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O r i g i n a l  W o r d s  N o t e s  U

-Uriah: In the New Testament the spelling of his name is Urias: Matthew 1:6. His name means 'light of God'. He was a Hittite, a foreigner, who had settled in Jerusalem at the time of David and who had entered David’s service and became one of the 30 commanders of the 30 bands of David's army. He was renowned for his valor.

His wife was named Bathsheba, with whom David committed adultery.

David, in order to save Bathsheba, Uriah's wife from death for adultery with him, and to secure her for himself, David caused Uriah to be exposed to death:.2Samuel 11:1-27; 12:9; 1Kings 15:5

Uriah deeply loved Bathsheba his Hebrew wife as the prophet Nathan who came to correct David brings out in this analogy:.2Samuel 12:1-7.

David, the once faithful man of God had now fallen so low as treacherously to murder his true hearted and loyal soldier and servant, whose high sense of honor so contrasts with David’s baseness at this time.
