Our Creator provided
an interesting job for Adam.(no
30-40 hour slavish mundane
work week),
great woman, food, shelter, etc. But he lost it and had to now work
hard for his sustenance:.Genesis
3:19. Is the Creator capable of providing you with a similar great
We want to satisfy ourselves
our own way because we have been programmed
by life, no thanks to the
choice Adam made under influence of his partner Eve. But once converted?.2Corinthians
3:5; 9:8.
Once converted we can be
sure of all that it means
to be 'in Christ'; He, once you understand it, being our moment by moment.sufficiency
and yes sometimes just right at the end of the last moment, but again an
individual becomes aware of that which he is looking for! And most of us,
having a lifetime of programming, don't have such a great expectation of
tomorrow for ourselves. Most people walk a life of low expectations, not
realizing what their soul can do. Instead, want the best and trust
your soul with its connection
to the Creator, to bring it. It
knows better than you how to.
As Deepak
Chopra has explained.'Expand
your need for prosperity by ideas to better serve others'.
The problem in giving/receiving
is not with the giver.(what
Christ made available for us to use in getting the life style we want),
but in acceptance by the intended receiver. Think about that in the light
of what follows.
in talking to the
in Ephesus.(an
ancient city of Greece Asia Minor in present day western Turkey.{map
4:18 "Having the innerstanding
darkened, being alienated from the life of God..."
The Great Infinite One is
a giver. He gives us much, even His life was given for us.(*).
God the Father is not alienated
from us because His Son made it possible to have a
relationship with Him. In His prayer just before they took Emmanuel
to be crucified, He prayed about His concern
that we would all be one:.John
death took away once and for all anything
that could ever possibly come between us and the Father's love for
us. The functioning of the multiiverse is based
on law, the law of love.
Towards what were they callous
that Paul felt so strongly to talk to them about here in Ephesians
4. It had to do with what they learned. And they had learned Christ:.Ephesians
4:20. And it had to do with their mind:.Ephesians
4:23. And it involved being created in righteousness:.verse
Paul could see by their actions
that they really were not believing this righteousness stuffas verse
25 shoes and because they were the way they were, they were not able
to really."put
on Christ". Note that a key here Paul talks
about is the mind.
Earlier, in Ephesians
1:18 and 3:10,19 Paul also
talks of the mind, and
in Ephesians 5:14 virtually tells
them that they have been asleep. In verse
17 here, Paul talks of the mind again.
So what could hamper
the mind and separate you from heartfelt acceptance of God's promises?
Anything that is in our minds that does not fit with how righteous,
and holy you are; 'holy' because you actually
have in you the nature of Creator-God, the nature of love. But if you are
from your soul by your ego, you need to deal with that to be on the
pathway of higher consciousness.
Yeah, I know; you right now
could be thinking 'who me'? That is why spiritual brothers and sisters,
it is important to thoroughly understand the subjects of righteousness,
perfectness, holiness and the fact that sin
is now over for us forever as far as God's concerned. He sees us as
righteous, perfect and holy.
When you learn to think this
way because you indeed do believe it, then you will have the power of God
highly active in you, and you will know this because you will see how that
you are now 'different'; different than your old selfish nature, now with
the Great Infinite One's loving nature.
Power comes to the degree
of love we have, so keep growing in your new love nature. How?
Marvelous things
will be possible in your life, according to what
you believe
to be possible about the faith of Christ in you:.Matthew
Why then would anyone think
less of himself and herself than God thinks of them? Whose other opinion
matters for your
great reward? And why would
anyone think less of themselves than the very living Creator thinks of
them anyway? Beats me! We're all nuts I guess!
We are blessed when deciding
against the evil.(at
the basis of all evil is selfishness).and
decide to take on the compassionate, caring,
considerate and immensely loving character of God:.Acts
3:26. This is done by decision backed up with actions which fuse the
character point surrounding the decision, to the heart.
the subject links above in this paragraph on righteousness, perfectness
and holiness. They will reveal the key to receiving all the good that you
have may never have been taught to receive.
The word 'blessed' in the
New Testament original, means 'to be endued
with power for success'..The
Old Testament says the same in:.Deuteronomy
8:18 "But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He that gives
you power to get wealth.".And,
don't be as ancient Esau was
who despised
even his birthright.
Our Creator wants us all
to get ahead in life. He has given us a mind to use and the
multiversal laws that will make us successful and healthy, once we
know what they are and how we can use them.
He has given us individual
physical bodies with the mobility required to do what is decided upon.
Decisions are important; some are.
key to rising to the top.
1:20 "For all the promises of God in Him.(that
is where the promises are,
in Him).are
and Amen.('amen'
means 'so be it', that is, that you have confidence in what you say).unto
the glory of God by us."
is not a thing of higher consciousness but a thing of the low consciousness
ego level.
this low level of thinking, one wants something he knows he lacks. The
fact that he or she wants, was arrived at by a notice of lacking
something. That's why it's wanted. If you want, you are balanced by the
thing you know you lack, so it goes nowhere. How to get out of this
In higher consciousness
there is an progressively
increasing abundance in all
areas of life. This is a notch above the want level:.Matthew
6:33. But, one has to be honest:.1Thessalonians
In higher consciousness one
is content, content in knowing that all
is looked after for you. Just having your mind on something you like
is enough. "She's pretty" will bring the right girl to you, not necessarily
the one you noted as being pretty, so don't get fixated.
"That's a nice car" will do the same thing. "Be nice to have a car to run
around with", same thing. "Great vacation", same thing. "Enough money"
is all you need to think; not "enough money for", just "enough money"
and leave it at that. Recognize the positivity not the negativity.
It doesn't work from you
to the Soul. It's the other
way around. Don't try to do the Soul's job. Learn to live a
simple life.
A lesson from Deepak:."Every
act of what we call magic is giving permission to natural law to act. There
are 5 steps in fulfilment of any desire - 1) Go into
the gap with the word of pure spirit,
intention; 2) Release intention from that level.(know
the thought is enough and don't agonize
over any thought of lack of impact);
Get ego out of the way.(by
focused on higher consciousness things);
get away from one's self image aka.object
referral and into self referral;
4) Detach
from the outcome; be process
oriented not outcome oriented, that is, you don't concern yourself with
the outcome.(why?).5)
Let the universe handle the details. These 5 get your mind working like
total mind. Get your mind working like total mind, that is, being in alignment
with the way the universe works and look
inward to see what prevents you from getting what you want, practice
positive inner dialog."
Look inside yourself.(how?).to
see what may be of hindrance
in your receiving what you may desire. Always be positive with yourself.
to be positive when dealing with your negatives.
The Infinite One has set
the multiverse to supply your lack if your heart is in doing love things:.Acts
4:34 "Neither was there any among them that lacked....." Proverbs
10:4. This is a mathematical universe,
with laws governing all aspects of it, laws which are already designed
to work a certain way. To the degree we love, is the degree we will prosper:.Galatians
6:7 "Be not deceived, God is not mocked,
for whatsoever a man sows, that he also reaps."
9:6 "But this I say, He which sows sparingly reaps sparingly and he
which sows bountifully reaps bountifully."
Applies to
one's effort in anything he does:.Colossians
3:23 "And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not
unto men."
Note again John
15:7; and note this one:.John
15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in me and
I in him, the same brings forth much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing."
1:18,19 "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened.....the exceeding
greatness of His power to us who believe....."