Bible Dictionary."One
of the royal cities of the Canaanites", now
"It stood on the old Roman
road not far from Gath, in the valley of Elah.(q.v.),
which was the
scene of David's memorable
victory over Goliath..David's
victory over Goliath.
"The Cave of Adullam has
been discovered about 2 miles south of the scene of David's triumph and
about 13 miles west from Bethlehem. At this place is a hill some 500 feet
high pierced with numerous caverns, in one of which David gathered together."every
one that was in distress and every one that was in debt and every one that
was discontented":.1Samuel
22:2. Some of these caverns are large enough to hold 200 or 300 men.
According to tradition this cave was at Wady Khureitun, between Bethlehem
and the Dead Sea,
"It was one of the towns
which Rehoboam
fortified against Egypt."
Adullam was called."the
glory of Israel":.Micah
were a powerful people, who dwelt in Arabia Petraea, between the Dead Sea
and the Red Sea. The Amalekites were the chief tribe of the pagans:.Numbers
The Amalekites were not
the descendants of Amalek.(Genesis
36:15-28), the son of Eliphaz,
for they existed long before, in the days of Abraham:.Genesis
It is apparent
that the Amalekites were only one of the many groups .(Genesis
evil beings that came to Earth to steal, kill and destory. They were not
of humanity. This particular group of them ended up dwelling south
between Mount Seir and the border of Egypt, from Havilah.(map).until
to Shur:.Numbers
13:29; 1Samuel 15:7. It does
not appear that they possessed many cities, though
one is mentioned in
1Samuel 15:5.
They lived generally in
and in caves or in tents, like the nomadic
called Bedaween).of
the Arabian desert
do today.
Their kings bore the hereditary
name of Agag:.1Samuel
The Amalekites were a people
around since the beginning, probably the gentically modified ones that
were 'kind
of like man':.Genesis
14:7. In the Babylonian inscriptions they are called Sute, in those
of Egypt Sittiu and the Amarna tablets include them under the general name
of Khabbati meaning plunderers.
By their actions, one can
see they were of the bloodline
of Satan, through Cain and down to and from Esau:.Genesis
4:1. The Amalekites often attacked travelers to steal their goods.
They had no regard for the weak or feeble:.Deuteronomy
How you can know who these
are today:.Matthew
7:16-20. The modern day ones were called Khazarians.
From them we get the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and their ilk,
many of having done
horrendous things,
The name Amalek means 'dweller
in a valley'. Amalek was the son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau:.Genesis
36:12. Esau the eldest, hated Jacob his brother. Esau was the chief
of an Idumean tribe Genesis
36:15-28. His mother was a Horite, a tribe whose territory the descendants
of Esau had seized. Their nature was different from good people of humanity.
out why? They can be traced to today as the Khazarians,
also spelt Kazarian. You can look them up on the Internet.
The Israelites
had scarcely
passed the Red Sea on their journey out from Egypt when the Amalekites
attacked them.(Deuteronomy
the desert of Rephidim and slew those who, through fatigue or weakness,
lagged behind and for this unprovoked assault on the people of God, the
doom of extermination was passed upon them:.Exodus
17:8-16. They go for the weak and disabled first, as did the Nazis
and those following similar corrupt they practice their evils today using
covid and other
poisoings of humanity:.Ecclesiastes
They attempted to stop the
Israelites when they marched through their territory by attacking them
at Rephidim:.Deuteronomy
25:17; 1Samuel 15:2,3. They
came again into conflict with a part of the Israelites on the border of
the promised land.(Numbers
they attacked the Israelites at Hormah:.Numbers
14:45. We read of them subsequently as in league with the Moabites.(Judges
the Midianites:.Judges
After 400 years, king Saul
of the Israelites attacked and destroyed them at the command of the Lord:.1Samuel
14:47,48; 15:2-35. A remnant,
escaped and subsided
After Saul, king David
defeated them on several occasions:.1Samuel
27:8; 1Samuel 30:1-3,18-20.
The Amalekites group of
the 'ites', were finally blotted
out by the Simeonites,
in the time of Hezekiah:.1Chronicles
4:42,43. This fulfilled the prediction of Balaam:.Numbers
24:20. Haman, the last of the
Amalekite race
mentioned in Scripture, perished like his fathers, in conflict with those
of the nation then called Judah. See the book of
In the Babylonian inscriptions
Amalekites are called Sute, in those of Egypt, Sittiu and the Amarna tablets
include them under the general name of Khabbati or 'plunderers'.
or Molten Sea: The Brazen or Molten Sea,
a huge bowl of brass made by Solomon
for the temple, was a circular vessel at about 20 feet in diameter, which
stood in the court of the temple and could handle up to three thousand
baths daily, according to 2Chronicles
4:5. This brass 'swimming pool' was supported by twelve oxen of brass
and was probably the largest brazen vessel ever made, evidence of the skill
of the workers in metal at that period. It contained from 16,000 to 24,000
gallons and was supplied with water by a pipe from the well of Etam, so
that a constant flow was maintained. This water was used for the various
of the priests:.2Chronicles
Hebrews 9:9,10.
