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Q u e s t i o n s  W e  M a y  H a v e
p a g e  2

-Should a Christian (or, spiritual person) go to war, which obviously would entail the killing of others?

-Should we ask a blessing on each meal?

-Should we be fasting as they did in old times to draw close to God?

-Should we be forgiving even if others hurt us and they are unrepentant.(they don't change).and remain the same?

-Should we be going door to door and trying to hand out literature to others to bring them to God?

-Should we be out trying to reach the world with the gospel message?

-Should we correct others when we see them doing wrong?

-Should we give thanks for all things? The bad too?

-Should we go to church?

-Should we repent to God every time we sin?

-Should we wait to move to a different area or do as ancient Abraham?

-Since we are basically individual spirits each in our own body, shouldn't we be concentrating more on the spiritual than the physical?

-Was humanity that one third of these angels and that is one reason why we are having the human experience, to learn things?

-Was Melchisedec Christ?

-Was the New Testament Influenced by Pagan Philosophy?

-Was the New Testament Influenced by Pagan Religions?

-What about giving to bums who accost you on the street?

-What about 'speaking or praying in tongues'?

-What about suing and taking someone to court?

-What about the popular Zeitgeist movie?
(type into equip.org)

-What are suggestions as to what now to do in this age?

-What causes some children to turn into killers? Was that their destiny?

-What does "conversion" mean? 

-What does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit?

-What does it mean "fallen from grace"?

-What does it mean to be saved?

-What does the Bible tell about gossip?

-What does the word sin mean?

-What does this mean, that we are all one?

-What if I feel God is guiding me to murder some corrupt person?

-What if someone makes a curse on you? How to regard it.

-What is 3d, 4d, 5d and beyond?

-What is a Christian?

-What is a prophet?

-What is a saint?

-What is life and what is life to be, here on Earth and many ask themselves "Why does life have to be like this?"

-What is perversion?

-What is salvation?

-What is the difference, if any, between the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit?

-What is the spiritual warfare the Bible talks about?

-What is the one thing men, women & children are seldom taught to get that would help them greatly in life?

-What keeps man away from the things of the spirit?

-What more does the Bible say about superstition?

-What occurred shortly after Emmanuel's resurrection as recorded later in the book of Acts?

-What should an individual do when the problems may be so great that there is really not much that one can do?

-What stops all wars?

-What/when are the last days?

-What will we be like in the next life?

-What's it mean to be blessed by God and why hasn't God blessed me with the abundance I wanted to do so much good with, for myself, family, friends and those in need?

-What's it mean to be "in God's will"?

-What's it mean to be saved?

-Where are the other books mentioned in, but are not in the Bible?

-Where did all the different races come from?

-Where did the Egyptians come from? And, how did they become such a great nation about 125 years after the flood, the flood which left only 8 persons to start again?

-Where do thoughts come from?

-Where does the Bible talk about spiritual gifts?

-Where is the real self and where does it come from? and what does this invisible life consist of?

-Which is the one true church today?

-Who was Melchisedec?

-Why are most of our emotions borne of frustration?

-Why are some English people in the UK.(United Kingdom).called British and where did the name come from?

-Why are some people living in areas of peace and others have no peace where they live?

-Why are there so many differing religions with so many differing approaches to doctrine, all claiming to get their stuff from the Bible?

-Why become a spiritual individual (referred to as 'Christian' in the Holy Bible)?

-Why did He (the Son of God) come to set us free?

-Why do so many just never find the right formula to life? And, why is it that so many, even including the intelligentsia, are so seemingly.stupid spiritually, appearing to have no commonsense and concern for others? 

-Why do you need Bruno when you can go directly to God yourself?

-Why do we attract the same negative relationships and situations into our lives time and time again?

-Why do we have so many churches, which all believe different things? My pastor says they all emphasize different aspects of the truth of God.

-Why does Paul tell the Corinthian women to cover their heads when in a place of public worship?

-Why does religion seem like such a confusing mess?

-Why does the Bible talk of more than one heaven?

-Why doesn't Christ come today?

-Why Good Friday?

-Why is the Bible so mysterious?

-Why is there corruption in the world? How did the world start on the road to corruption?

-Why the same attitude today as has been seen throughout history in the evil of, man taking advantage of others to others hurt?

-Why was Judas as he was?

-Will some of us be in space when God's loving nature comes forth in enough of us to rule the Earth?

-Will the end of Earth time come?

"It is the mark of the cultured man that he is aware of the fact that equality
is an ethical and not a biological principle."
...Ashley Montagu, British anthropologist, humanist 1905-1999