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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary (m-w.com)
and Star Dictionary
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hanging loosely; suspended so as to swing or sway; wavering; undecided
of or resembling the motion of a pendulum; swinging back and forth
a body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity, commonly.used to regulate.various.devices, especially clocks; something that swings back and forth from one course, opinion or condition to another (the pendulum of public opinion)

pictures, writing or other material that is sexually.explicit; the presentation or production of this material; from the French pornographie, from pornographe, pornographer and from Late Greek pornographos 'writing about prostitutes' in a way that arouses sexuality

a soft, moist, shapeless mass of matter; the soft, moist part of fruit; a mass of pressed vegetable matter (apple pulp); the soft pith forming the contents of the stem of a plant; a mixture of cellulose.material, such as wood, paper and rags, ground up and moistened to make paper; the soft tissue forming the inner structure of a tooth and containing nerves and blood vessels; a mixture of crushed ore and water
pulp, pulped, pulping, pulps.verbs
transitive verb use.to reduce to pulp; crush; to remove the pulp from
intransitive verb use.to be reduced to a pulpy consistency

resembling a feather; having parts or branches arranged on each side of a common axis (pinnate leaves)

pyroxylin.also spelt.pyroxyline.noun
a highly flammable.nitrocellulose used in the manufacture of collodion, plastics and lacquers

something offered or won as an award for superiority or victory, as in a contest or competition; bonus; something worth.striving for; a highly desirable possession
offered or given as a prize (a prize cup); given a prize or likely to win a prize (a prize cow); worthy of a prize; first-class (our prize flowers are azaleas)
prize, prized, prizing, prizes.transitive verbs
to value highly; esteem or treasure; appreciate; to estimate the worth of; evaluate (how much do you prize the race horse at?)

ware, such as vases, pots, bowls or plates, shaped from moist clay and hardened by heat; the craft or occupation of a potter (the place where a potter works (the place where the Master Potter works is you)

hard, white, translucent.ceramic made by firing a pure clay and then glazing it with variously colored fusible.materials; china; an object made of this substance (porcelain teacups; a doll with a porcelain face)

a provincial.governor of a senatorial province who is of consular.rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire, the governor of such a province is called a 'proconsul', an administrator of high rank in one of these modern.colonial.empires, somewhat today like what we call a deputy

prearrange, prearranged, prearranging, prearranges.transitive verbs
to arrange in advance

a thin, cushionlike mass of soft material used to fill, to give shape or to protect against jarring, scraping or other injury; a number of sheets of paper of the same size stacked one on top of the other and glued together at one end; a tablet; the broad, floating leaf of an aquatic plant such as the water lily (a lily pad); the cushionlike flesh on the underpart of the toes and feet of many animals; the fleshy underside of the end of a finger or toe; a launch pad; a helipad; a keypad
pad, padded, padding, pads.transitive verbs
to line or stuff with soft material (he put new padding in the old seat cushion); to lengthen something written or spoken with extraneous.material (pad a résumé; pad an expense account)

a pseudonym used by a writer, such as Mark Twain; also called nom de plume

relating to or characteristic of a father or fatherhood; fatherly;  received or inherited from a father (a paternal trait); related through one's father (my paternal aunt)
paternalism means taking all the decisions for the people you govern, employ or are responsible for, so that they cannot or do not have to make their own decisions; a policy or practice of treating or governing people in a fatherly manner, especially by providing for their needs without giving them rights or responsibilities
paternalist, paternalistic.adjectives
the state of being a father; fatherhood; descent on a father's side; paternal descent
of.or.relating.to a lawsuit brought by a woman attempting to establish that a particular man is the father of her child and so must provide the child with financial support

an elevated platform, as for an orchestra conductor or a public speaker; a stand for holding the notes of a public speaker; a lectern; a podium

puny, punier, puniest.adjectives
someone or something that is puny is very small or weak; of inferior size, strength or significance; weak: a puny physique; puny excuses)

a sharp, high-pitched sound, as that made by a bullet striking metal
ping, pinged, pinging, pings.intransitive verbs
to make a sharp, high-pitched, metallic sound; in music, the highness or lowness of a musical tone as determined by the rapidity of the vibrations producing it; standards of exact pitch have varied over the centuries in many countries

a solid.cylinder or disk that fits snugly into a larger cylinder and moves under fluid.pressure, as in a reciprocating.engine or displaces or compresses fluids, as in pumps and compressors; in music, a valve.mechanism in brass instruments for altering the pitch

of, relating.to.or.affecting the lungs (pulmonary issues); having lungs or lunglike organs
pulmonary artery.noun,.plural.pulmonary arteries
an artery that carries venous blood from the right ventrical of the heart to the lungs