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D a v i d  -  A  M a n  H o t  A f t e r  G o d ' s  H e a r t
p a g e  2

Did David's knowledge of the Infinite One's grace cause him to continue to do wrong? No. 

Rather, it built within him a great appreciation for just what this great Creator is really like.

What occurred in David's life to bring him to that point?

After taking another man's woman from one extremely loyal to him, David arranged for his murder.

The story about David and Bathsheba, Uriah's girl, whom David took from him, starts off in.2Samuel 11:3-13.

David even had Uriah carry his own death's instruction:.verses 14,15. Uriah died:.verse 17. Verse 26 shows how vacillating Bathsheba was. She has sex with David and mourns for her dead partner Uriah. Then she marries the guy who had him killed:.verse 27

The Creator sends the prophet Nathan to wake David out of his spiritual lethargy:.2Samuel 12:1-19. After the child born to David and Bathsheba becomes ill, David fasts and prays to humble himself, hoping God would restore to normal life the child he loved:.verses 16-18. God didn't.

The child dies while David is engaged in rededication of himself to God.(Psalms 51:5).in hope God would heal the child:.verse 19. God didn't. David really wanted the child to live and did all he could, including fasting and praying and weeping, hoping God would heal him. He knew God was easily capable of healing the child. He knew the story of Gideon, showing the power of God, some 250 years before.

Upon his son's death, everyone wondered at his attitude:.verse 21-23 After the child died, David turned around fast.

David was born in Bethlehem:.Luke 2:4. His genealogy is here:.Matthew chapter 1.

David had his ups and his downs and wasn't close enough to God all the time to 'keep it all together', so his life fell apart here and there and from time to time:.2Samuel 24:1-3; Psalms 102:2-8. Overall, his heart was with God:.Acts 2:25. And, he was kind to others:.1Samuel 30:11,12,21-24; 2Samuel 10:1-3.

Moses too had a similar.attitude:.Exodus 32:7-14,31,32. Paul too:.Romans 9:3

Absalom was another of David's sons. Absalom's three sons.(2Samuel 14:27).had all died.(2Samuel 18:18).before him, so that he left only a daughter, Tamar, who became the grandmother of Abijah, king of Judah. 

Many today also bring heartaches into their lives because they too, don't heed warnings, as this young man found out.

After all the bad he did and after his reawakening to God, David gathered materials to build a tabernacle to God.(that was built later by a son of his named Solomon).and worshiped his Creator all the remaining days of his life. And what was David's attitude toward God's grace, forgiveness and mercy:.Psalms 31 and Psalms 32
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   David's heart was fully for God.(1Kings 11:6).from the start, but that didn't blossom until much later in his life.

And what was Creator-God's attitude toward David?.Acts 13:22; 2Samuel 12:13-15. Is Creator to have one standard toward one and not toward another? No way. God is the same toward you and me today.

The Creator saw David where He knew David could eventually arrive at. Too bad many today lack this insight and you know a few.

One would think that with him being so much in the favor of the Creator that he would go to heaven when he dies:.Acts 2:34. See 'What does God do with us after death'?

There are mistakes when trying to do the right thing and mistakes when acting out of selfish motives. One is commendable if one wants to learn from them having an attitude to never again make them; the other reprehensible. Why is it humanity is prone to err in life?.Psalms 95:10

It is better to not make any mistakes in life.(yeah, but who of us hasn't? and how not to make any serious mistakes).and then not end up for a while as Derek did.(and, David's example of mistakes:.2Samuel 24:10-15), even though, spiritually, they will not count against us. They are only there for our learning, if we indeed do learn from them. 

In New Covenant times, with Emmanuel in your heart, it is a whole new 'ball of wax', but in the Old Testament, God allowed the physical results of things often to last a lifetime:.2Samuel 12:10-12. In a moment we'll see what occurred to David in this regard.

People who have learned lessons should take great effort to instil this information.(an example of 'education':.Proverbs 22:6).into younger folks, but younger individuals have to want to be around elders and want their wisdom of years

Younger folk have two lifelines to wisdom: 1) Older folk have gone through much the same twisting and pulling and stretching of emotions as younger folk may now be experiencing on their roads of life.

