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-Many religious groups talk about the 'trinity', meaning the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are three in One, but I looked up the word trinity and it doesn't occur in the Bible, so just what is the 'trinity'?

You are right. The word 'trinity' does not occur in the Bible. The pivotal verses used by those who believing in the trinity are 1John 5:7,8 and Matthew 28:19.

So, what then is the Holy Spirit, also called the Holy Ghost, one of the three in the trinity? And, who is greater, Emmanuel Christ or the Father or are they equal?.John 14:28. And what about hthe trinity?

It was thought that since Emmanuel and the Father are One.(John 10:30; Deuteronomy 6:4).and it means, one in love; just as we can be one with another and one with God in Christ through love.(John 17:11,22), as the Father, the Silence from which all came, is the greater.(John 10:29).and since these verses in the original seem to indicate that there are three in one, that then the Holy Spirit.(also called Holy Ghost and Holy Nature {an invisible presence of an attitude of love in you}).must be an individual too. But:.John 13:3 "Emmanuel knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God." John 10:30 "I and my Father are one.".Why was the Holy Spirit not mentioned, if it indeed was an individual? And where was the Holy Spirit here?

Is the Holy Spirit the power of the Creator, the Father or is Christ the power of the Creator?.1Corinthians 1:24;.(*)

The Father resurrected Emmanuel; no mention of the Spirit as a personage together with the Father raising Him.(Galatians 1:3).but rather as the Spirit of Him.(that is, of God the Father):.Romans 8:11

Was it the Father in Emmanuel or the Holy Spirit?.John 14:10. Obviously it was the Father by means of His power.

The trinity idea, that of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit being an 'all in one' three persons idea wasn't adopted until some 300 years after the crucifixion and resurrection of Emmanuel. The triad idea was an outcrop of the pagan.concept found in ancient history, where, for example in Egypt the three main Gods were Amun, Ra and Ptah. In Rome we had Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. In Germany they were Wodan, Thor and Fricco. And so on in other countries where paganism was rampant and even earlier with the Israelites, who had many Gods, far exceeding just three.

So what then is the Holy Spirit? It appears to be the 'agency' carrying out decisions of the Father and of Christ, the agency of the energy frequency of love coming from the Father and Christ, similar to us, making a decision to do something and using our energy to accomplish what we had decided to do and our energy enables us to function in an atmosphere of air. Spirit is also akin to air as the original word for spirit is 'pneuma' in the New Testament and 'ruwach' in the Old Testament, both words meaning air.

Once you consider that the multiverse and all in it is one, then our body, mind and human spirit also are this oneness.(there is nothing outside of oneness), once we are able to tune our frequencies correctly.(how?).

The body, mind and spirit of humans also can be considered a 'trinity'. The human spirit is made to be activated spiritually, so it can have an interest in and can comprehend spiritual things. From here it grows in grace and knowledge, knowledge mostly about love, so that the mind can affect the body and change the physical body into pure spirit as progress is made into higher levels of consciousness. For more, see the movies.What If? The Movie.and the new.The Grand Self.movie.

-Does the Creator speak to us through His Son or the Holy Spirit? Hebrews 1:1,2; Hebrews 3:7

-Was Emmanuel's father the Holy Ghost? The Holy Spirit, also called Holy Ghost, is the energy of all that is. The Father is the intelligence that determines how energy is to become

-Is Christ the Comforter or is the Holy Spirit the Comforter?.1John 2:1.(word 'advocate' here is same original as word 'comforter', used to describe the Holy Spirit:.John 14:16,17,26; 15:26; 16:7)

Further evidence that the Holy Spirit is not a personage of any so called trinity. 

Some believe that the Holy Spirit is the Creator, in the sense that it is His nature, His essence, His personality, the power of His thought affecting what He decides upon, the way He deals with things.(1John 4:8,16), just as another person may describe you as a loving kind person; that is, your personality is this way or that way and that this is what you are like, the real you, the essence of what makes you, you.

Supporting the reasoning that the Holy Spirit is as described in the paragraph above; Emmanuel was the Son of God and Mary, His physical mother was found to be pregnant with Emmanuel as caused by the Holy Ghost:.Matthew 1:18,20.

Since the Creator is the Father, it's obvious that the Holy Spirit is the essence of Him, the 'part' of the Creator, the 'agency' of the Creator as it were, the power by which the Creator works.

It's the power of His will in action. Similar to; the power of your will is energy. You decide to lift a box and your energy enables the accomplishment of the objective. Creator's power however, is omnipresent.('present everywhere').and effective everywhere as He decides. The Creator uses His power, the Holy Spirit to sustain the entire multiverse. It's His will prevalent everywhere, but only 'heard' by those wanting to be in tune with the true God of all compassion and creation.

In Ephesians 2:18 the Holy Spirit is referred to as the means of access between us, an access that is always there, an open access to Christ and the Father-Creator, made possible by Christ.

The Holy Spirit can be defined to the best of our comprehension as the Creator's essence, an essence of wholeness, a oneness with God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Christ, a oneness which facilitates Creator-God's will and intention to those open to it:.John 14:10. It's a working of the Creator in one's life. How? It is that which is everywhere present:.John 5:17. The word spirit in the original is 'air', as it's everywhere. All is one.

Just as air is available to all, so is the presence of the Creator. The original words for 'spirit' in both the Old and New Testaments mean 'air', 'wind'. And, the word holy is a wholeness, a wholeness of presence of the Father and like the air, it is everywhere. It's also called holy because it's the Father's nature which is a good nature, the highest consciousness nature there is and one to which we aspire.(*).

Paul would have included the Holy Spirit here if it was applicable:.1Corinthians 8:6

In.Matthew 3:11 Emmanuel refers to the Holy Ghost.(same as Holy Spirit; just that the translators in some places changed the word 'spirit' to 'ghost'; depending on what you think of how they played around with words that tend to confuse people, you can give these ancient educators a clap or a laugh).as something we are baptized into, like a covering, an envelopment, an immersion; but in.Matthew 28:19 He refers to all three; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. 

In.Matthew 12:31 Emmanuel again refers to the Holy Ghost as something not to blaspheme as it would not be forgiven. See the links to find out what it really means.

The context is talking about the Pharisees who were accusing Emmanuel of doing good by using the devil's powers. They saw good, but they attributed it to the prince of all evil, so blind to truth, so closed-minded and corrupt were they. Their religious concepts had split them from God. God is love. They had only concern for themselves.

Emmanuel refers to the power by which He was doing these good deeds and for which they were accusing Him. So He appears to be referring to Himself and the power, the nature, that both He and the Father have, which was readily evident, yet willingly on the part of these Pharisees imputed as coming from the devil:.Matthew 12:24-30

The Holy Ghost inspires us to speak things:.Mark 13:11. The Holy Ghost.(or Holy Spirit).was something that filled Emmanuel:.Luke 1:15.

Just as Emmanuel, also known as the Word, and Father-Creator, also known as the Silence, are one, so it is that we too are in this oneness. All that is, is this oneness of creation. So, the Father-Creator and all the family is of this oneness, which contains operations of the Spirit.(example of operation of the Spirit: Colossians 2:12)..

This Holy Spirit also called Holy Ghost can be likened to the energy of the Father-Creator which permeates everything by means of an invisible grid and forms things according to thought, also called the will of the Creator:.1Peter 2:15; 1Thessalonians 5:18; John 6:38
