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A b o u t  M e
(has 6 pages)

Hi, I'm Bill!

What do I love?

I love the Creator of me, of you. This great.(unimaginable power).encompassing.(all one underneath, that is, below the atom).ever present intelligent energy we commonly referred to as the one and only true God of all love, life, light, compassion and creation.

I love people. I love simplicity and intelligence. I love beauty. I love music and cooking.

I live close to the city of Calgary in the Province of Alberta in Canada, the mid northern part of North America.

Alberta supplies 12% of the natural gas consumption in the U.S. Alberta is a bright spot economically in the Western Hemisphere and along with Manitoba and Oregon, a leader in Certified Organic Farming.(see the video).

North America has three countries:


Canada.(40 million people).and Canada's present flag, superseding the previous British one, the Union Jack. It was only a flag change, corrupt government remained.

The story here is of the red colored corporate Canada flag story (corporation now defunct, April 17, 2017). 

The rights Canadians now possess, hidden from them by the now gone, bankrupt corporation of Canada and why they kept charging you for education even after signing a declaration that it would be free, including supplies for school, fees, etc. Better though to homeschool your kids if and when you can.



Our giant friendly neighbor to the south.(340 million people) and the incredible story of how the flag survived shelling all through the night, from the cabal controlled British ships. Some three hundred ships, each with many cannons, bombarded the flag in the fort. Around the flag were mostly non military men, women and children. And why you never mess with the Unknown Soldier Tomb Guards.(type into YouTube for a video on it, see.the great respect). 24 hours a day, every day of the year they walk around the tomb in perfect uniform, protecting it - such great respect for those who died protecting all of us Never disrespect those who died. Putin's example of great respect.

The flag most know is one of an entity called UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a cabal corporation since 1871, which in 1999 became defunct. All good people in the world are now being taken to a great new status unfolding thanks to the US and Alliance militaries and the good non terrestrials here to help.

Before 1999 this US cabal corporation was owned by one man representing the Vatican and who were they all? For more information, search for 'who owns the US' (or now, 'who owned US', the UNITED STATES INC.?) if you can still find it. Try manta.com

And this flag is America's Peace  flag, which was used in the TV series Jericho. This flag is still most relevant, but it's only been flown 3 years since 1776, as the US has been involved cabal concocted wars all the other years.

Mexico.(200 million people with free education for all)

I love it when a woman has grace, serene intelligence and position.(possesses poise and knows she's at her best). I love it when women adorn themselves with femininity, possess a sharp mind, are cheerful, kind sincere and trustworthy.

I love it when a man is dominant.(not domineering).yet sensitive, confident yet caring, bold and honest, hopeful and enthusiastic.

For a long time now I have wanted to do a Web Site.(*).(*).dedicated to the wonderful purpose of humanity the Great Infinite One designed, an easy to comprehend informational site accessible to each and every one of us and useful for all who may be interested in living spiritually, that is, growing in love and as Grabovoi has said."so that others make their lives on the principle that reflects the laws of the invisible world", as compared to those who simply go along with whatever this present world of hardships from selfishness presents to them:.Galatians 1:4 "Who gave himself for our sins.(learn what sin is; it's not what you may think), that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father." John 15:9-13  "...........Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Some of these invisible laws are 1, 2, 3, 4.

I 'sang' the song ragmop when recovering from appendix or tonsils in hospital.(my mom trusted the doctors when they said they needed to be removed. I never thought they needed to and found out later that it mostly was a source of income for the doctors). The song went like this "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, RAGMOP". It drove the nurses to laughter as I would happily sing it over and over.

At home, i would often sit on a chair's arm looking up the street at the streetlight, wondering about life and where I would be in it when I was older. I was 13 at the time. I just knew then that God would always be there with me.

Some 50 million Americans now seek to have their spiritual experience solely through the World Wide Web.

For a long time I've wanted to effectively be involved in whatever the Creator is doing on this Earth. I can remember this as some of my first thoughts as a child and really didn't know why then.

Burton Cummings is one of my favorite singers. His song Stand Tall is of continual inspiration to me. Burton writes his own songs and is a master on the piano. And, his voice is simply amazing, clear, words understandable and pronounced correctly.
   Special gift he has..See what he's turned out now! I knew him when I was a teener.

I like baseball. The Chicago Cubs.(cubs.com).are my favorite team. I love funny movies and comedy.

Some of my recent favorite movies are The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, City of Angels, Good Will Hunting, As Good As It Gets, Titanic, Hope Floats, Grease, The Promise.and many more now.

I love haunting songs. Music goes straight to the soul.(the heart of us), while soothing the troubled minds we all have sometimes. Quality music does influence the emotions and thus, one's motivations can be affected, for good and for greater intelligence.  At the end part of most Situation Updates by Judy Byington.(here's the February 1 2025 one or click on the graphic for it on YouTube), which you can daily see, is the Ascension part, helping us all ascend more and plays the beautiful original song, Forever Young, by Alphaville, which Rod Stewart later also chose to sing.

Listening to and appreciating the effect music has on one's soul contains the 'magic' of music. Listen to music that moves you positively, music that does you some good, that helps you to love and care for others, that makes you better and improves your interactions with others in some subtle way. Unfortunately a lot of music takes you the other way. One reason why

"Masterpieces of musical art were not created based on music theory. Quite the opposite. Music theory is created based on analysis of musical masterpieces, composed by geniuses. The starting point is not learning theory." ...page 99 of Grigori Grabovoi's book. It's a love that deepens each time you listen to the kind of music you like, the kind of music that completes a circle of energy, making you feel good. If you want to listen to it, you're falling in love with what you want to listen to.

Some.(a few).of my favorite songs.(the ones I remember at this time); not in any particular order of preference, follow on page 2. And, more about Calgary.
