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Original Words Notes List

O r i g i n a l  W o r d s  N o t e s  A 1

-ablution.(washings):.(old covenant stuff).A washing or cleansing of the body, especially as part of a religious rite; the liquid so used.

There were washings prescribed for the purpose of cleansing from positive defilement contracted by particular acts. Of such washings eleven different species are prescribed in the Levitical law:.Leviticus chapters 12; 13-15

A fourth class of ablutions is mentioned, by which a person purified or absolved himself from the guilt of some particular act. For example, the elders of the nearest village where some murder was committed were required, when the murderer was unknown, to wash their hands over the expiatory.heifer which was beheaded and in doing so to say:."Our hands have not shed this blood, neither have our eyes seen it" ...Deuteronomy 21:1-9. So also Pilate declared himself innocent of the blood of Emmanuel by washing his hands:.Matthew 27:24. This act of Pilate may not, however, have been borrowed from the custom of the pharisaical ones of Judaism. The same practice was common among the Greeks and Romans.

-adultery:.Conjugal.infidelity. An adulterer was a man who had sexual.intercourse with another man's female partner after a commitment to each other had taken place with his first woman. 
   Such a woman was an adulteress. Adultery was regarded as a great social wrong upsetting relationships which typify the intimacy between God Himself and our individual hearts. See also 'fornication'.
   To comprehend adultery, it helps to comprehend what is called marriage.

-am: Original Greek is a prolonged form of 'exist' which occurs in original Hebrew in very few places in OT.(see Strong's Concordance); also means 'exist'.

-angels: an angel is a messenger, an intermediary, an envoy, one who is sent from God with instructions regarding humanity. The word denotes any agent God sends forth to carry out his purposes.

These superior beings are very numerous.."Thousand thousands", etc.:.Daniel 7:10; Matthew 26:53; Luke 2:13; Hebrews 12:22,23.

They are also spoken of as of different ranks in dignity and power, Christ being above all of them, the highest of the highest: Zechariah 1:9,11; Daniel 10:13; 12:1; 1Thessalonians 4:16; Jude 1:9; Ephesians 1:21; Colossians 1:16

Angels are spirits.(Hebrews 1:14), like the soul of man, but not incorporeal. Angels never die. They are forever:.Luke 20:36.

As finite creatures angels may fall under temptation.

Angels are called."holy".(Luke 9:26).and."elect":.1Timothy 5:21

The redeemed in glory are."like unto the angels":.Luke 20:36. They are not to be worshipped.(given attention to with reverence):.Colossians 2:18.

Angelic functions are manifold.(many and varied). In the widest sense they are agents of the Creator's providence, meaning, of what the true God is. They are specially the Creator's agents in carrying on His work of redemption, necessary because of the ways humanity had been conned into.(all sentient beings always have free choice).since being on the Earth. They watch and are called the watchers. They report on things and make recommendations:.Daniel 4:13,17.

Angels can shape-shift, both the good ones and the evil ones. Here are evil ones shapeshifting; see at 52 minutes in at https://rumble.com/v4alh5f-wtpn-situation-update-13124.html

"Entities created directly by God.(such as the angels).help those resurrected and can take human form and/or the appearance of a building and do it simultaneously.(some of them taking the form of a man or woman and others taking the form of a building or.anything.for that matter). These entities manage all that refers to resurrection. All information is in their hands; they are in control of the situation. They are kind of small islets.(small islands).in physical reality, which operate as stand alone units."....Grigori Grabovoi.

Evil ones also shape-shift. There on many on the Earth. You in high consciousness can see them for what they are. There is also another way to find out who they may be:.Matthew 7:16,20. They are mostly in positions of control over others where they can harm humanity in ways they concoct and of course, lie to you about.

Matthew 22:31,32 "But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have you not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."

Some of us have met angels and not known it:.Hebrews 13:2.

As Grabovoi explains in detail in his book, they assist the newly resurrected back into society. To assist those who want to come back, there are angel buildings, that is, angels made in the form of buildings in many major cities and other places. These are buildings that look like ordinary modern buildings that usually go unnoticed by those glancing at them, although some on the road of higher consciousness may notice that there is 'just something different' than the norm regarding these buildings. Much more is said in the book on it.."After the first contact with any of the living, it can even be a resurrected one.(one who has already come back from the 'other side'), the next contact is to be made by the resurrected one indirectly, through someone, for example, thorough his relative or his friend or an acquaintance or a UNESCO representative, who calls somebody on his behalf.(on behalf of the one newly resurrected).

