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Q u e s t i o n s  W e  M a y  H a v e
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What about Isaiah 66:23 indicating the Sabbath Day will be kept again in the Kingdom of God on Earth?

The verse is emphasizing that all the time, people will then be thankful for what God has done in ridding the multiverse of the evils that have plagued it since humanity was created, not because humanity was created, but because the dark side beings were right there to pervert anything created perfect by God. And they did. Sentient beings have free choice, the first commandment of all.

The word 'Sabbath' here can mean 'sabbath', 'sabbath year', 'day of atonement', 'week' or 'produce'. It simply means to take time for God. Note that the verse says.'...from one new moon to another.(or, during the month).and from one sabbath to another.(or, during the week), shall all flesh come to worship before me.(Isaiah 11:9)...'.It's talking about the time of the kingdom of God over all the Earth, which time has now begun:.Matthew 13:31,32.

Zechariah 14:9 "And the Lord shall be king over all the Earth. In that day shall there be one Lord and his name one."

The verse is an expression of a passing of time by rest. In the Kingdom of God, also called Kingdom of Heaven, a kingdom of spirits of those who have moved in their minds from the hard life produced by living at the low consciousness ego level, to the spiritual rest in the higher consciousness level. They are always at rest:.Hebrews 4:3 "For we which have believed do enter into rest..."; 4:9,10 "There remains therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works..." Isaiah 30:15 "...In returning and rest shall you be saved...".Are you doing daily meditation?

Both the phrases "from one new moon to another" and "from one sabbath to another" refer to the passing of time, here meaning eventually more and more people will come to worship God.

If the sabbath part supposedly refers to its being kept, so would the other part about the moon:.Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:3; Jeremiah 8:2. The first part of this verse refers obviously to a period of time.("from one new moon to another").and so does the last part; that meaning "from one sabbath to another", being also a period of time and an allegorical saying, talking of a state of existence when people will be aware of and give attention to God....

The Mosaic Law's Sabbath Day was part of the Mosaic Law with its over 600 rules and regulations, sacrifices, etc.

Christ's sacrifice will be recognized as having replaced those of this old covenant. In principle there are many good things we can learn from the Old Testament law when we decide to follow the things that are good and in this, your inner guidance.obviates the need for a huge burdensome law, that is, if you are looking to inner guidance. If not, your life will exhibit.waywardness, making it subject to being controlled by an even more cumbersome law than that of the Old Testament, such as we have today.imposed upon us by the evil cabal.

All things culminate in Him, including the purpose of the old covenant:.Hebrews 2:8; Colossians 1:20. God has His ways of relation with man at different times as he sees fitting and proper. Use the abilities regarding insight that God gave you and your life overall goes much better. Learn to listen to prompts from God....

This age for us now is a special age, the pressure cooker of our lives, provided by the dark side's influence, mostly upon our ego. This pressure cooker can be used to learn and grow spiritually. It's a tool for our lives with a way back to God made for us.

Personal spiritual development does not stop with death as it always continues at all times. However, the presence of the physical body enhances spiritual growth of one's soul. That's why we have a physical body. Although there's no time in the next step one goes into after passing from Earth, growing spiritually now is where the initial rewards are to be had.

With God's help, growing spiritually can be easy on us:.Matthew 11:28-30. Life can be still seem like we're in a pressure cooker with life's so many experiences for learning, but that only for overall, what will seem like such a short time and for a good reason:.1Peter 1:7.

With God, time is unimportant as it's different for God than for us. God could have kept human lives long as they were.(Genesis 5:32).at the beginning of humanity. But why prolong the agonies that come along in life if the same result can be achieved in a shorter time for humans? It's easier on them. I mean, knowing what we now know, would you want to live a human life for around a few hundred to a thousand years or more as these people did at humanity's beginning?

As an example, note the lineageof Shem.(Genesis 11:10-25). Shem, Ham and Japheth were the sons of Noah.

Our 'sabbath' or rest, in this age is in Him, not necessarily on some particular day of the week:.Hebrews 4:3; Romans 14:5

In other ages Christians had much physical persecution to deal with:.2Timothy 3:12. In this age we have the opportunity to deal with ourselves.(*).as few in past ages could afford time to and/or had the mind to.

Those under grace in any age who accept Christ are promised a great reward. Relating to God through physical obedience is not accepting His grace into your heart.

In Old Testament times it was physical blessings for physical obedience. The spiritual sonship opportunity was not open to them. Their hearts could not accept it. It was not God's time for that to be available for them.(Deuteronomy 5:29; Revelation 21:1-6).enabling them to attain eternal life as a spiritual being, being a member of the God family

Comprised with Easton's Bible Dictionary:."Hebrew verb 'shabbath', meaning "to rest from labor", the day of rest. It is first mentioned as having been instituted, in.Genesis 2:2. Mark 2:27 "The sabbath was made for man...", made as a day of rest and refreshment for the body and of blessing to the soul.

"It is next referred to in connection with the gift of manna to the children of Israel in the wilderness.(Exodus 16:23).and afterwards, when the law was given from Sinai.(Genesis 20:11), the people were solemnly charged to."remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." Thus it is spoken of as an institution already existing.

"In the Mosaic law strict regulations were laid down regarding its observance:.Exodus 35:2,3; Leviticus 23:3; 26:34. These were peculiar to that dispensation

"Frequent references are made to the sanctity of the Sabbath:.Isaiah 56:2,4,6,7; 58:13,14; Jeremiah 17:20-22; Nehemiah 13:19. In later times they perverted the Sabbath by their traditions. Christ rescued it from their perversions and recalled to them its true nature and intent.(Matthew 12:10-13; Mark 2:27; Luke 13:10-17).

"Originally at creation the seventh day of the week was set apart and consecrated as the Sabbath.....We know for a fact that the first day of the week.(Sunday).has been observed from apostolic times.....After His resurrection, which took place on the first day of the week.(Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1), we never find Christ meeting with his disciples on the seventh day..... manifesting himself to them on four separate occasions:.Matthew 28:9; Luke 24:18-34; John 20:19-23. Again, on the next first day of the week, Emmanuel appeared to his disciples:.John 20:26.

"Some have calculated that Christ's ascension also took place on the first day of the week."

"It is possible to be a sage in some things and a child in others, to be at once ferocious and retarded, shrewd and foolish, serene and irritable."....Walter Lippmann. Why?