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P e a c e
p a g e  6

The Pharisees were far away from the reality of what we all are on Earth for, who showed no love for anything but themselves. They evidenced a lack of compassion and a critical.accusing.attitude of imputing evil to good motives of others.

The mark of a Pharisee is imputing evil intent and source to good motives:.Matthew 12:24.

Your heart may be right in a matter.(how to be sure).and you know that it is, yet others are sure you have ulterior motives.

The mark of a Pharisee involves imposing conditions upon another prior to accepting them; conform or else! Totalitarianism. Like, don't forsake the assembling with the rest of us; become one of us or else you'll be in trouble with us and we'll be against you. Typical of totalitarian thinking causing fear, anything but peaceful.

The mark of a Pharisee and their ilk, is one of hypocrisy:.Matthew 23:24-32.

It is the very antithesis of the love the Creator has, yet is commonplace in many spiritual groups today and if Christian, they may be misappropriating the name of Emmanuel the Christ.