"In this case, a resurrected boy wanted to do this through his female twin sister. After resurrection, the resurrected one has to be officially registered. There is a structure within the whole system for this and it involves two registrations, it being established as special institutions with reception rooms, telephones, etc. This is the system for registering the resurrected ones. Here the resurrected one can come and be registered. These institutions are visible to the resurrected ones and to those living who may be working with them. They are not always visible to ordinary people, although these buildings can be captured on camera. These institutions have not been established by ordinary people. They have nothing to do with their foundation. However, the buildings have the same outward appearance as everything else created by people. They are entities who look human work in these institutions and their internal organs function just like human organs, but they are entirely different beings and they too, as well as their institutions possess the property of being visible to the resurrected and invisible to ordinary people. Sometimes there are situations when these institutions together with their staff do become visible to ordinary people. It happens, for example, in cases when the number of people a resurrected has been seen by or been in contact with needs to be recorded. They too can appear visibly to the resurrected and invisible to ordinary people. The institutions physically exist. The number of people the resurrected one has seen and interacted with is recorded in these institutions. Sometimes even ordinary people work in these institutions. The beings we have talked about meet the resurrected one after his resurrection. They are aware of the situation and have full information regarding everything and they give the resurrected one the phone numbers of their offices as well as immediately accommodate him or her in case he decides to make use of the place. A resurrected one has free will and decides by himself where he will stay. He can stay in one of these buildings or he may choose to go to a relative's home. The institution is for some time visible to all, as some relatives and/or friends of the resurrected may need to come to visit him or her, but then again becomes invisible for ordinary people.

"One individual's grave disappeared from the cemetery and there was no record of his burial in the registration book. He wanted his complete past wiped as he had been murdered. The grave the relatives had visited many times also disappeared. And, in some cases, even the memory of the individual is wiped.(from the collective consciousness, often called the Akashic record).so that friends and family would not recall the fact of the death. So, as a result in this case, it turned out that he didn't experience death. This resurrected individual married happily, found a good job and generally his life continued as someone's who had never died.

"There is no longer a need for reincarnation. Reincarnational memory is where the memory of previous existences disappears so that a new experience can be gained. However the fact with this resurrected one shows that is not the case any longer, as he recalled the facts of his life as well as the fact of non-dying."....pages 45-47,49 Grigori Grabovoi's book. And on reincarnation.

John 11:26 "And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Believe you this?"

Resurrection means a reincarnation, so does 'raise the dead'.(Matthew 10:8).and 'born again'.(John 3:3).that is, the soul in a renewed body, another go around time in the flesh for your soul, the real you:.Lazarus.John 11:11-44. Many were resurrected. The word reincarnation was not known when the Bible was written some 2000 years ago. It came into being in 1855 and means another incarnation.

There is no notice of angelic appearances to man till after the call of Abraham. From that time onward there are frequent references to their ministry on Earth. They appear to rebuke idolatry.(Judges 2:1-4), to call Gideon.(Judges 6:11,12).and to consecrate.Samson.

Angels remain invisible unless the Creator wants you to see them:.Numbers 22:31 "Then God opened the eyes of Balaam and he saw the angel of the Godstanding in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and he bowed down his head and fell flat on his face." 2Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of God run to and fro throughout the whole Earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him..." Proverbs 15:3 "The eyes of God are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.".Humans always have that choice before them, that of good and evil.

Angels are part of the realm of the invisible.

The Incarnation.(Christ being put into the body of physical Emmanuel).introduces a new era in the ministration of angels.

Angels come with their Lord.(what's the 'Lord'?).to Earth to do him service while here. 

They predicted his advent.(Matthew 1:20; Luke 1:26-38), minister to him after his temptation and agony.(Matthew 4:11; Luke 22:43).and declare his resurrection and ascension:.Matthew 28:2-8; John 3:13; 17:5; 20:12,13,17; Acts 1:10,11; Hebrews 1:3. Ok, wonderful, but what is this thing called eternal life?.John 17:3.

-Aramic: also called Aramean and Chaldean and was a Semitic language, a sublanguage of Chaldean. The Aramaic language back them was commonly called Chaldee. It comprised several dialects, originally of the ancient Arameans.(from Aram {in the Old Testament, an ancient country of southwest Asia, roughly coextensive with present day Syria}; its inhabitants {map of their locations back then as in Genesis chapter 10}, a group of Semitic peoples inhabiting Aram and parts of Mesopotamia from B.C.E. the 11th to the 8th century).but widely used by non Aramean peoples throughout southwest Asia from B.C.E. the seventh century to the seventh century A.D.

Comprised with.Easton's Bible Dictionary:."Aram was the son of Shem.(Genesis 10:22).and according to Genesis 22:21, he was a grandson of Nahor. In Matthew 1:3,4, this word is the Greek form of Ram, the father of Amminadab:.1Chronicles 2:10. The word means high or highlands and as the name of a country denotes that elevated region extending from the northeast of Palestine to the Euphrates. It corresponded generally with the Syria and Mesopotamia as the Greeks and Romans came to know it. 

