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If activists and terrorists would contemplate in their meditation time, if they indeed do take time for it, about their sore points of life and their 'jihad'.(holy war on what they believe to be evil, their deeply felt 'work' for 'god').in the light of the work Emmanuel Christ already completed for them, they would come to know the real presence of the Infinite One of the multiverse.

To honor the dead is to carry forward the hope of peace they died with. The key to world peace.

There are always points to what we view as evil, as there are points to that which we consider as being good, but it is still the belief in separation keeping one from the silence of peace that comes from meditation.

Since the beginning of time people have been having conflicts over who is right, who is wrong. This issue is an ego level construct with no winners, except the dark side which is always out for getting humanity to separate from each other in any way it can, today using four main terrorists.

Rather than getting all upset and even angry in attempts by argument to secure change and really, getting nowhere effective very fast, if would be changers would learn to put their energy into that which has been proven effective for change, meditation, then their efforts will yield what is best for all concerned and isn't that what it's all about?

If change inclined activists and terrorists came to understand what God really wants and that He is powerful to ensure all things go as intentions of good people want them to, they would spend time in meditation toward good.

Circumstances can be directed into the way peace:.Acts 5:38,39. But most of the time God allows us to reap some of what we what we have sown.(tempered by our hearts that He sees), so that we all learn.

Terrorists feeling that they are instruments of God to straighten out the evil they see are really not comprehending the role God and His trillions of angels play.(Psalms 59:9; 60:12; 61:3).nor the crucially important part that we individually have in bringing peace.

Nor do they comprehend differences between the old and new covenants as recorded in the Old and New Testaments.

Claiming to be instruments of God doing work in His name in harming and killing others is acting in ignorance of the true invisible reality. See parallel realities.

-One Day We'll All Be Terrorists: The gravest threat we faceA James Pence video - www.hillbillyreport.org is not from Islamic extremists, but the codification of draconian.(harsh, severe).procedures that deny human beings basic civil liberties and due process.

Satanic governments use draconian methods employed secretively in their use of obscurantism. Why else do they meet away from public scrutiny and must approve anything said getting out to the public? Their works are lies and snow jobs.

Only those acting out of love are instruments for good God can use. The true God only works through those who are His equals.and, God is only love.
