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the act or process of reclaiming (reclamation is the process of unsuitable land for farming and building being changed into useful land); a restoration; from Middle English 'reclamacion' from Old French 'reclamation' which is from Latin 'reclamatio', meaning 'a cry of opposition' and 'to exclaim against'

reclaim, reclaimed, reclaiming, reclaims.transitive verbs
to bring into or return to a suitable.condition for use, as cultivation or habitation (reclaim marshlands; reclaim strip-mined land); to procure usable substances from refuse or waste products (recycling)
reclaimant or reclaimer.noun,.plural.reclaimants or reclaimers

Rosetta stone.proper noun
a stone slab, found in 1799 near Rosetta, Egypt bearing parallel inscriptions in Greek, Egyptian.hieroglyphic and demotic.characters, making possible the decipherment of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics; an inscription of a black basalt stone (a black volcanic rock with a glassy appearance) gave first clue to decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics

redesign, redesigned, redesigning, redesigns.transitive verbs
to make a revision in the appearance or function of

reduplicate, reduplicated, reduplicating, reduplicates.verbs
transitive verb use.to duplicate again; to repeat
intransitive verb use.to be doubled
something doubled (they now have two vehicles)

redact, redacted, redacting, redacts.transitive verbs
to edit or revise; from Middle English 'redacten' and from Latin 'redigere' meaning 'to drive back' 

a steel.rod with ridges for use in reinforcing.concrete, often used in driveways, sidewalks and to strengthen concrete used in high rise buildings construction

rattan furniture is made from the woven strips of stems of a plant which grows in South East Asia as in Malaysia; a light airy room set with cloth covered tables and rattan chairs; rattan has long, tough, slender stems used to make wickerwork, canes and furniture