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Prosperity Plan for All

John 10:10  "...I am come that they'll have life in.super.abundance" Romans 13:10 "Love works no ill to his neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.".What law?.Matthew 22:39.

The plan here fails in support of evil and all its ramifications and amplifies the incentive to love, rather than an incentive to greedily gain the power of money. God doesn't need money. God wants you aligned with Him and therein is your substance, always looked after. We do, because of the societies the world we're in demands it. Demands it because money is used by the satanists, a control tool to keep people in line. And that because they were in control of the world. And that because the people stopped long ago looking to God. And so this criminal world mafia carried on with their subjugation of humans. They had the money. They had the power to enforce their evil will by paying others to keep us in line and in line for their hurtful aganda of eliminating the majority of us. These were the crooked politicians, courts, police, health agencies, banksters, corporations, etc. Thus, they had the guns too. They enforced us with their some 800,000 rules, regulations, codes, concocted laws, etc.

Exodus 20:20.

The need for money and health focuses people's minds on the insecurities of the present and vice versa. One's security really is in the true God, Holy Spirit and Emmanuel the Christ of God along with the promises they made to humanity. What does 'Christ' mean?

People have been conditioned to think of money and its use and some people will compromise any good they had in them and do bad just to get more money. Herein we see many processes having been used which have created hurt and that upon all. People need the confidence of money to step forward in life when they lack Christ:.Romans 11:36; 1Corinthians 8:6; Hebrews 2:10.

Negative issues are experienced with money. Those who have lots of money will, due to most of them being greedy, end up with more control and less spiritualness, if they had any spiritualness to begin with. So, basically the question is, how to prosper the world, without having people again 'snowed under' by others having greater means, both of manipulation toward evil.(uncaring for others).and of money used as in the past toward increasing evil purposes:.1Timothy 6:10,11 "For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee.(get away from).these things and follow after righteousness, Godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness."

If you've found the 'pearl of great price', that it's God that is your sustainer, your concern for money is worthless:.Matthew 13:45,46. God has now given us the 'pearl of great price', a great whole new time for us all thanks to Christ. What great whole new time is this?

Mostly money has been used by those having much of it, for control of whatever the amount of it they have that can be comfortably used for evils. This is not good as history has proven with its financing regimes and so many other negatives, i.e. wars, the DUMBs and tunnels, ad infinitum and etc.

What money does, the same thing can be done without it? But for a while longer in society money will still be used. We are not yet a totally helpful and service to others oriented society.

People could be limited to say 50 items of groceries per week per single adult and a proportionate amount for families. This ensures that everyone has no issues with the basics while providing balance in the system of available supply matching anticipated demand. Fuels for vehicles could also be on a par with that until such time as so-called fossil fuels aren't needed for vehicles.(*). Alternate transportation, such as a bus or taxi would be available free for those to travel who don't have their own transportation.

The idea being, provision of what anyone needs as they travel through their lives, learning knowledge required to progress further in abilities and character quality, including should they choose, the spiritual aspect of what we are all here for in the first place. And that's to move up in consciousness into an even greater world and then on into an even greater one than that:.1Corinthians 2:9.

Financing evil could not occur by ensuring 'all have enough' as most temptations to commit evil crimes come out of desires for money. But we are so focused on what is the norm on this earthly realm and its demand for daily living, that it's hard to 'lift one's head above' that.

'Having more than enough' obviates the need for crime to gain for self, unless of course they are psychopaths. The 'just in time', JIT and kaizen.(continuous improvement), Japanese philosophies have been applied by vehicle and goods makers. This helped balance needs with consumption demands, making a somewhat efficient process according to a guesstimate of demand.

The talk about 'how much is available to get' and 'what humanitarian projects should be promoted' and by whom, becomes irrelevant when each individual has access to what is needed when it's needed. That is occurring, but will take some time to permeate throughout the world.

What matters is ensuring each man and woman has enough for present concerns. More than enough for present daily, weekly or monthly needs provides security. Those of good heart willingly provide. Those still learning the value of contributing efforts for society must be made aware of the spiritual 'carrot at the end of the stick' and what is that?

Stored wealth is just that, stored and doing no good at the present. Available wealth in amounts needed and yet maintaining balance with demands and production capabilities, is key.

If one needs a home and/or vehicle, one has that option on his QPhone.(free and free 'rocket fast' satellite service; soon to be released).and can request what he or she needs to build it or alternately, have it built.

Each individual requesting 6 homes and 6 vehicles or 12 refrigerators for himself or herself, becomes ridiculous. If all did that, the balance in producing supply is interrupted and shortages occur. Needs of others are affected:."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", is based on the golden rule:.Matthew 22:39.

It's the same principle with the hoarders of currencies, oil and so many other things, so they can 'make a profit'. Let's allow all people to be a profit instead, being profitable unto others:.1Timothy 4:8 "...Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come."

Let's get away from the 'biggest pig at the trough gets all the food' mentality, such as bondholders hoping to have way more than they need and for what? Just to have more, more, more, for me, me, me.(because I'm so insecure and unbelieving that the true heavenly Father-God is able to provide {*}).

Those who complain are often those out to upset the balance in their favor, not caring about others. The time worn out method of 'working the system' that society has been brainwashed into, with money being disadvantageous to all, both to those not having the means and to those having money but lacking the ability to see the pathway of life, because of being occupied not with character development for eternal reasons, but with the same concern such people always have had - me, me, me. We need to remove ourselves from mechanisms providing the 'same old' and institute those providing opportunities for moving forward spiritually. Nothing else will take us into the eternal lasting character, but Christ based living.

Guideline here is to provide wealth for all without using the corrupt precipitators societies under tyrannical control have always used, such as the cabal created justice/legal system along with the Birth Certificate scam.

By continuing on with thought processes of the past, placing people into the negative place we now see ourselves in, whether they be wealthy or poor, is to deny the true God opportunity for good things for all humanity. Clearly the cabal money system has contributed to this.