Wisdom is gained when advice is sought from those who have been 'through it', regarding any and all decisions.(Proverbs 11:14 "...in the multitude of counselors there is safety.").that a person may be contemplating and where one may now be in his or her life's journey; be it education, attractive personality traits.(poise, grooming, conversation, etc.), financial management.(buying a car and other purchases), recreation and sports, going with certain friends, sex and type of individual to get close to, what clothes look best and so on. The way some older folks dress, young people gotta be careful not to follow their example! Ha ha! And, vice versa.

And 2...

Those who have been through it, have much information on these things to help a young individual with. A wise child.(Proverbs 23:24; Ecclesiastes 4:13).will be encouraged to seek this information out, so life is a little easier for him or her. Talk, talk, talk to older people who may be of help to you. 

A child with whom the father was involved in his upbringing, will be a child who loves his Father.

Absalom, David's son, conspired against him to kill him. It was a constant reminder to David of what he must always be careful of, that was a part of his personality makeup. But he was learning:.2Samuel 16:5-12.

The story of Absalom.(2Samuel 14:25,26).and David comprised with.Easton's Bible Dictionary: By many arts Absalom gained affection of the people. He went to Hebron, the old capital of Judah, along with a great body of the people and there proclaimed himself king. The revolt was so successful that David found it necessary to quit Jerusalem and flee to Mahanaim, beyond Jordan, whereupon Absalom returned to Jerusalem and took possession of the throne without opposition. Ahithophel, who had been David's chief counsellor, deserted him and joined Absalom, whose chief counsellor he now became. Hushai, a faithful to David wise counsellor, also joined Absalom, but only for the purpose of trying to counteract the counsels of Ahithophel and so to advantage David's cause. He was so far successful that by his advice, which was preferred to that of Ahithophel, Absalom delayed to march an army against his father, who thus gained time to prepare for the defence.

Absalom at length marched out against his father, whose army, under the command of Joab, he encountered on the borders of the forest of Ephraim. Twenty thousand of Absalom's army were slain in that fatal battle and the rest fled. Absalom fled on a swift mule, but his long flowing hair or more probably his head, was caught in the bough of an oak and there he was left suspended till Joab came up and pierced him through with three darts. His body was then taken down and cast into a pit dug in the forest and a heap of stones was raised over his grave.

When the tidings of the result of that battle were brought to David, as he sat impatiently waiting for news at the gate of Mahanaim and he was told that Absalom had been slain, he gave way to the bitter lamentation:."O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!":.2Samuel 18:29-33.

David obviously loved all his children that he had with his many women and his wives.(1Samuel 30:1-3,18), but lacked much personal involvement with them.

How much better if it had been different for him:.2Samuel 3:1-5; 13:28,37-39.(Absalom, David's son, kills his brother); 2Samuel 15:5,6,10,12-14,31.(Absalom conspires against his dad); 2Samuel 18:9,10.(Absalom has a strange death); 2Samuel 18:29-33; 19:1-4.(David still deeply loved Absalom {once you love someone you always will}, even after all his errors {if David, being human, was capable of this kind of feeling, how much more Him that created us?})

Conspiracies were there from the beginning. From the time of Adam and Eve it began.(Genesis 3:1-13) continuing on through the time of Moses and on into today.

And don't you too still love your kids even though they may have done bad? And Creator-God loves you so much.(John 3:16,17).no matter what you may or may not have done. So much so, that everyone will be in God's Family because they will eventually come to see that they want to be there. There is no other place where there is that much love and with all that is good that your imagination can possibly conjur up. This life here on Earth is only a pittance of what is to come:.1Corinthians 2:9.

1Chronicles 29:28 "And he died in a good old age.(David died B.C.E. 1015) at the age of seventy years), full of days, riches and honor and Solomon his son reigned in his stead." 1Kings 2:10 "So David slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of David."

Kid's view of marriage:."When somebody's been dating for a while,
the boy might propose to the girl. He says to her, 'I'll take you for a
whole life or at least until we have kids and get divorced, but you got
to do one particular thing for me.' Then she says yes, but she's
wondering what the thing is and whether it's naughty or not.
She can't wait to find out."....Anita, age 9