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XRP (X = whatever bank is Reporting Payment in real time) for large purchases and interbank transfers of huge amounts, whereas, XLM is similar, but for smaller amounts. They both note currency type and amounts and where and who it is going to. 
XRPL has to do with the ledger.

XRP was made to settle funds out of a pool. It has a liquidity function to do that. XRP allows newly qualified banks to dip in and out of this pool, that is, dip into one pool of currency and place it into another currency at the same value. XRP is an exchange token, say dollars to ruples, ruples to dollars, etc. And this is done in 3 to 5 seconds. XRP is, changes behind the scenes, nothing changes for the individual regularly using his debit card for a purchase. XRP can determine what currency you get paid in. XRP in an electronic ledger enables everything to be traced, for example, your house will now have a token, an electronic note, with all its history on it. XRP verifies so you can purchase a home with your money, which is both held in escrow and where a transaction is completed instantly worldwide. More on it from Charlie: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tzNhUHEdLA54/

yap, yapped, yapping, yaps.verbs
intransitive verb use.to speak quickly, sharply and shrilly; to talk so quickly it's difficult to obtain meaning from the verbiage; noisily or stupidly; jabber
transitive verb use.to utter by yapping
a quick sharp, shrill.bark; a yelp, as from a dog when its tail is stepped on
to bark a lot, making a high, sharp and usually irritating sound (the untrained dogs yapped at his heels (yapping dogs); to talk in a silly, noisy and usually irritating way, such as people feeling nervous often do

a continuous strand of twisted threads of natural or synthetic.material, such as wool or nylon, used in weaving or knitting

an entertaining.tale; a long, often elaborate.narrative of real or fictitious.adventures
yarn, yarned, yarning, yarns.intransitive verbs
to tell an entertaining tale or series of tales (grandpa's in the back yard yarning to the grandchildren about his early adventures in life)

a unit of length equal to 3 feet or 36 inches (0.9144 meter); 
a yard is also a piece of land next to someone's house with grass and plants growing in it (dad dug a hole in our yard to plant a maple tree when I was born); an area where railroad trains are made up and their rail cars are switched, stored and serviced on tracks and sidings (the rail yards); an enclosed tract of ground in which animals, such as chickens are kept; Middle English 'yerde' meaning 'stick' used back then for a unit of measure, from Old English 'gerd'
yard, yards, yarded, yarding.verbs
transitive verb use.to enclose, collect or put into or as if into a yard
intransitive verb use.to be gathered into or as if into a yard

Yiddish.proper noun
the language historically of Ashkenazic people of Central and Eastern Europe, who called themselves Jews, resulting from a fusion of elements derived principally from medieval German dialects and secondarily from Hebrew and Aramaic, various Slavic languages and Old French and Old Italian; Yiddish is a language which comes mainly from German and is spoken by many people of European origin and by those Khazarians, known for their avarice, lies and cruelty

a toy consisting of a flattened spool wound with string that is spun down from and reeled up to the hand by motions of the wrist; one that undergoes frequent abrupt shifts or reversals, as of opinion or emotion; a vacillator (for whatever reason they may have had, they first they decided to go on holiday there, then changed to another destination, then changed again to yet another place, then these yo-yos decided not to leave at all)
yo-yo, yo-yoed, yo-yoing, yo-yos.intransitive verbs
to undergo frequent abrupt shifts or reversals, as of opinion or emotion; vacillate

any of various sailing or motor-driven vessels, that one could say had smart, stylish, fashionable, elegant and graceful lines; a sailing ship generally used for pleasure cruises or racing; a large boat with a sail or sails, used for pleasure or sport, especially one that has a place where you can sleep; a sailing boat; sailboat
yacht, yachted, yachting, yachts.intransitive verbs
to sail, cruise or race in a yacht; date 1500-1600 A.D. early modern Dutch 'jaght' from Middle Low German 'jachtschiff' meaning 'hunting ship'

yeast is a kind of fungus which is used to make bread rise, and in making alcoholic drinks such as beer

you, ye, you'd.pronoun
used to refer to the one or ones being addressed (I'll lend you the book; you shouldn't work so hard; does she telephone you from time to time? you can't win them all)
you'd is the abbreviation of the usual spoken form of 'you had' and 'you would' (with your hair and your beautiful skin, you'd look good in red and other bright colors)

an imaginary area in the sky, some people believe affects their lives; an area those same people believe the sun, moon and planets appear to travel through; referred to in astronomy as a band of the celestial.sphere extending about 8° (eight degrees) to either side of the ecliptic that represents the path of the principal.planets, the moon and the sun; in astrology, this band is divided into 12 equal parts called signs, each 30° wide, bearing the name of a constellation for which it was originally named but with which it no longer coincides.owing to.the.precession of the equinoxes;  a diagram or figure representing the zodiac; a complete circuit; a circle; the zodiac is used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars throughout the year and is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol used to try to calculate the influence of the planets, especially on someone's life; their are twelve signs of the zodiac, but there used to be 13 parts, until the cabal, way back when, removed the one called Afigicus
the zodiac is a diagram
