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Now you will have to let the Spirit of God put all this together in its own particular way just for you.

That is why it is important to turn off the TV, go into the dark and quiet and listen to what 'light' God has just for you. It will not be the same 'light' that the Creator has for another. Our Creator is not reproducing clones. He wants strong individuals, but mature ones

Forget about all the other people's light in books and tapes and see just what the Creator has that works for you. You'll find this using the spiritual disciplines. Reading a book about someone written by another provides some guidance for one's life, but what if you could actually communicate with the individual the book was written about?

Tesla.(Nikola Tesla).was asked 'I can't believe in electricity until I understand just how it works' a lady said quizzing him. She had decided that her 'faith' was to be in the workings, not in the truth.(as ancient Thomas also was in Emmanuel's time:.John 20:24-29).that electricity, indeed, does work. Tesla replied 'Well, my good dear, I could explain it all to you over the next three to five days. You probably wouldn't recall by the third day much of what I had explained on day one. Look, just go home, plug in your toaster and enjoy the result of the fact that electricity does indeed work.'

See the book.Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It, by William Lyne, Second Revised Edition, can be purchased by mail order from: William Lyne, General Delivery, Lamy, NM 87540. Tel/Fax: (505) 466-3022. Email: billlyne@Earthlink.net $10.00 + $2.00 shipping/handling.

It is the same in trying to comprehend the Bible, which is the key to an overstanding of life, our life on this planet. Many people comment "I just cannot comprehend it". One needs to be of spiritual inclination to vindicate spiritual things and those things spiritual are the things of higher consciousness:.Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect, will of God."

There is a reason: If you need to comprehend it before you can accept it, you will.never.comprehend it.(why?). Example is given of what the Pharisees thought of Emmanuel:.Matthew 27:41,42 "Likewise also the chief priests mocking him with the scribes and elders said, He saved others. Himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross and we will believe him.".Also:.Isaiah 28:12,13.

To believe something, it first must be accepted if one wants belief to lead to full comprehension of what the attention may be on. If one tries to get it the other way around, that is, by leaving belief out of it, guess what he ends up with, confusion, such as with the attitude, You show me first and then I'll consider if it's true, as opposed to:.Mark 9:24 "And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears, Lord, I believe. Help you mine unbelief."

It's the same with all things of the spirit level, including happiness where believing comes first and then results, but our ego screams 'you show me first, then I'll consider believing'. It's thinking like this that keeps people in a mental prison

You need an open mind to comprehend enough facts about Creation and the Creator behind it all.(Jeremiah 27:5-17), in order to come to some acceptance of truths about it all, before you can believe to any great effect in your life.

And even in this 'beginning to believe', the Creator's hand is in it. It's the attitude of the individual that makes a difference in his or her life or not. Does he or she want to believe or just wants something to latch onto for consideration?

Without the knowledge of salvation which are the spiritual truths, saving one from the low consciousness ego level and its pathway of broken dreams toward death, the knowledge would be like a 747, way above an individual's interest. Why? Because the individual is stuck at the low consciousness ego level.

Knowledge has organizing power with it. All that's necessary is to be aware of the knowledge because awareness begets automatic right action and when synchronicity occurs, that is, when one is aligned with higher consciousness and engages in meditation, then guidance wells up to the mind. And this because Christ is the captain of our salvation:.Hebrews 2:10. Progress comes from this, unless hindered by those with designs to skulk it, as were the designs of the ancient Pharisees et al in Emmanuel's time:.Luke 11:52.

The ego level just doesn't understand high consciousness things, because it is so bent towards the self and this was necessary for awhile. It has and had its part. The ego level can only figure things out from its own low consciousness level. Take the ancient example of what led to the crucifixion.

The Pharisees and their ilk viewed Emmanuel as a religious competitor who came to set up a religious following, thus taking away money and control from them, money and control they figured, that would shift from them to Him:.John 12:19 "The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive you how you prevail nothing? Behold, the world is gone after him."

The corrupt Pharisees were the same as those not in Christ as they viewed others who were trying to help as competitors. Not being in thouch with the real God of love and all creation, they were not disposed to create what others may have needed, instead, despised them, no doubt satanically inspired to be that way:.Matthew 25:40 "...Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." Psalms 119:14 "I have rejoiced in the way of your teachings, as much as in all riches."

They thought that any money given to Emmanuel would build His religious empire. But they were oh so wrong, so blinded were they by their own corruption:.John 8:23; 18:36. They just were unable to see things as they really were. They were stuck at that point and would not then be able to move forward spiritually, locked, as it were, in the grips of satanic greed.

