are all the children and adults gone who were rescued from the DUMBS
and tunnels and why have they gone?

Valiant Thor
quote from Commander Thor's book Outwitting Tomorrow
and search to see the video
on Commander Thor, by Dr Frank Stranges.
book is listed here. A message from Commander Valiant Thor is
Commander Thor on, NEVER
any vaccines and why.
See Commander Thor's updates
on work he and his light being family are doing to eradicate evil, at Situation
Updates by Judy Byington.
As more people awake, more
light beings are able to come and help.(and
have come), so the cleanup leading
toward GESARA comes quicker.
as more people awaken?
How many Alien Races are
there and what do
they look like?
As they used to say in the
old cowboy and indian movies when a situation seemed hopeless and they
knew help was on its way, "the cavalry
is coming". And they have! From far away.(from
how far away and how did they get here?), light beings are increasingly
coming to Earth to help us in eradicating evil ones who are not even humans,
but are able to shapeshift
to look like them. How many of these
evil ones are there?
How the people get bamboozled
and that mostly by trusting
authorities, which many themselves only appear to be of true humanity.
Remember the 'it's tested, safe and approved' covid vax nonsense and Income
Tax lies to grab your money?
with an article from Ty & Charlene at www.thetruthaboutvaccines.com)
Have you seen
the now former, Prime Ministers of Canada and New Zealand both
saying the same speech. Was it the deep state cabal making sure they
both said what was wanted to be said?
Have you ever
seen the video of the TV anchors all
repeating the same line?
With gas prices
on the rise this past while, "You
don't need us to tell you that gas prices are on the rise" either,
do you? You've GOT to watch the 2 videos above on repeating! It’s almost
like they were reading the same script, isn't it? It is the deep state
controlling these toadies?
Some are robots.
Also, do you
remember back in 2013 when KTVU television station in San Francisco fired
three producers after they published a series of 'fake names' of the pilots
on-board the crashed Asiana 214 flight?
The TV
anchorwoman read the (made up) names on the teleprompter:
"Captain Sum
Ting Wong"
"We Tu Lo"
"Bang Ding
And they were
'LIVE' on the air! No, we're not making this stuff up!
Why do we mention
this? Because it perfectly illustrates that TV anchors are really not 'journalists'.
They are basically teleprompter readers disguised as reporters, non thinking
robot extensions of a teleprompter.
But what if
information on the teleprompter were monumental myths? What if the 'official
stories' about current events were just… well… made up?
If you are
a truth seeker, then see the Monumental
Myths book.
Amendments to
Manual for Courts-Martial
manual is here)
AOR (Affidavit
of Repudiation; click pic for info)