#focused_on_the_father .
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Tags like this are a churchly systems approach. Someone at some time in the past started it. It sounded ok. So it continued. 

If you think others may be offended.(1Corinthians 10:32; 9:19-22).and think you odd for not adding this tag to a prayer you say such as at a meal when someone asks you to pray, then add it! Ain't gonna hurt no one!

-I had to pray about it when I got upset and felt offended when I sensed a fellow worker was thinking sexual thoughts and was touching me, even though it wasn't in a sexual place. I felt he was 'coming on to me'.

-Do we pray to the Father or Christ? 1John 2:23

We call on the Father:.1Peter 1:17. The Father begets us:.1Peter 1:3; Hebrews 1:5. We are His children. All Christ did focused on the Father:.John 5:19; 17:6-26; 10:18.

-How earnestly are we to pray?.James 5:17?

James 5:17 "Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly.(word 'earnestly' not in original Greek).that it might not rain and it rained not on the Earth by the space of three years and six months."

Pray and live from your heart that which is good, meaning, being sincere, that is, no ulterior.motive, that is, what you think and do must match.."If you cannot honestly trust what you say, if you cannot say that what you feel in your heart matches what you speak and if your action does not match what you have in your mind, how is it possible that you can ask the body to work with you? To be sincere means, whatever you do, act with your heart and your mind 100 percent. Sincerity is whatever you think and whatever you do matches and with that comes insight."....Ven Lama Dondrup Dorje. Always call on God out of a sincere heart.(*), that is, what you are saying to God is sincere.

Isaiah 63:8 "For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie, so he was their Saviour."

Act from your own good convictions. Why the good ones?

Be single minded.(but what if I know my heart is not so good?):.Matthew 7:14. How to be single minded? Think about what you are saying while you are saying it and by realizing that this is important time for you:.Philippians 4:6.

The Pharisees made meaningless prayers for the sake of appearing sincerely religious to others. The word 'earnestly' is not in the original. Just pray, meditate, contemplate and study spiritual things, such as the.Bible. That is all. The 'effective' and 'fervent' prayer.('effective' and 'fervent' in the original means the same and that is 'work').is a prayer that you want to be effective. 

-How do we."draw near to God"?.James 4:8

One draws near.(original Greek is 'comes near').to the Creator when he knows that because he has accepted the righteousness of Emmanuel the Christ, he is accepted and approved of God and God is pleased with Him:.Hebrews 10:22

It is all in what one thinks because, the nature of love of the Great Infinite One is already in you and one with you and just that close, nearer than breathing and closer than hands or feet. 

But if you feel that He is displeased with you, you will not be able to 'see' Him and allow that closeness to have any effect upon you. We all would rather stay away from anyone whom we feel may be displeased with us. And who wants to be close to someone who may send us to hell, as many religious people erroneously believe. 

It is through a "better hope".(Christ and what He made possible for us:.Hebrews 7:19).that we can be confident of closeness with God:.Ephesians 3:12. This gives that closeness effect.(1Thessalonians 2:13).in our hearts and consequently brings forth the promises in our lives. 

By thinking about Christ.(for through Him we have access to the Father:.Romans 11:36; 5:1,2).we can become involved in an increasingly intimate relationship with the Father.

As we pray about things while they are occurring we walk.(and talk).with God; we involve God in what we think and do.

If you don't talk to God, He'll assume you are not interested in His involvement. See the example of Jabez.
   Ephesians 5:1 "Be you therefore followers of God, as dear children."

-Our church talks a lot about group and individual intercessory prayer. This makes me feel like my prayers aren't quite good enough the way they were, although I never heard any complaints from God. By intercessory prayer I mean that they say we are in a spiritual battle with the devil and God's people must pray to get the demons' hands off society so the word of God can have free course and affect others for good. I am concerned for others, but I am in two minds about how they are approaching it.

That kind of puts the devil in charge of God calling people. Are we saying that God would let the world go to "hell" if His people didn't have intercessory prayer? Does God love the world that little? Does their salvation depend upon whether or not we have intercessory prayer or anything else for that matter, or upon the finished work of Christ? Are we trying to do Christ's finished work all over again? Are we saying that the devil has gained more evil than God has good? Is Christ incapable of doing what He said He would? Do we really know what our works should be?

But, should we pray for others? Yes!
   Should we pray for departed ones? Yes!

The word 'intercessor' appears only once and that in the Old Testament where it means 'to meet someone'. The same root is also translated 'intercession' and occurs 4 times in the Old Testament. The words 'intercessory prayer' do not occur at all in the Bible. 

In Isaiah 53:12 it refers to Christ making intercession for the transgressors, which He accomplished at the cross. He is the intercessor for the saints:.Romans 8:27,34; Hebrews 7:25.