Emmanuel wasn't interested in being competition to their corrupt religion, because He cared about a world beyond the physical, a world He came to let others know about, a world even those corrupt ones could enter if they knew how to.

These religious leaders of the day had so little wisdom, it was one of their own kind who had to straighten them out:.Acts 5:34-40.

They were so low in consciousness that it was incomprehensible to them when Emmanuel assured them this was not the case at all and that He was talking about a whole new way of thinking, a whole new way of being, not a physical setting up of some religious competitor. But such is the myopic outlook of those stuck at the ego level.

So, how do you get the knowledge if first you have to have interest in getting it? And, looking at things as is customary for the ego will never generate anything spiritual. The ego will keep you locked at its level. So we have a conundrum.

What is the way out of this conundrum? We look to our limited resources and wonder how it would get done. Turning to God is the way out of one's conundrum because, what's hard for God?.Jeremiah 32:27. But many people are not inclined to do this. This therefor must first be dealt with. How?.2Corinthians 3:15.

The knowledge necessary to affect the mind toward salvation comes automatically from the Soul through the spirit, when we realize we are out of all that sin really means:.Luke 1:77; Romans 12:2.

Titus 1:15 "Unto the pure.(saturated with Christ {what does that mean?}).all things are pure.(how does one become pure?). But unto them that are defiled.(original Greek for 'defiled' is 'to dye with another color'; selfishly minded and not spiritually inclined).and unbelieving, is nothing pure......" Ephesians 1:17-19 "That the God of our Lord Emmanuel the Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.(the knowledge of Christ brings spiritual qualities one can use in daily life when interacting with others), the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. And what is the.exceeding greatness of his power.to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.".Not all minds opened as yet. And we see here a key; the key of belief.

This tiny beginning of knowledge here grows into becomimg a pithy.overstanding and comes by and increases through faith:.Hebrews 11:3. Acknowledge God's word as true and.watch the understanding come:.1Thessalonians 2:13 "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when you received the word of God which you heard of us, you received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which.effectually works also in you that believe.".The innerstanding continues when one persists with it. How do you do that?

The Creator is pure and God is love. And the pure are those with love in their hearts, for when God's nature is in you, you are pure:.1John 4:8,16. To put it another way: If you understand how to love, you will understand the Bible

We cannot deeply comprehend that which we chose not to believe.(Mark 1:15).or seek. Comprehension is of the mind, but what to have available for comprehending is of the spirit, the soul of a person, where we comprehend what we see and hear; the amazingly designed system of brain, mind, memory, soul, not to mention the spiritual faculties.

We cannot deeply be involved with that which we choose not to have affection for. What you love comes to you. What you don't care for goes. This applies to oneself as well as other things apart from you that your attention may be on.

We can never get good at a relationship or even a job or hobby we have if we do not have passion for it, a special sweetness for it. Whatever we have decided not to love will never become great for us. This is the key to fast learning. One example is the work of Masaru Emoto.

The key to handling well what one has chosen to do is first, learn the terminology. If you don't know the meanings of the words the job uses, how can you progress in doing well? Knowing the terminology of anything makes learning much more interesting.

When you realize that the entire multiverse is all one energy and realize by your attention you can become one with what you focus on, then you'll know that if you are studying something, you must come to like it.(every individual has different interests).enough to become one in your mind with it, if it's to take you somewhere. If you can decide to like it, it'll become yours. If you can't like it, leave it. Our decisions.(some are).are our thoughts and this is key to spiritual growth. Our job here...

Many people love sales and have made a career out of selling.(*). It is a wonderful career, though not for those stuck at having difficulty with others accepting them. To be good at life and sales requires social skills; if they don't like you, they won't buy from you:.Proverbs 18:24.

How does one increase sales, increase his or her effect upon others, bless your son or daugther so that in whatever they are doing they will be successful, safe, protected and happy?.1Peter 3:10,11.

Nothing happens until a sale is made. Then, all gets into motion to provide the product. This supports the entire economy.

What is selling?."Selling is the process of helping an individual to conclude that your product or service is of greater value to him than the price you are asking for."....Brian Tracy.

"The toughest thing about the power of trust is that its very difficult to build and
very easy to destroy. The essence of trust building is to emphasize the similarities
between you and the customer."....Thomas Watson, IBM founder
"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the
danger of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of 'crackpot'
than the stigma of conformity."....Thomas J. Watson, Jr., entrepreneur
"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once,
whether you're ready or not, to put it into action."
...Napoleon Hill, American author of much inspirational material
including the classic.Think and Grow Rich
"Do you trust people?"
"Of course. It's the devil in them I don't trust."....Unknown