Bible Dictionary."The
name of a people in alliance with Egypt in the time of Nebuchadnezzar
II. They were probably a people of Northern Africa or of the lands
near Egypt in the south."
Fausset, Brown Commentary."A
people named Kufa, on the monuments. Ptolemy mentions a 'Chob-at' in Mauritania
and a 'Chob-ion' in the Mareotic nome in Egypt."
and Esau: What do these sentences mean?.Genesis
27:39,40 "And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold,
thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the Earth and of the dew of heaven
from above;...And by thy sword shalt thou live and shalt serve thy brother
and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou
shalt break his yoke from off thy neck."
New Testament Notes: In reply to the weeping Esau,
Isaac his father bestows upon him a blessing, "fatness of the Earth"; "by
thy sword", by preying upon others; "serve thy brother", Edom,
the nation that came from Esau was long independent but at length Saul
was victorious over them.(1Samuel
David conquered them:.2Samuel
8:14. Then followed a long struggle, until John Hyrcanus, B.C.E.
129, compelled them to be circumcised and incorporated into Judaism.
"break his yoke" is about
the history of Edom. Here a perpetual struggle takes place against the
supremacy of Israel, the nation that traces back to Jacob. Edom was incorporated
into the Jewish state and furnished it with the dynasty of princes beginning
with Antipater, Macedonian general and regent.(B.C.E.
governed the empire during Alexander III's military campaigns. He served
again as regent in 321 to 319.
Esau was now exasperated
against his brother and could only compose his mind by resolving to slay
him during the days of mourning after his father's death.
beginning with 'To the chief Musician, Maschil, for the sons of Korah'.are
these: 42, 44,
is a song or poem of contemplation,
that is, contemplation to gain some lesson of wisdom.
The sons
of Korah were a family of Levitical
singers. Korah was a great-grandson of Levi:.Numbers
16:1. He was united with Dathan and Abiram in opposition to Moses and
was the leader of the conspiracy against Moses: Numbers
16:1-35; Jude 1:11. Korah had three
sons, Assir, Elkanah and Abiasaph.(Exodus
of their descendants David selected a number to preside over the music
of the sanctuary.(tabernacle).
The general appellation,
the 'sons of Korah' seems to have been given to this company or class of
singers. Their office was to preside over the music of the sanctuary, to
arrange tunes for the music, to distribute the parts and possibly to furnish
compositions for that service. Whether, however, they actually composed
any of the Psalms is uncertain. It would seem that the usual custom was
for the author of a psalm or hymn designed for public service to deliver
it, when composed, into the hands of these leaders of the music, to be
employed by them in the public devotions of the people.
The following comprised from.Barnes
idea of the whole Psalms is, that we should not be overwhelmed or cast
down in trouble and that we should confide in God and that we should be
cheerful, not desponding and that we should go to God, whatever may happen
and that we should feel that all will yet be well, that all will be overruled
for good and that brighter and happier days will come.
'There is no way in which
the authorship can be determined from these Psalms. It does not belong
to the general division of the book of Psalms which is ascribed
to David.(Psalms
1 to 41).and
though there can be no doubt that a large number of the Psalms in the other
portions of the book were composed by David, yet it is impossible now to
which were his, unless his name is prefixed to a Psalm. While the fact
that his name is not so prefixed may be regarded
as a proof that, in the belief of those who arranged the collection, it
was not his composition.
have been.the
author of some of those Psalms which are ascribed to no particular
writer. It may mean either that the Psalms were dedicated to them or that
they were submitted to them for arranging the music; or that they were
designed to be employed by them as leaders of the music; or that they were
the authors of these psalms, that is, that the psalms thus indicated emanated
from their body, or were composed by one of their number.
Clarke's Commentary by Gary Gallant."God
now graciously informs him that, though he had miscarried, his case was
not yet desperate, as the means of faith, from the
promise, a sin offering was
lying at the door of his fold.(was
available for him). How many sinners
perish, not because there is not a Savior able and willing to save them,
but because they will not use that which is within their power! Of such
how true is that word of our Lord."
