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C o m p a s s i o n
p a g e  6

Many calling themselves Christian are cliquish. They must feel somewhat insecure with their brand of Christianity. Christ's brand is different:.Luke 14:12-14; Proverbs 19:4.

Einstein made a lot of money. He preferred to remain in the old three story 1900's type house in which he was born because he said that he believed that we should only take what is necessary for us to get through life. He was benevolent. He understood the difference between needs and wants..(?)

Idol also means vanity, nothingness, giving more attention to that which is ultimately nothing.(Ecclesiastes 5:15; Psalms 49:10,17; 1Timothy 6:7).like the Tower of Babel became. The things of vanity do nothing to make one's character better and simply waste time, precious time that could be used for purposes on utmost importance:.Ecclesiastes 6:11.

As Billy Graham.(graham-assn.org).once said."I've never seen a hearse with a U-haul behind it."

People need to realize just why they are here.

When it comes to giving charity, some people stop at nothing! The big problem is not the have's or the 'have nots', it's the 'give not's'. Beware of the 'spiritual' one with an open mouth and a closed pocketbook toward compassion. There are many people whose hearts bleed for the poor, but their pocketbooks do not! To worry about what you cannot help is useless. To worry about what you can help is stupid! To avoid helping where you could is selfish.

The dearest things to many of us should be the condition that other lives may be in.(why?), but among those of ordinary consciousness those things are often avoided. It's when others in need are completely left off with that our lives become out of balance; that is, exchanging love opportunities for selfish pursuits. Our partner, our children, our jobs are surely very important to our life here. But for some, greed for more money, the appearance of the house, the impression upon others we may make, the vacations and various other time consuming interests like TV, hobbies, sports, hunting and what have you, take precedence,.always. Being human, it's easy to become out of balance, preferring physical concerns of the self to the more important spiritual side. When selfish efforts constantly override the crying needs of others, we are out of balance:.Philippians 2:4,21; Mark 10:29; Ephesians 5:14. Selfish living is 'out of balance living' and anything out of balance has its consequences.

As long as you are not addicted.(Proverbs 1:32).to anything apart from the Creator, you're well on your way to a great position in this spiritual realm:.Matthew 6:24-34.("take no thought".here means not to have undue concern for things, or, don't worry, God is looking after you).

He is our sustenance.(Matthew 6:33; 1Peter 1:18-21; 2Peter 1:3,4; 2Corinthians 3:5; 9:8), so we can sustain others who may not yet know Him or have yet to be blessed by Him:.John 13:35 "By this.(and not by this).all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another."

Nature has been set up to use principles to bring into and sustain all there is.

Trust Him and press on with your life. Selfish people can become discontent over many things:.James 3:1; 5:9. Yet we have so much.
   Consider these two 4-5 year old girls sleeping in an alley.

Contrast: Believes in the sustenance of the Infinite; believes in his own wealth, power and influence? This type of person doesn't realize the truth:.John 15:5; Philippians 2:3,4. Proverbs 28:26; Revelation 3:17.

We are a special people to God, for a special purpose:.1Peter 2:9. Will this be said of each of us individually?.Matthew 25:21

Philippians 3:8 "Yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Emmanuel my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung.(excrement, poop), that I may win Christ."

How many view what they have in comparison to an effort to become Christ like as Paul did, viewing what he possessed as worthy of that needing a toilet flush in comparison to winning the higher consciousness that was Christ's purpose in revealing the Father, gaining for himself all that Christ is like?

The danger in money is not in having a lot of it.(see 'Prosperity'), but its selfish use:.1Timothy 6:10; Luke 12:15-33..?

"Serving mammon" is placing too high a value, in comparison with your relationship with the Creator, upon the importance money has in maintaining a lifestyle, as explained above. We need to take a look at what we are doing in life:.2Corinthians 13:5

Money is like manure, does little good until spread around!

We must not wait for God's government to become loving to people:.Micah 4:4,5.

Interest upon money loaned from individual accumulations.(whether stored in a bank or not {in a bank it's no longer your money but now theirs and you are regarded as a creditor of the bank, subject to their new creditor rules that you weren't told about; ask about seeing their creditor rules}).is ok.(Luke 19:23), but not when the poor need money:.Exodus 22:25; Leviticus 25:35-37.

The Creator has given wealth to all the Earth.(resources, etc.).to be available for all those on it. The Earth's wealth belongs to all. As long as need exists, money should be created to make it possible to mine the resources available to uplift all:.Psalms 4:2 ".....how long will you turn my glory into shame; how long will you love vanity and leasing.(original Hebrew for 'leasing' is 'falsehoods, deceptive things')? Selah.".Romans 6:21; Isaiah 5:18. Also Psalms 24:4; 94:11; 144:4; Ecclesiastes 1:14; Isaiah 44:9; Jeremiah 2:5; 2Corinthians 6:16,17.(does not mean in verse 17 to move away from them as some cults may believe).

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
...Norman MacEwan