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great affliction, trial, distress, oppression; suffering (the tribulations {*} of the persecuted); the negative things of life that press upon you; an experience that strains one's endurance, patience or faith, (like how can I go on from here?); a burden

a state of pain or anguish that tests patience, endurance or belief
Law, examination of evidence and applicable law by a competent.tribunal to determine the issue of specified.charges or claims; the act or process of testing, trying or putting to the proof (a trial of one's faith); an instance of such testing; an effort or attempt (succeeded on the third trial; "the fiery trial through which we pass"....Abraham Lincoln); a trying, troublesome or annoying individual or thing (many trials caused by a lack of money; the child was a trial to his parents)
of, relating to or used in a trial; attempted or advanced on a provisional or experimental basis (a trial separation))
on trial.idiom
in the process of being tried, as in a court of law
trial by fire.idiom
test of one's abilities, especially the ability to perform well under pressure; crucible, ordeal, tribulation; distress or suffering that severely tests resiliency and character

light brown to brownish orange color (a lion's tawny fur; the lion's mane was a lighter colored tawny); a warm sandy color like that of well tanned skin

when you are thankful, you are very happy and relieved that something has happened (most of the time I'm just thankful that I'm here; she was angry at the circumstances that made her lose catching the plane to her holiday, but thankful later when she heard the plane and those on it never made it to its destination); aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful; expressive of gratitude (a thankful smile shows a thankful heart; at the holiday of Thanksgiving they were thankful for a perfect season of rain and sunshine producing such bountiful crops:.Leviticus 26:4)

Thanksgiving Day.noun,.plural.Thanksgiving Days
A day set aside for two things; a giving of thanks to God for blessings received throughout the year and for being thankful for enough received that we can freely share with others, such as, the sharing of an abundant harverst, beyond our own needs. 

In the United States of America, this holiday is observed on the fourth Thursday of November to commemorate the end of the harvest, thanking God for it and for good health. In the U.S.A. the day includes commemoration of the feast held at Plymouth in 1621 A.D. by the Pilgrim.colonists and members of the Wampanoag people. Pilgrims were those who left England to get away from the Church of England.

In Canada Thanksgiving Day is held on the second Monday of October by the giving of thanks to God for harvest and health. In both countries it's a public holiday where families gather together and have a large finely prepared meal celebrating their thankfulness for abundance of food, health, families, gratitude for safe journeys, etc. When all are at the table before beginning the Thanksgiving Dinner, a prayer of thanks is given for blessings God has provided. The holiday has come to symbolize intercultural peace, opportunity for newcomers and the sanctity of home and family.

Comprised with.Encyclopedia Britannica:.The Mayflower was the name of the ship that carried the Pilgrims from England to Plymouth, Massachusetts, where they established the first permanent colony in 1620 at Plymouth Bay, 37 miles (60 km) southeast of Boston. Although no detailed description of the original vessel exists, marine archaeologists estimate that the square rigged sailing ship weighed about 180 tons and measured 90 feet (27 metres) long.

Plymouth's Thanksgiving began with a few colonists going out looking for turkeys, geese and ducks. 90 or so Wampanoag made a surprise appearance at the settlement's gate, doubtlessly unnerving the 50 or so colonists. Nevertheless, over the next few days the two groups socialized without incident. The Wampanoag contributed venison to the feast, fowl and probably stews, vegetables fish and beer. Since Plymouth had few buildings and manufactured goods, most people ate outside while sitting on the ground or on barrels with plates on their laps.

thank, thanked, thanking, thanks.transitive verbs
to express gratitude to; give thanks to (he thanked her for the gift)
thankworthy, thankworthier, thankworthiest.adjectives
worthy of or deserving thanks
no thanks to.idiom
without the benefit of help from (finally found the house, no thanks to these confusing directions)
not feeling or showing gratitude; ungrateful; not likely to be appreciated (a thankless job)

one who travels or has traveled, as to distant places
travel, traveled, traveling, travels.verbs
intransitive verb use.to go from one place to another, as on a trip; journey (a traveling salesperson or an agent); to go about in the company of a particular group; associate (travels with others of same age); in basketball, to walk or run while holding the ball, which is not the way basketball rules determine how the game is played
transitive verb use.to pass or journey over or through; traverse (travel the roads of Western Canada to the Rocky Mountains) travel.noun,.plural.travels
the act or process of traveling; movement or passage from one place to another; a series of journeys; an account of one's journeys

a grave or other place of burial, such as a mausoleum; a vault or chamber for burial of the dead; a monument commemorating the dead
a gravestone

