man requires this life we have here:.Ephesians
4:13 "Till we all come in
the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto
a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of
is how you have the fulness that is in
the original."Knowing
the love of Christ, which passes
knowledge, fills you with all the fulness of God."
1:23 "Which is his body.(the
body is all that Christ is and that is all the power that is),
the fulness of him that fills all in all."
1:14 "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld
his glory.(they,
back then, at the time before Emmanuel died and was resurrected),
the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace
and truth."
Growing in love
is growing into more of His fulness.
So we grow
in comprehension
of Him. This means to grow in love for humanity. This is why we are here
on Earth; to bring the creator in us that the Creator created to benefit
We are here for all others.
This is how we increase in fulness:.2Corinthians
9:8,14 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you,
always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work...And
by their prayer for you.(believers
in another city back then), which long.('long'
is to have an earnest,
heartfelt desire, especially for something beyond reach).after
you for the.exceeding.grace
of God in you.(they
wanted others to be as full of all of the Creator as they were).."