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H o l y  S p i r i t
W h a t  I s  I t ?
Q u e s t i o n s
p a g e  5

-What does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit as it says in Luke 12:10?

"it shall not be forgiven".here means in the original."it won't be disregarded"; that is, an accounting of such imbecilic reasoning will be required. Imbecilic in that few comprehend what the Holy Spirit is and fewer comprehend how it works and few know that the all of everything is the intelligent energy of the Father-Creator.

Perhaps the Creator will say "what is this you say about that which you obviously have so little comprehension of, that of which you, with little thought use as beliefs in your life and interactions with others; do you even know that out of which you have formed opinions?" What are you anyway?

All the Creator does is love. To be in love is to be in the same operating frequency as is the Creator, which means of the same consciousness and what is that?

The purpose of life is to awaken from the hypnotic sleep of life to reality, to awaken from the deceit of our own thinking, for who of us would change when we are sure we're right? And many of us have been so sure we are right when we are later proven to have been so woefully in error. For example the beliefs about the beginning of organisms of life; the beliefs about vaccinations.

One of the worst evils is being so obstinate that one prefers persisting with opinions to which further amendment is deemed  unnecessary. This is being closed-minded.

To impute something as evil that is obviously good, such as the Holy Spirit, leans one into the sphere of insane.delusion.

Usually humans have to go through some trials and sufferings before the Creator becomes real to them:.Malachi 3:2,3;.Psalms 130:3.

In Matthew 12:31,32 and Mark 3:28,29 and Luke 12:10.Emmanuel refers to the Holy Ghost as something not to blaspheme as it wouldn't be forgiven.