In Genesis 25:20; 31:20,24; Deuteronomy 26:5 the word 'Syrian' is properly 'Aramean' as the Revised Version has it in the margin. Damascus became at length, the capital of the several smaller kingdoms comprehended under the designation 'Aram' or 'Syria'.

Syriac was an ancient Aramaic language spoken in Syria from B.C.E. the 3rd to the 13th century that survives as the liturgical language of several Eastern Christian churches.

This is not to be confused with the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans, which is the Aryan dialect and literature of the Chaldeans and probably the ordinary language which Daniel spoke in the court of Babylon. Chaldean was the common language of the people, a language ancient Daniel and his companions had to learn:.Daniel 1:4-21. This language differs from the Hebrew in that it avoids the sibilants, the Aramaic choosing the rough harsher sounds with fewer vowels and variations in the conjugation of verbs.

When the ten tribes were carried away.(*), the colonists, who took their place, brought the Aramaic language with them. Those of Judah also returned from their captivity in Babylon.(2Chronicles 36:10).brought many words of the same language. And, though it doubtless underwent various changes, this was the language commonly spoken in Palestine in Emmanuel's time and is the language.called.Hebrew in the New Testament and is the same as the Chaldee of the Targums. In the ninth century A.D. the language in Palestine gave way to the Arabic and now Aramaic is a living tongue only among the Syrian Christians in the district around Mosul.

-Ashtoreth/Asherah/Ashteroth/Ashtaroth/Astareth/Astarte: The chief Goddess of the Phoenicians/Zidonians, as Baal was the male:.Judges 2:13; 10:6. Baal and the Phoenicians/Zidonians are often named together. Ashtoreth was also worshipped by Israel and by Solomon after the death of Joshua. Ashtoreth was the Phoenician moon God.

Ashtaroth was also an ancient city of Bashan and an Amoritish.(Genesis 15:16).king in the kingdom of Og in Palestine. Ashtaroth was  taken by Chedorlaomer..Fausset's Bible Dictionary:."Ashteroth-karnaim comes from the two horns or peaks situated between two hills, perhaps called from the two horned Goddess Astarte, the crescent moon on her head. The Rephaim's.(Deuteronomy 2:10,11.20,21).abode there in the time of Chedorlaomer's invasion:.Genesis 14:5. Ashteroth is perhaps identical with Es Sanamein.(also spelt es-Sunamein), meaning 'the two idols', 25 miles south of Damascus.(map). Professor Paine identifies Ashteroth-karnaim with extensive ruins of immense basaltic blocks on a double ridge in the E. border of Gilead:.1Samuel 11:1. The ridge is called El Birah, in front is the plain of Asherah.".Concise & Easton's Bible Dictionary:."location identified today with Tell Ashary, 32° 46' N, 36° 1' E."

Ashtaroth is often called Astarte, which is her name in the Greek and it's Istar or Ishtar in the Assyrian. Fertility rites were common in pagan worship, so at Easter or Ishtar time, at about the same time as the Passover.(Acts 12:4), so typical of satanic counterfeits, we have bunny rabbits.(prodigious producers).and eggs, but rabbits don't lay eggs. It all had to do with pagan.fertility.rites.

Worship of the idol called the 'queen of heaven' represented the moon Goddess of the Phoenicians, their principal female deity, as named above. 

There was a temple of this goddess among the Philistines in the time of Saul.(Saul of the Old Testament; there is also a Saul mentioned in the New Testament, whose name was changed to Paul):.1Samuel 31:10.

Under the name of Ishtar, she was one of the great deities of the Assyrians. The Phoenicians called her Astarte. Solomon introduced the worship of this idol:.1Kings 11:33.

In addition there were many other gods the people back then worshipped, of which Micah's idols are but one example:.Judges 17:5,6; Baalberith is another one; a derivative of Baal:.Judges 8:33.

Ezekiel 20:6-8 "In the day that I lifted up mine hand unto them, to bring them forth of the land of Egypt into a land that I had espied for them, flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands. Then said I unto them, Cast away every man the abominations of his eyes and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am your God. But they rebelled against me and would not hearken unto me.(*). They did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt. Then I said, I will pour out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.

How they got defiled by these many gods, was that the many gods were the satanic plan to seperate them, a typical evil divisive plan diverting the true God's way of life from them.