Music:.an ancient percussion instrument similar to a tambourine

Music:.an instrument consisting of a small drumhead with jingling disks that are fitted into the rim, shaken with one hand and struck with the other to make music

a fluttering or tremulous sound, as that made by certain birds; a warble; in music, the rapid alternation of two tones either a whole or a half tone apart; a vibrato; a rapid vibration of one speech organ against another, as of the tongue against the alveolar ridge, the Scottish accent with the rolling r'r'r; a speech sound pronounced with such a vibration
trill, trilled, trilling, trills.verbs
transitive verb use.to sound, sing or play with a trill; to articulate a sound with a trill
intransitive verb use.to produce or give forth a trill

the movement of objects by scientifically.inexplicable means, as by the exercise of some invisible power

teleport, teleported, teleporting, teleports.verbs
transitive verb use.to transport by dematerializing at one point and assembling at another; transport across space and distance irrespective of time; instant travel

a horizontal.beam or bar held up by two pairs of divergent legs and used as a support; a framework.consisting of vertical, slanted supports and horizontal crosspieces supporting a bridge

Arnold Joseph Toynbee, 1889-1975; a British historian and educator who studied cyclical patterns in the growth and decline of civilizations; his most famous work is the 12-volume.Study of History.1934-1961; The Western Question in Greece and Turkey, 1922, The World and the West, 1953, Acquaintances, 1967 and Experiences, 1969. Toynbee was admired for his vast.scholarship and deeply philosophical approach, also for his tendency to generalize arriving at the importance of spiritual regeneration through walking with the wise

in mathematics, the branch that deals with the relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and the calculations based on them, particularly the trigonometric functions

full of tune; melodious; producing musical sounds
in music, a melody, especially a simple and easily remembered one; the correct pitch; the state of being.properly.adjusted for pitch (a piano out of tune that needs tuning); agreement in pitch (sing and play in tune with the piano); a musical tone; concord or agreement; harmony (in tune with the times); in electronics, adjustment of a receiver or circuit for maximum.response to a given.signal or frequency
tune, tuned, tuning, tunes.verbs
transitive verb use.in music, to put into proper pitch (tuned the violin); to adjust in order to bring into harmony; in electronics, to adjust a receiver of a signal to a desired frequency; to adjust a circuit so as to make it resonant with a given input signal; to adjust an engine, for example for maximum usability or performance
intransitive verb use.to become attuned

out of tune.adjective
at variance; unsuited, mismatched, inharmonious, out of order
to the tune of.idiom
to the sum or extent oftune in.phrasal verb
in electronics, to adjust a receiver to receive signals at a particular frequency or a particular station if wanting to listen to a radio
in tune.adjective
in accordance with, in agreement, in harmony, in alignment
tune out.phrasal verb
in electronics, to adjust a receiver so as not to receive a particular signal; to disassociate oneself from one's environment (he tunes out of extraneous sounds when watching the football game); to become unresponsive to; ignore (tuned out the background noise of traffic)
an adjustment, as of a motor or an engine, made to improve working order or efficiency
tune up.phrasal verb
in music, to adjust an instrument to a desired pitch or key; to adjust a machine so as to put it into proper condition; to prepare oneself for a specified activity (she tuned up for the upcoming race)

deficient in melody; not tuneful; producing no music; silent tunelessly.adverb

one that tunes (a piano tuner); a device for tuning an electronic circuit or a device used to select signals at a specific radio frequency, such as a particular radio station, for amplification and conversion to sound

in music, one who composes.melodies for popular songs