"These words are not spoken
of sin, as many have understood them, but of Abel's submission to Cain
as his superior.(eldest
son in the family).and
the words are spoken to remove Cain's envy.".Genesis
4:7 "...Unto thee shall be his desire'...".That
is, you shall ever have the right of primogeniture
and in all things shall your brother be subject unto you."
-On Isaiah
searching of His understanding".or
as another translation has it."his
understanding is unsearchable"
is impossible for a finite
mind fully and adequately to search out all the proofs of his.(God's).wisdom
and skill. Man can see only a part, a small part, while the vast ocean,
boundless deep of his wisdom, lies still unexplored":.Job
1Corinthians 13:12.
-On Exodus
13:12 and word."matrix":
The word matrix
in the Bible means a womb;
something very deep. The root of this word in the original is 'to love',
'love deeply', 'have mercy', 'be compassionate', 'have tender affection',
'have compassion'.
A matrix is something within
or from which something else takes form, us drawing from the invisible
energy of the supporting patterns in the sea of this
perfect invisibility.
Our bodies are set up to
function flawlessly, automatically drawing on its continuous power. For
example our immune systems are incredibly powerful and will stay that way
with proper organic food, positive healthful thoughts and avoiding the
poisonings assaulting us from all sides. Our thoughts, if negative,
can really screw proper functioning up, keeping us at an unsane
level and out of the new spiritual era. This
means one connected to the
Great Infinite Intelligence.
Here there is vibrancy,
where one is alive in a different way, now a way of having a
living relationship with this Great Being; one's spiritual thirst is
continually quenched by what the Bible calls living
Through how we were designed
with our DNA being the frequency connection, the 'aerial', the receiver
and the sender.(what
gaps are for in DNA).into
the energy of the quantum
refers to this as the Holy Spirit),
we are able to daily be in this living invisible spirit water.(John
4:10,14; 7:37,38; John
3:5,6), which is being
in the kingdom of the Infinite One, but only
when the attitude is consistently of love. As Bruno
Gröning has said."I
have detected the presence of the receiving instrument in human beings
and I happen to be in a position to overhaul the human organism, so to
speak. For people who have been healed by me this is a matter of course,
just like
a radio.".One
of the fundamental
teachings of Bruno Gröning is that."God
is the transmitter, people are the receivers.".Always
take time to receive the divine transmission, to tune into it as
you would seek a certain radio station; how?
DNA is really an 'aerial'
having one helix
over another which draws in the invisible intelligent energy of the cosmos:.Revelation
First came sound out of
which came light, so really all is sound as Michael Tellinger explains:
All on physical Earth is
created out of Land, Air and Water or the L A W. This LAW, the Land,
Air and Water, actually, is all
there is that we see and know of, such as the Sun
and all we don't yet see or know of:.Genesis
1:2. And of course devious Satan has been tricking
us on this too, calling the LAW, the court/legal system and as corrupt
worldwide as any other satanic con. How
From the sound which came
first, came the light, which was second. We measure sound in what's called
Light was amenable to the mind, the mind of God and so the Word appeared.
And what did this do?.John
1:1-3. This water is the spirit energy of what we have come today to
prove as the quantum field,
the invisible multiverse which supports or constantly feeds into the physical,
supporting it. The key to engage this is spiritual, that being love. Love
has a frequency of 528 Hertz, which is the operating/creative energy underlying
are the language that precedes creation. Words show intention, show meaning
and if that of love, resonate
with the love frequency and then come into physical manifestation.
It's a law of the multiverse that things work this way. You are able to
work this:.John
14:6; 1:1,7;
is a frequency.
New Testament written
in Greek, spelling is Zorobabel:.Matthew
1:12-14 and Luke 3:27.
He is also known by the Persian
name of Sheshbazzar:.Ezra
1:8,11. In the first year of Cyrus
II, king of Persia, he led the first band of Judeans,
numbering 42,360.(Ezra
2:64), exclusive of a large number
of servants, who returned from their seventy years of captivity:.2Chronicles
Events in the time of Zerubbabel
were a foreshadow
of the antitype
now unfolding, that of the kingdom of God being on the entire Earth in
our time now. How so? And,
will it be like?
In the second year after
the return from captivity, he erected an altar and laid the foundation
of the temple on the ruins of that which had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar-II:.Ezra
3:8-13; chapters
Zoar means small, a town on the east or southeast of the Dead Sea, to which
Lot and his daughters fled from Sodom:.Genesis
19:11-23. It was originally called Bela:.Genesis
14:2. Its ruins are still seen at the opening of the ravine of Kerak,
the Kir-Moab, the modern 'Tell esh-Shaghur'.