Beside these gods ancient peoples concocted with their own hands, there were many more gods, golden calves and other molten gods, high places, groves and practices.(such as:.2Chronicles 33:6.and.greed practices such as:.Habakkuk 2:9,10).that various people back then adopted in their vain.pagan worship practices:.Deuteronomy 32:5; 32:16-18. And we are no different today as we still have our idols, some lost souls even following the satanic ritual agenda:.Habakkuk 2:18 "What profits the graven image that the maker thereof has graven on it, such as the molten image about a teacher of lies, that the maker of his work trusts therein, to make dumb idols?"

For example, in the time of Moses when the idolatrous golden calf was made to worship:.Exodus 32:1-9,19-24; Jeremiah 10:1-25. Such things were practices which unknowingly were an admiring form of worship of the dark side:.Leviticus 17:7 "And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring..."

It continues today with satanic worship, such as at Bohemian Grove.(look it up).to the idol Baphomet.

Deuteronomy 32:17 "They sacrificed unto devils, not to God, to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up..."
Psalms 106:37 "Yea, they sacrificed.(2Kings 17:31).their sons and their daughters unto devils." 1Corinthians 10:20 "But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God and I would not that you should have fellowship with devils."

God always wanted a people who were of Him.(Jeremiah 7:23), of His higher principles and so the people were warned about getting involved with these other Gods named below:.Joshua 23:7 "That you come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them."

But they did it anyway.(Deuteronomy 9:16).and did it whole hog:.Jeremiah 11:13; 44:3.

2Kings 1:2,3,16.(Baalzebub, aka Beelzebub); 5:18.(Rimmon); 17:29-31.(Succothbenoth, Nergal, Ashima, Nibhaz, Tartak, Adrammelech, Anammelech); 23:4; 1Kings 18:19.(Baal.and various forms of Baal);

1Kings 11:5,7,33.(Ashtoreth, Venus);

Leviticus 18:21; 20:2; Jeremiah 32:35.(Milcom/Malcham, aka.Molech, aka.Moloch); Chemosh; Baphomet;

1Kings 14:22-24; 15:11-14.(sodomites who were the temple prostitutes);

Luke 11:19.(Beelzebub);Judges 16:23.(Dagon);

Ezekiel 8:14.(Tammuz);

Amos 5:26.(Chiun/Remphan); 2Kings 19:37.(Nisroch).

The Romans and Greeks also had a long string of their own gods. All these gods the ancient peoples concocted or adopted to worship by following what other nations around them did. These Gods were often worshiped in high places, which were centers of attention devoted to idolatry:.Numbers 22:41; 1Kings 11:7; 12:31; 15:14; 22:43; 2Kings 17:9,29; 18:4; 21:1-5; 23:5,10,13.

High places where they placed the idols they had made.(Exodus 20:3-5, 21-23).were humanity's futile attempts back then to have something for worship.(Isaiah 44:17), a sort of coming together with each other in recognition of the idol items they built with their own hands.(2Kings 19:16-19,29,30).to represent what they believed were all sorts of various gods.(Isaiah 44:10), important to them and which they could focus their stupid minds on, in wanting nothing to do with the real God:.Jeremiah 2:27; Ezekiel 22:3; Habakkuk 2:19. And because of this, they took efforts to kick the real God out of their lives:.Jeremiah 44:16,17; Acts 7:42 "Then God turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven..." Jeremiah 16:19 "...Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity and things wherein there is no profit."

They wanted to worship gods they concocted for their own selfish reasons:.Deuteronomy 29:17,18; Ezekiel 20:18. Even today this is true. And back then, they fabricated.many gods for themselves. But Elijah jarred many of them out of their deception caused by falsies:.1Kings 18:17-40.

1Corinthians 8:4-7 "...we know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called Gods, whether in heaven or in Earth, as there be gods many and lords many, but to us there is but one.God, the Father, of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord.Emmanuel.Christ, by whom are all things and we by him. Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge. For some with conscience of the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offered unto an idol and their conscience being weak is defiled."

Isaiah 42:17 "They shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed that trust in graven.images, that say to the molten images, You are our Gods." Isaiah 42:14 "I have long time holden my peace. I have been still and refrained myself. Now will I cry like a travailing woman. I will destroy and devour at once."

In doing their ancient idol worship of their various idols, they often placed the idols they made, upon hills, mountains and even built such elevations themselves, such as they did with the tower of Babel. These started as counterfeits to ancient rituals the real Creator wanted humans to follow in worship.(worship means having the attention on).of the true God. The darker side always has its counterfeits. Such counterfeit ideas the dark side can pump into man's susceptible ordinary low consciousness minds.

Humanity back then had no idea that they were being 'played' by the dark side and that's what happens when one is off the track of high consciousness spirituality.

They even were so deceived that they thought sacrificing their own children would give them an advantage with the gods they had made with their own hands. How idiotic was that?
