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Asia Minor.(map)
a peninsula of western Asia between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Seat, generally.contiguous with Asian Turkey and is usually considered synonymous with Anatolia, the Asian part of Turkey

in law, a written declaration made under oath before a notary public or other authorized individual

Akkad.also spelt.Accad.(map)
an ancient region of Mesopotamia occupying the northern part of Babylonia, (Babylonia and Assyria are often used synonymously) reaching the height of its power in the third millennium B.C.E. in the era of the Sumerians;.Agade.was one of the ancient cities of Mesopotamia and capital of the Akkadian empire
Accadian, also spelt Akkadian.noun,.plural.Accadians
an extinct.Semitic language of ancient Mesopotamia; a Semitic inhabitant of central Mesopotamia before B.C.E. 2000 

announce, announced, announcing, announces.verbs
transitive verb use.to make known publicly; to proclaim the presence or arrival of; to provide an indication of beforehand; foretell (the invention of the microchip announced a new generation of computers); to serve as an announcer for (announce a football game on TV)
intransitive verb use.to declare one's candidacy (candidates for leading the team are now being considered); to serve as an announcer
the act of announcing; an announcement; a proclamation (the angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary of the Incarnation); an annual celebration of this event on March 25
the act of making known publicly; something announced; an engravedor printed statement or notice, as of a wedding or a relocation
one that announces, such as a radio or television employee who provides program continuity, delivers announcements or gives running comments on sports events (a sports or news announcer providing.information for public.consumption)

at or to the front or head; in advance; before (pay ahead and you'll receive a discount); in or into the future; for the future (planned ahead); in an advanced position or a configuration (set the clock ahead; moved the appointment ahead, from Tuesday to Monday); in a forward direction; onward (the train moved ahead slowly); in or into a more advantageous position (she was at the point in her life to move ahead)

an ancient town of Phrygia, which today is called Turkey, north of present-day Antalya, Turkey, which was a center of Hellenistic influence during the time relating to postclassical Greek history and culture from the death of Alexander the Great to the accession of Augustus. Antioch (map) was visited by Paul; the map.

being.apart from others; solitary; being without anyone or anything else; only; separate from others; unique
without others (sang alone while the choir listened); without help (carried the suitcases alone; the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone)

a unit of area used in land and sea floor measuring 4840 square yards or 4047 square metres (the property is set in two acres of land, so there's lots of room for gardening to grow your own food); a lineal yard has 3 feet
an area of land measured in acres

a sudden.fear.caused by the realization of danger; a warning of existing or approaching danger; alarm is a feeling of fear or anxiety that something.unpleasant or dangerous might happen (the news that the wildfire was encroaching was greeted with alarm; an alarm is also an electrical, electronic or mechanical device that serves to warn of danger by means of a sound or signal; the sounding mechanism of an alarm clock (she heard the alarm go off)
alarm, alarmed, alarming, alarms.transitive verbs
to fill with alarm; frighten; to give warning to; if something alarms you, it makes you afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen (something alarmed the sleeping elephant); consternation

forgiveness, especially for political offenses
amnesty, amnestied, amnestying, amnesties.transitive verbs
to grant a general pardon to

a high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens, foods or microorganisms; common indications of allergy may include sneezing, itching and skin rashes
of, characterized by or caused by an allergy (an allergic reaction to airborne pollen)
a substance, such as.pollen and similar.in effect.particulates; an increasing number of persons react.negatively to them, leading many health practitioners to research causative.factors which affect.immune system.suppression such as exposure to toxins including heavy metals, vaccinations, genetically modified food, aerosol spraying of skies, often called chemtrails as well as the spraying of toxicants on food that are also breathed in by humans
a physician specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies

a gaseous.suspension of fine solid particles or particles in liquid; a substance, such as paint, a detergent or one of the 'cides', packaged under pressure with a gaseous.propelant for release as a spray of fine particles (hand me the can of olive oil spray please)

in or into a high place; high or higher up; something that is aloft is in the air or off the ground (finally we got a little wind and it took the kites aloft)
on or above (birds perching aloft telephone wires)

slightly short of; not quite; nearly (almost time to go; almost asleep; almost finished)

entirely; completely; utterly (lost the TV picture altogether; an altogether new approach); with all included or counted; together; all told (there were altogether 20 people at the dinner); on the whole; with everything considered (altogether, it was a wonderful vacation); you use altogether to emphasize that something has stopped, been done or finished completely (when Artie stopped calling altogether, Julie found a new man; the tour may have to be canceled altogether); you use altogether in front of an adjective or adverb to emphasize a quality that someone or something has (today's celebrations have been altogether more sedate); you use altogether to modify a negative.statement and make it less forceful (we were not altogether sure that everyone would come); you can use altogether to introduce a summary of what you have been saying (altogether, it was a delightful town garden, peaceful and secluded); if several amounts add up to a particular amount altogether, that amount is their total (altogether the four bottle drives brought in a little under four hundred dollars)
Usage note:.the word 'altogether' should be distinguished from 'all together', because 'all together' is used of a group to indicate that its members performed or underwent an action collectively (the people stood all together looking up at the fireworks display; the sheep were herded all together); the two words 'all together' can be used only if it is possible to rephrase the sentence so that 'all' and 'together' may be separated by other words (the books lay all together in a heap; all the books lay together in a heap); 'altogether' is a word meaning an agglomeration and as such should be used only when the sense could be expressed by entirely or completely; see more Usage notes

a instinctive physical desire, especially one for food or drink; a strong wish or urge (an appetite for learning)
appealing to or stimulating the appetite
a food or drink served usually before a meal to stimulate the appetite, necessary for some peoples stomachs (when she reached the age of 40, she would drink just a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar before dinner which boosted her digestive juices, enabling her to get increased nutrition from her food; at the party canapés were served as appetizers)
a liqueur taken as an appetizer before a meal

attracting and holding the attention; striking (she was arrestingly attractive); noticeably.ravishing
arrest, arrested, arresting, arrests.verbs
transitive verb use.to stop; check (a brake that automatically arrests motion); to seize and hold under the authority of law
the act of detaining in legal.custody (the arrest of a criminal suspect); the state of being so detained (a criminal under arrest); a device for stopping motion, especially of a moving part
welcome to English, also spelt arrestor (go figure) and more examples
(the suspect is now under arrestment)